JSOC later has a lead on Menendez in Yemen, where JSOC asset Farid infiltrates Menendez's cell to help Section facilitate the leader's capture. The player, as Farid has a choice during the mission. Menendez, suspecting Farid's disloyalty, orders him to shoot the captured Harper. If the player chooses not to shoot Harper, and instead attempts to shoot Menendez, he fails, but Harper survives and is rescued. If the player chooses to shoot Harper, Farid survives, and Harper is not present in any conversations or missions thereafter. Menendez is successfully captured, but this was a ruse for Menendez to hack into the US military's computer infrastructure on the aircraft carrier the USS Obama, seizing control the the United States' entire drone fleet. Salazar is revealed to be Menendez's mole within JSOC, and facilitates Menendez's attack—Menendez escapes with Salazar's aid, and when Menendez breaks in to the bridge of the Obama, Salazar shoots the soldiers guarding Admiral Briggs (he executes Karma also, if she is in the bridge). The player, playing as Menendez, has the choice of either killing or wounding Admiral Briggs. If the player only wounds Briggs, and during the course of the campaign, the JSOC and SDC enter an alliance, then the player is later informed that the SDC sent hundreds of drones to defend the Obama, and consequently Briggs was able to save the ship and its crew. Menendez uses the drones to stage an attack on Los Angeles during a meeting of G20 leaders <b>...</b> Author: Kacchi90 Duration: 22:36
Photos for video Black Ops 2 Walkthrough - Campaign Gameplay ODYSSEUS USS Barack Obama 2025
Jimmy Kimmel Live - Pedestrian Question - Have You Ever Had a Gay Experience? Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Channel: www.youtube.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com For tickets: www.1iota.com Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 3:38
Photos for video Pedestrian Question - Have You Ever Had a Gay Experience?
Obama is a puppet of the Banksters, but the Office of the President itself is being transformed into a dictatorial command and control system. Congress has now been told that they are merely ceremonial, while the military is openly training to wage war on the American people during a staged economic collapse! www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com For Immediate Release Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness EXECUTIVE ORDER NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 USC App. 2061 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: PART I -- PURPOSE, POLICY, AND IMPLEMENTATION Section 101. Purpose. This order delegates authorities and addresses national defense resource policies and programs under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the "Act"). A dvertisement Sec. 102. Policy. The United States must have an industrial and technological base capable of meeting national defense requirements and capable of contributing to the technological superiority of its national defense equipment in peacetime and in times of national emergency. The domestic industrial and technological base is the foundation for national defense preparedness. The authorities <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:33
Photos for video Obama Implementing Martial Law Coup!
(telecast date 26th January, 2012) In this vicious episode : Laugh while you learn about the insane, idiotic and moronic vicious cycles of the world. Then find out : Why are people insuring their bottoms plus why Sumeet Raghvan loves porn for its educational qualities. Next up : Leaking Breast Scandal in UK plus Russell Brand / Katy Perry split & why Australians are turning into the Chinese! Finally, The BLTN Weather Report this time is presented by a Political All Star team this time. The weather has never been funnier. Enjoy now & follow us on twitter twitter.com 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 1: Idiot Cycle BLTN - Episode 9 : Segment 1 - Laugh while you learn about the insane, idiotic and moronic vicious cycles of the world. Keep laughing & follow us on twitter twitter.com for 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 2 : Bottom Insurance BLTN - Episode 9 : Segment 2 - Why are people insuring their bottoms plus why Sumeet Raghvan loves porn for its educational qualities. ROFL and then follow us on twitter twitter.com for 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 3 : Breast Scandal BLTN - Episode 9 : Segment 3 - Leaking Breast Scandal in UK plus Russell Brand / Katy Perry split & why Australians are turning into the Chinese! For more sexy, crazy humor - follow us on twitter twitter.com for 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 4 : All <b>...</b> Author: jayhindtv Duration: 27:55
Photos for video Vicious Cycles : Episode 9 - Better Late Than Never - Late Night Comedy BLTN
by coffeefication video from 2009 NDAA was planned along time ago ! Petition Arrest Rogue US Senators that support National Defense Authorization Act S1867 petitionbureau.org Rohbss New Channel. 1st channel Terminated because Truth #1 threat to Elites Security. Your life is in Jeopardy !... Author: Rohbss2 Duration: 7:42
On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the destruction of the economy and other related issues. He also talks with regular Friday guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster and takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:40
Photos for video 100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 1/3
Obama on Libya: "I Don't Even Have to Get to the Constitutional Question" Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv June 30, 2011 During his speech yesterday, Barack Obama delivered probably the most arrogant statement thus far betraying his open hostility to the rule of law as it applies to his administration's illegal war on Libya, churlishly dismissing criticism from Congress and remarking, "I don't even have to get to the Constitutional question." www.infowars.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:24
Photos for video The Arrogance of Emperor Obama - Alex Jones Tv 2/3
RT sits down with a former Afghan MP-turned human rights champion. Malalai Joya braves death threats and assassination attempts to expose what she calls the dark side of life in her country. Joya claims the NATO occupation has only brought more suffering to the people of Afghanistan. She says her country is suffering from three evils at the moment: overwhelming corruption of the regime, indiscriminate violence of the occupational force and regional warlords whose actions differ little from those of the Taliban. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:17
Photos for video Malalai Joya: US acts like Rambo killing already dead Bin Laden
Alex talks with author Dick Russell. He is the co-author of Jesse Ventura's latest book, 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read, available at the Infowars Store. Mr. Russell also co-authored with the former Minnesota governor American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us and Don't Start the Revolution Without Me! He also wrote On the Trail of the JFK Assassins and was featured in a National Geographic documentary on whales. Alex also covers the latest developments on the economy and Libya as NATO and the US prepare for a ground invasion of the besieged north Africa country. www.dickrussell.org Order Jesse Ventura's Book and learn what the Government has been hiding from you all this time! www.infowarsshop.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infofwars.net. www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:15
Photos for video Author Dick Russell: Obama's Doublespeak on The So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya 1/3
( 19justinbrown88.yolasite.com ) What exactly is coming SOON to the United States? How is the MIAC report related to this? What are the facts? ___________________________________________________________ Please feel free to check out this website ( http ) for important news, eye-opening videos, and mind-blowing information. ___________________________________________________________ Extra Tags: berlin wall, g20, bilderberg, new international order, alex jones, 2012 end of the world, mayan prophecies, revelation, prophecy, terrorists, 9/11 inside job, false flag, david rockefeller, illuminati in movies, subliminal messages in movies, domestic terrorists, global financial crisis, collapse of the dollar, end of the world as we know it, gerald celente, end of america, global government, north american union, tea parties, washington dc, war in afganistan, war in iran, politics, news, current events, trends, economy, economic meltdown, global dictatorship, haarp, chem trails, endless war, riots, chaos, martial law, end of days, new president, election, social breakdown, disorder, obama deception, police state, military industrial complex, conspiracy, world trade center, new mosque, barry soetoro, joker agent of chaos, obama the joker, elite, illuminati, globalists, 2012 agenda, new world order in 2013, new world order in 2012, lies, deception, anarchy, second revolution, G-20 summit, g20 summit, bilderberg 2010, john todd, heath ledger, lindsey williams, oil spill, doom, nibiru <b>...</b> Author: 19justinbrown88 Duration: 9:59
Photos for video FEMA Camps, Martial Law, and Civil War Coming Soon! (2011)
"I'm happy the Obama administration brought these civil charges against them but I think there should be a criminal investigation. A lot of people's money vaporized and I think when that happens -- I'll tell ya, we spend a lot of energy in our criminal justice system going after people that stick you up for a hundred bucks. I think the American people got stuck up for a hell of a lot more than that." -- Michael Moore on Larry King Live, Tuesday, April 26th, 2010 "I don't understand Arizona, I mean, I didn't think it would be possible for them to embarrass themselves more than they did twenty or so years ago when they were the only state that wouldn't have Martin Luther King Day. This law of theirs, it's -- I don't know what to say -- it's kind of like -- I don't know if you've read the language -- my position usually is any time something sounds like dialogue from Hogan's Heroes, it shouldn't become law. They can just go up to anyone who looks Hispanic in a state that's one third Hispanic and demand papers from them. This is not the American way and I can't believe it will hold up constitutionally. ... What is the problem really? Most of these immigrants who come here work very hard -- illegal immigrants, they work very hard, they do the jobs Americans don't want to do. Frankly, I think, I mean, personally, any illegal immigrant they catch in Arizona, they should let him keep doing his job because he's adding to the economy. For every one they catch, they should send one <b>...</b> Author: mmflint Duration: 21:15
Photos for video Michael Moore on Larry King Live - 4/27/10