President Barack Obama, using the Lincoln and MLK Bibles, is sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts to begin his second term in office. Full Inauguration Playlist: Click here to subscribe to our channel: Visit us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit the Wall Street Journal: Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 1:19
Photos for video Barack Obama Takes Oath of Office - Barack Obama's Second Inauguration
BREAKING VETERAN EXPOSES OBAMA BENGHAZI MILITARY EXPOSING HIM ! Video By: "All voters should consider everything I will tell you here in regards to the attacks on our embassy which killed 4 Americans Our military and veterans are all in a our rage over this cover up by this president and we are now speaking out! I shall give you the details here to what actually happen in regards to these attacks. If you care so, much for our military then, listen to my message ! Thank you & God Bless !" Tag Cloud: NwoSatire Illuminati NWO Alien Invasion "New World Order" Draconians Draconian Galaxy Andromedans War Conflict Endgame 2012 2013 ExoPolitics UFO OVNI NeutronBeams Neutronobeams channeling Transhumanism "Artificial Beings" Reptilians UfoDisclosure2012 "Hidden Human History" 1Anunnaki Anunnaki SuppressedArcheology "Ancient Aliens" Ancient Alien Intervention StarGate Enki Enlil Babylon Sumer Marduk Anu "Serpent Gods" Anomaly "Untold Mysteries" UntoldMysteries Weird Secret Suppressed Space Egypt Nephalim Tiamat Illuminati Warning Secret Help Fear Afraid "Barack Obama" "Mitt Romney" UFO "Alien Invasion" 2012 Nibiru Elenin wtc "twin towers" conspiracy "wtc 7" illumicorp freemason freemasonry mason crash explosion 9/11 "September 11, 2001" "December 21, 2012" 12/21/12 "men in black" x-files real fbi cia "secret service" war chemtrails exposed ats "above top secret" abovetopsecret insane "third eye" "mother jones" motherjones mother jones third eye speech pentagram <b>...</b> Author: TheCoop30301 Duration: 8:54
Every dollar counts. 100% of the funds that I raise through my campaign will be going directly to school builds and right now we are in the process of building the first ever secondary school in a slum called Matopeni, a community of 187000 people. I would love to invest within the children of Matopeni! MC= My intials/Master of Ceremonies Disclaimer: These are SOME clips of my everyday life. People always seem to have this misunderstanding of what my life really is, just because I live in Las Vegas. I'm just a mom who likes to have fun. I work. I play. I live. I make mistakes. Inspired by music. Subscribe to my Vlogs for more laughs! Twitter: Instagram: Website: Send mail to my suite box: RissRose2 7835 S. Rainbow Blvd Suite 4-59 Las Vegas, NV 89139 Serious Business emails: Author: rissrose2 Duration: 11:17
Photos for video Beats of a MC - #42 My Moms Makeup Collection!
LIVE, UNSCRIPTED, AND UNCENSORED! To Be Debated! (TBD) is PoliPop's debate series, bringing together diverse voices from our network. Stay tuned for weekly hangouts & debates! Subscribe to PoliPop for updates, and watch the livestream Thursdays at 6:30pm PST! Check here for the live link: Participating tonight: Professional Ranter Amazing Atheist: VS. Former Marine, radio host, activist & Lover of Liberty ADAM KOKESH Professor Hip Hughes (moderator): Author: POLIPOP Duration: 66:01
Photos for video @AdamKokesh VS. @AmazingAtheist! (LIVE TBD! # 10) #HangoutsOnAir
August 28, 2012 - Kesha Rogers, LaRouchePAC endorsed candidate and Democratic Party Nominee for TX-22, issues a call to arms for American citizens to dig deep and find the courage necessary to remove President Obama from office now before he has time to start thermonuclear war. For more information go to or call 1-800-929-7566. Author: laroucheyouth Duration: 6:21
Photos for video Kesha Rogers: You Must Act Now to Remove Obama
LCpl. Kyle Carpenter is a combat wounded warrior that has overcome more adversity in 22 years that most will overcome in a lifetime. A true American Hero, Kyle does a set of pull-ups at the Walter Reed Medical Center 15 months after sustaining life threatening injuries. Produced by 'Still in the Fight' film crew. Author: StillInTheFightFilm Duration: 1:53
Photos for video Kyle Carpenter - Overcoming Obstacles
From the war in Iraq to the space station, government programs almost always end up costing much more than they were supposed to. They also usually end up doing more than they were supposed to. Would ObamaCare be any different? Some say ObamaCare would lead to death panels, even euthanasia classes. Now supporters of President Obama's health care overhaul are fighting back against such charges. And the president himself warns: "If you misrepresent what's in this plan, we will call you out." But you don't have to side with those who warn of euthanasia classes to recognize that government programs often end up doing all kinds of things that weren't in politicians' original plans. Call it mission creep. Politicians pass a program, and then the scope of the program grows and changes. It's happened with everything from state-level health insurance plans to the Troubled Asset Relief Program. TARP's original mission was spelled out in its name--the governments would purchase troubled assets from financial institutions. However, just over a year later TARP's mission has exploded, and billions in TARP funds have gone to bail out General Motors, Chrysler, and struggling homeowners. TARP money may even fund another stimulus. "The Best Laid Plans of ObamaCare" is written and produced by Ted Balaker, and hosted by Nick Gillespie. Director of Photography: Alex Manning; Associate Producer: Paul Detrick Approximately two-and-a-half minutes. For downloadable versions of this video, go to <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 3:05
Photos for video ObamaCare and Mission Creep: Why health care reform will end up covering much more than you think.
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep Author: mjrob1914 Duration: 10:01
Photos for video The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 4: Dr. Ray Hagins
Clip from a British current events comedy show giving the British perspective on Obama's personality, McCain's age, Obama's likelyhood of assassination, McCain's war injuries and more! Author: char1 Duration: 3:17
Photos for video BBC Mock the Week - Barack Obama and John McCain April 25, 2008 Yes, that's right — that's really me, DJK (aka Jonathan Kim) on MSNBC's Verdict with Dan Abrams! It's my first television appearance, and I have to tell you that it was a very strange experience. But more on that later. The topic of discussion was whether it was a good idea for Barack Obama to give in to Chris Wallace's Obama clock and appear on FOX News Sunday on April 27. As you can see, I think I was probably the most adamant about the fact that Obama really has little to gain from "addressing the FOX audience" since FOX will dissect every possible aspect of the interview to extract every possible microgram of negativity conceivable. And FOX is perfectly willing to lie to do it. And Abrams pointed out, Obama is legitimizing FOX as a news source, which is exactly what allowed FOX to gain the influence it has — by maintaining the appearance of a news network when they are really a republican propaganda machine. The best way for Obama to turn his bad decision into a positive is if he goes after FOX and shows democrats and the world that he is, in fact, "in touch" with what democrats and most of the world knows — that FOX is a republican propaganda machine. He'll earn more respect of his base and show that he understands the role that FOX plays in legitimizing republican talking points. He'll show that he knows how the system works. And if there's any fear that he might lose votes by alienating FOX voters, remember this — in the 2004 election <b>...</b> Author: bravenewfilms Duration: 8:10
Photos for video Should Obama Go On FOX? (Dan Abrams, MSNBC, and DJK!)
(C-SPAN) Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) spoke about Iraq during a House floor speech on October 8, 2002. ------------------------------------------------------------ (October 2, 2002) Joint Resolution [by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress] to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq (House of Representatives - October 8, 2002) Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. Full transcript of Ron Paul's statement opposing the Authorization. (House of Representatives - October 8, 2002) Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. Congressional Record of the session. (House of Representatives - October 16, 2001) "Mr. HYDE. Madam Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and pass the Senate bill (S. 1465) to authorize the President to exercise waivers of foreign assistance restrictions with respect to Pakistan through September 30, 2003, and for other purposes." ------------------------------------------------------------ Ron Paul voted against the 2002 Iraq resolution. Said there is "no convincing evidence that Iraq is capable of threatening the security of this country." Stands against the preemptive strike. In the Christian doctrine of Just War, the proper authority must be responsible for initiating the war, that proper authority cannot be transferred to the President nor to the United Nations. Going to <b>...</b> Author: jaralero Duration: 6:35
Photos for video Ron Paul House Floor Speech on Iraq (October 8, 2002)