Showing posts with label Democrats against obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats against obama. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Vlog#7-Обама и конец света

Vlog#7-Обама и конец светаВ этом видео я расскажу о выборах в Америке 2012 и про конец света. Подписывайтесь,ставьте лайк,пишите комментарии и ждите новые видео. Свои вопросы вы можете отправлять по этому адресу:
Author: SevaFilippovVEVO
Duration: 6:53

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Vlog#7-Обама и конец света
Video Vlog#7-Обама и конец света Vlog#7-Обама и конец света Vlog#7-Обама и конец света

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Discours de victoire de Barack Obama Elections 2012 / Barack Obama victory speech 2012 elections

Discours de victoire de Barack Obama Elections 2012 / Barack Obama victory speech 2012 electionsBonjour
Author: Julien Panero
Duration: 21:48

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Discours de victoire de Barack Obama Elections 2012 / Barack Obama victory speech 2012 elections
Video Discours de victoire de Barack Obama Elections 2012 / Barack Obama victory speech 2012 elections Discours de victoire de Barack Obama Elections 2012 / Barack Obama victory speech 2012 elections Discours de victoire de Barack Obama Elections 2012 / Barack Obama victory speech 2012 elections

Friday, September 14, 2012

What Does Not Equal The USA

What Does Not Equal The USA"If you're angry at Bush I get it because we elected him in a democracy, kind of, but listen he was President twice, and so if President Bush attacks Iraq and you say he equals the USA I think that's a fair point. Now look he doesn't because at this point 70% of Americans don't like Bush but none the less you could say Bush equals USA. You could say President Obama elected in your democracy he does drone strikes, we don't like the drone strikes, but Obama equals America. You can say that I get it. But here's what you can't say..." Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks. Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here:
Author: TheYoungTurks
Duration: 3:44

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What Does Not Equal The USA
Video What Does Not Equal The USA What Does Not Equal The USA What Does Not Equal The USA

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Speech that Made Obama President

The Speech that Made Obama PresidentIn 2004, a one-term senator from Illinois took the stage to deliver the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. By the time Barack Obama had finished speaking, Democrats across the country knew they had seen the future of their party. Political speech experts featured in this episode include: Michael A. Cohen Author, Live From The Campaign Trail Mario Cuomo Former Governor of New York Robert Lehrman Chief Speechwriter for Vice President Gore and Professor of Speechwriting, American University Charlton McIlwain Professor of Communication, New York University Jeff Shesol Speechwriter for President Clinton and Founding Partner, West Wing Writers PODIUM is a bi-weekly series that embraces the art of public speaking and honors those with something to say. From historic political speeches, to contemporary commencement addresses, to wedding toasts, the series explores various genres of speechmaking and provides inspiring, insightful analysis including "how-to" content. Created and produced by, THNKR gives you extraordinary access to the people, stories, places and thinking that will change your mind. Follow @THNKR on Twitter for the latest! Like us on Facebook: Check out what we're into on Tumblr:
Author: thnkrtv
Duration: 6:13

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The Speech that Made Obama President
Video The Speech that Made Obama President The Speech that Made Obama President The Speech that Made Obama President

Sunday, May 20, 2012

We're in The Greatest Crisis of Our Time! Lyndon LaRouche Warns America

We're in The Greatest Crisis of Our Time! Lyndon LaRouche Warns AmericaOn the Monday, May 21 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with former presidential candidate and political theorist Lyndon LaRouche. Mr. LaRouche and Alex talk about Rep. Walter B. Jones' resolution warning Obama that he faces impeachment for repeatedly violating Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution as he wages illegal wars for the global elite.
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 17:57

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We're in The Greatest Crisis of Our Time! Lyndon LaRouche Warns America
Video We're in The Greatest Crisis of Our Time! Lyndon LaRouche Warns America We're in The Greatest Crisis of Our Time! Lyndon LaRouche Warns America We're in The Greatest Crisis of Our Time! Lyndon LaRouche Warns America

Friday, January 6, 2012

Iowa Caucus Reeks of Voting Fraud, Obama Cheered as Dictator & More: Paul Watson Reports

Iowa Caucus Reeks of Voting Fraud, Obama Cheered as Dictator & More: Paul Watson ReportsIn the news segment, Paul Joseph Watson, co-host and chief editor for, discussing how Americans are cheering President Obama's intentions to bypass Congress in order to push forward his agenda through executive fiat. A video compilation shows that not only is Obama undertaking this unconstitutional action, but he is a serial offender! Further, Watson covers the latest round of Iranian wargames, now set to coincide with a US and Israeli run drill, giving on-lookers reason for pause and creating fears that such 'exercises' could well provoke all out war. The confrontation leaves the door wide open for a false flag provocation, something former Vice President Cheney reportedly proposed during the Bush administration to kick start the Iran war. Meanwhile, temporary euphoria over a spike in job numbers proves to be more smoke and mirrors, and indeed, to be just that-- temporary. Zero Hedge documents how Morgan Stanley's David Greenlaw has reported that 42000 of the 200000 jobs is basically a seasonal quirk, that will soon go away, leaving only 158000 as expected. On the 2012 campaign front, the media has predictably turned back to attacking Ron Paul after his strong showing in Iowa, with George Soros-arm Media Matters trying to sink him by associating him with none other than Alex Jones. Before launching a kitchen-sink list of conspiracy theories, Media Matters tabulates that "Paul has appeared on Jones' radio program at least thirteen times since the <b>...</b>
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 12:06

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Iowa Caucus Reeks of Voting Fraud, Obama Cheered as Dictator & More: Paul Watson Reports
Video Iowa Caucus Reeks of Voting Fraud, Obama Cheered as Dictator & More: Paul Watson Reports Iowa Caucus Reeks of Voting Fraud, Obama Cheered as Dictator & More: Paul Watson Reports Iowa Caucus Reeks of Voting Fraud, Obama Cheered as Dictator & More: Paul Watson Reports

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is the US empire too expensive?

Is the US empire too expensive?he reality of defense spending continues to upset many Americans and they feel that money should be used for issues at home. Debt looms over the country, but billions and billions continue to flow into defense spending. Can the US afford to dramatically cut on defense spending? Douglas Macgregor, a retired Colonel of the US army, tells us how this could be dangerous to America. Follow Lauren on Twitter:
Author: RTAmerica
Duration: 9:39

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Is the US empire too expensive?
Video Is the US empire too expensive? Is the US empire too expensive? Is the US empire too expensive?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Alex Breaks Down The Bizarre CIA Ties to Ground Zero Mosque on Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 6/6

Alex Breaks Down The Bizarre CIA Ties to Ground Zero Mosque on Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 6/
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 13:22

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Alex Breaks Down The Bizarre CIA Ties to Ground Zero Mosque on Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 6/6
Video Alex Breaks Down The Bizarre CIA Ties to Ground Zero Mosque on Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 6/6 Alex Breaks Down The Bizarre CIA Ties to Ground Zero Mosque on Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 6/6 Alex Breaks Down The Bizarre CIA Ties to Ground Zero Mosque on Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 6/6

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Riz Khan: Reviewing Obama's Cairo Commitment - Part Two

Riz Khan: Reviewing Obama's Cairo Commitment - Part TwoOne year after his speech in Cairo promising to repair ties with Islamic nations, has Barack Obama kept his word? The US President pledged to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world "one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect." Trying to distance himself from his predecessor George W. Bush, Obama said it was time to end the mutual mistrust and suspicion. He said the US had made mistakes in Iraq and renewed Washington's calls for a two-state solution in the Middle East saying: "America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own." But on the first anniversary of that speech, many Muslims say Obama has not only failed to honour his promises, but in certain respects has continued the policies of George W. Bush. They point to his increasingly stern language against Iran over its nuclear programme, the White House's refusal to join the broader global condemnation of Israel's attack on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and the intensified drone attacks in Pakistan as some of the reasons. His supporters argue Obama has succeeded in reaching out to the Muslim world but must be given more time to carry out his policies. On Thursday's show we ask: "Has Obama has succeeded in changing the tone of US engagement towards Islamic nations... or has he defaulted on his Cairo commitment?" Joining the show will be Rashad Hussain, President Obama's special envoy to the Organization <b>...</b>
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Duration: 10:38

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Riz Khan: Reviewing Obama's Cairo Commitment - Part Two
Video Riz Khan: Reviewing Obama's Cairo Commitment - Part Two Riz Khan: Reviewing Obama's Cairo Commitment - Part Two Riz Khan: Reviewing Obama's Cairo Commitment - Part Two

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Inside Story - China questions the dollar's value - 26 Mar 09 - Part 2

Inside Story - China questions the dollar's value - 26 Mar 09 - Part 2Days before the G20 financial summit in London, Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People's Bank of China, called for a new currency to eventually replace the US dollar. The dollar, which was made the reserve currency after World War II, has come under increased pressure of late. Barack Obama, the US president, cast doubt upon calls by senior Chinese authorities for the creation of a new global currency to replace the dollar as the standard bearer for the world.
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Duration: 10:14

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Inside Story - China questions the dollar's value - 26 Mar 09 - Part 2
Video Inside Story - China questions the dollar's value - 26 Mar 09 - Part 2 Inside Story - China questions the dollar's value - 26 Mar 09 - Part 2 Inside Story - China questions the dollar's value - 26 Mar 09 - Part 2

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Shontelle - Battle Cry - [Obama Tribute] Music Video (HQ)

Shontelle - Battle Cry - [Obama Tribute] Music Video (HQ) Your #1 Spot for everything on the beautiful and talented Shontelle Layne! Shontelle's new music video for her single "Battle Cry" off her album Shontelligence, in stores now! "Battle Cry" is the second single released by Bajan singer Shontelle from her album Shontelligence. It is the second official US single following the release of "T-Shirt" which peaked at #36 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. "Battle Cry" was also featured on the Barack Obama compilation album Yes We Can Voices of a Grassroots. Shontelle's Official Pages http ©2008 SRC / Universal Motown Records
Author: ShontelleOnline
Duration: 3:36

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Shontelle - Battle Cry - [Obama Tribute] Music Video (HQ)
Video Shontelle - Battle Cry - [Obama Tribute] Music Video (HQ) Shontelle - Battle Cry - [Obama Tribute] Music Video (HQ) Shontelle - Battle Cry - [Obama Tribute] Music Video (HQ)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millionsIn 1969, Weather Underground founders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (who were to become Pres. Obama's personal friends and associates for many years) put Charles Manson on the cover of their occasional newspaper, "Fire". At what was billed as a "War Council" in Flint Michigan that same year, Ayers and his comrades took to greeting eachother with "the fork" - three fingers pointed upwards, in honor of Manson. (Google Dohrn's Flint conference quote on Manson - and Sharon Tate, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant at the time.) In 1972 Ayers dedicated the WU's manifesto, "Prairie Fire", to his cultural and political heroes -- a list which included Sen. Robert Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan. Throughout their career as terrorist bombers, Ayers and Dohrn were constantly trying to break the Left free of its "bourgeois" commitment to any standard of justice or decency. By adopting Charles Manson as their own, by praising Manson as a hero of the counterculture, they hoped to smash the Left's "bourgeois" ties to civilization and thus spark similar acts of horrific "revolutionary" violence against innocent people. Over 400 people attended that Flint conference. Can't help but wonder what positions they have now, unknown to anyone but each other...
Author: 50MMike
Duration: 2:20

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Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions
Video Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ron Paul - For the People, by the People

Ron Paul - For the People, by the PeopleOften ignored and scorned, 2008 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul speaks on behalf of those without a voice. Win or lose, his message will be heard and understood far and wide by those willing to listen and by those willing to take a stand and make a change to put the United States of America back on its feet.
Author: matratzac
Duration: 10:20

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Ron Paul - For the People, by the People
Video Ron Paul - For the People, by the People Ron Paul - For the People, by the People Ron Paul - For the People, by the People