Obama Declares Prolonged Nazi Detention, WTF? American Militias the
NRA & Youtubers are pansies.
The oligarchy of Darkness EXPOSED Our Constitution was not written in the sands to be washed away by each wave of new judges blown in by each successive political wind. Keywords: American Militia, American Resistance Movement, American Revolution, Revolution, Revolt, American Militia Movement, ARM, Alex Jones, New World Order, Illuminati, NWO, Skull and Bones, Bush, 911 Conspiracy, The Civilians Military, Militia, American Resistance Movement, Revolt, Bilderberg, CFR, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Loose Change, End Game, Terrorstorm, Patriot Act, HR 1955, 911 was an inside job, truth, iraq war, black water, free masons, Ron Paul, New World Order carbon tax CO2 Global Warming is a fearmongering scam. The sun is getting hotter. Alex Jones is just one source. Police State is just making some X-military clones. MK Ultra mind control. Income. John F. Kennedy or JFK CIA FBI international bankers Rothschild David Rockefeller. Chemtrails chemical trails from jets. Air Force United States Army Navy Marines National Guard. NORAD stood down. Fake war in Iraq and Afghanistan but the human deaths are real. Corporations own a market for every physical item on this Earth. Immortal Technique is trying to push the revolution into the streets. I don't know if I can agree with that. People go to work all day Jedi Mind Tricks are alright. Vinnie Paz in shit. Paris is OK. Sick Since and Ill Bill all good. 911 or September 11, 2001 was the greatest world scam to take place in a very long time <b>...</b> Author: MolechHunter Duration: 8:04
Photos for video Obama Declares Prolonged Nazi Detention, WTF? American Militias the NRA & Youtubers are pansies.
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