Jesse Ventura talks about Obama's Nobel Peace Prize and the Wars Former Governor Jesse Ventura talks with Alex Jones about his upcoming truTV show 'Conspiracy Theories' and his take on current events. In the first part of this interview, Ventura discusses the controversial awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, which he suggests lost its luster now-advisor-to-Obama Henry Kissinger won the prize amidst his secret bombing campaign against Cambodia and the escalating war in Vietnam. Truly War is now 'Peace.' Ventura also says he would have ended the wars and bring all the troops home from around the world, instead of mulling over a troop increase in Afghanistan (and meanwhile bombing Pakistan). Why neither Obama, McCain or any other figure from the Two Parties can never deliver good government or peace, Ventura says, is because both sides serve-- systematically-- their PARTY and never our country. IN PART TWO of the interview, Jesse and Alex discuss Obama's falling poll numbers, something Ventura points out he experienced as Governor of Minnesota, but wasn't too bothered by- a function, he believes, of widespread disatisfaction with single issues, and general partisanship. Ventura criticizes the Republican National Convention in Minnesota during the 2008 election cycle which, much like the DNC in Denver, put in place a 'martial law'-like police state, including storm troopers and razor wire to control dissent, and forcing attendees to go through massive security just to attend the event. By <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 7:04
Photos for video Jesse Ventura talks about Obama's Nobel Peace Prize and the Wars
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