"We're going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video," said Hillary Clinton. No, not the person who made the video saying that voting for Barack Obama is like losing your virginity to a really cool guy. I'll get to that in a moment. But Secretary Clinton was talking about the fellow who made the supposedly Islamophobic video that supposedly set off the sacking of the Benghazi consulate. And, indeed, she did "have that person arrested." By happy coincidence, his bail hearing has been set for three days after the election, by which time he will have served his purpose. These two videos -- the Islamophobic one and the Obamosexual one -- bookend the remarkable but wholly deserved collapse of the president's re-election campaign. You'll recall that a near month-long attempt to blame an obscure YouTube video for the murder of four Americans and the destruction of US sovereign territory climaxed in the vice-presidential debate with Joe Biden's bald assertion that the administration had been going on the best intelligence it had at the time. By then, it had been confirmed that there never had been any protest against the video, and that the Obama line that Benghazi had been a spontaneous movie review that just got a little out of hand was utterly false. The only remaining question was whether the administration had knowingly lied or was merely innocently stupid. The innocent-stupidity line became harder to maintain this week after Fox News obtained State <b>...</b> Author: SDAMatt2a Duration: 2:22
Photos for video Benghazi: Obama watched them die, then lied about it
It's the new year and the US government has passed 40000 new laws to ring in 2012. One of the most controversial laws that President Obama signed is the National Defense Authorization Act. The legislation allows for the indefinite detention and torture of someone suspected of being a member of al-Qaeda, including US citizens. Many Americans are concerned that their civil liberties are deteriorating and are giving up on their own government. George Hemminger, founder of Survive and Thrive TV, gives us his take on NDAA and SOPA. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 6:44
Photos for video 2012: NDAA, SOPA and 40000 other oppressive laws take effect
CHECK OUT MY MUSIC doughnutsalad.bandcamp.com FINAL REVELATION Buy The Paper Version With A Sexy Glossy Cover www.createspace.com Download The Writings pul.ly AMAZING - The Amazing Atheist Documentary On sale now: tlkincaid.mybigcommerce.com Watch the trailer here: www.youtube.com * * * Follow The Amazing Atheist TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com MOVIE/MUSIC REVIEWS (as The Distressed Watcher): thatguywiththeglasses.com CODY'S VIDEOS: www.youtube.com Author: TheAmazingAtheist Duration: 5:18
Alex talks with author Dick Russell. He is the co-author of Jesse Ventura's latest book, 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read, available at the Infowars Store. Mr. Russell also co-authored with the former Minnesota governor American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us and Don't Start the Revolution Without Me! He also wrote On the Trail of the JFK Assassins and was featured in a National Geographic documentary on whales. Alex also covers the latest developments on the economy and Libya as NATO and the US prepare for a ground invasion of the besieged north Africa country. www.dickrussell.org Order Jesse Ventura's Book and learn what the Government has been hiding from you all this time! www.infowarsshop.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infofwars.net. www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:15
Photos for video Author Dick Russell: Obama's Doublespeak on The So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya 1/3
Season 3 2009 An executive order to a military judge by the president to let the trial of the mastermind of the attack on the USS COLE go free. Author: gbeckerswetzel Duration: 8:23
Photos for video Episode 52 OBAMA...SCREW THE USS COLE The Sgt Freedom Campaign
Clip from a British current events comedy show giving the British perspective on Obama's personality, McCain's age, Obama's likelyhood of assassination, McCain's war injuries and more! Author: char1 Duration: 3:17
Photos for video BBC Mock the Week - Barack Obama and John McCain