On Fault Lines, Josh Rushing embeds with US troops on the front lines of Obama's war and asks: What is the US trying to achieve in Afghanistan, and will it really make the US safer? Follow on Twitter: twitter.com Follow on Facebook: facebook.com Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com See all episodes of Fault Lines: www.youtube.com Meet the Fault Lines Team: aje.me Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 21:51
Photos for video Fault Lines - Obama's New Strategy in Afghanistan
Danny celebrates MLK Day with fights including President Obama, Harry Potter, Gollum, Michael Jackson and more. Visit our other channels: Gameplay & Guides - www.youtube.com Trailers - www.youtube.com MLG, NASL & eSports - www.youtube.com Mobile Gaming - www.youtube.com Like - www.facebook.com Follow - www.twitter.com Stream Live - twitch.tv www.gamespot.com Author: gamespot Duration: 11:01
Photos for video Random Encounter - Martin Luther King vs President Obama, Rocky, and The Hulk
Hit up the IGN News show page for more stories! www.youtube.com Today, President Barack Obama revealed a slew of possible actions, many suggested by a task force headed-up by Vice President Joe Biden, including the use of 23 executive orders and a series of suggestions to Congress. Subscribe to IGN's channel for reviews, news, and all things gaming: www.youtube.com IGN News: Obama Requests Violent Games Study Author: IGN Duration: 1:33
Photos for video IGN News - Obama Requests Violent Games Study
Barack Obama and the fiscal cliff The so-called fiscal cliff refers to a combination of severe tax increases and spending cuts due to kick in automatically in January if the president and Congress don't find a compromise plan to cut the deficit first. President Barack Obama and House of Representatives speaker John Boehner met Sunday to discuss the so-called impending fiscal cliff of steep tax hikes and spending cuts. No details of the talks were given, but a statement from Boehner's office said "the lines of communication remain open." Visual report live from the scene of events, between 3 seconds and two minutes long. 4 news reports daily broadcast from 6.15 am. An in-depth report on a major news issue. More FRANCE24 reports: www.france24.com Author: france24english Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Barack Obama met House of Representatives speaker John Boehner to discuss the fiscal cliff
With the election of the first black US president, Fault Lines' Avi Lewis sat down with legendary music icon, Harry Belafonte, to get his thoughts on Barack Obama and the changing politics of race. Follow on Twitter: twitter.com Follow on Facebook: facebook.com Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com See all episodes of Fault Lines: www.youtube.com Meet the Fault Lines Team: aje.me Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:57
JSOC later has a lead on Menendez in Yemen, where JSOC asset Farid infiltrates Menendez's cell to help Section facilitate the leader's capture. The player, as Farid has a choice during the mission. Menendez, suspecting Farid's disloyalty, orders him to shoot the captured Harper. If the player chooses not to shoot Harper, and instead attempts to shoot Menendez, he fails, but Harper survives and is rescued. If the player chooses to shoot Harper, Farid survives, and Harper is not present in any conversations or missions thereafter. Menendez is successfully captured, but this was a ruse for Menendez to hack into the US military's computer infrastructure on the aircraft carrier the USS Obama, seizing control the the United States' entire drone fleet. Salazar is revealed to be Menendez's mole within JSOC, and facilitates Menendez's attack—Menendez escapes with Salazar's aid, and when Menendez breaks in to the bridge of the Obama, Salazar shoots the soldiers guarding Admiral Briggs (he executes Karma also, if she is in the bridge). The player, playing as Menendez, has the choice of either killing or wounding Admiral Briggs. If the player only wounds Briggs, and during the course of the campaign, the JSOC and SDC enter an alliance, then the player is later informed that the SDC sent hundreds of drones to defend the Obama, and consequently Briggs was able to save the ship and its crew. Menendez uses the drones to stage an attack on Los Angeles during a meeting of G20 leaders <b>...</b> Author: Kacchi90 Duration: 22:36
Photos for video Black Ops 2 Walkthrough - Campaign Gameplay ODYSSEUS USS Barack Obama 2025
ru.euronews.com В районе Астория, в Нью-Йоркском Куинсе, с давних пор здесь обосновалась одна из крупнейших в США греческих общин, которая испытывает всё большую тревогу в связи с кризисом на исторической родине. Некоторые надеются, что Обама подтолкнёт европейских лидеров к решению проблемы. Другие полагают, что приоритетом Америки будут внутренние проблемы, а не борьба ЕС за спасение евро и европейской мечты. Author: euronewsru Duration: 8:06
Photos for video euronews reporter - США - ЕС: взаимозависимость в условиях кризиса
American filmmaker and critic of the US war machine says the ex-general is not worthy of unreserved support. Today on Talk to Al Jazeera, Rosalind Jordan has a conversation with Oliver Stone. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 24:49
Photos for video Talk to Al Jazeera - Oliver Stone: "Petraeus is no hero"
Welcome aboard the USS Barack Obama the ENTIRE 9th Campaign Mission Call of duty: Black Ops 2 (24min) so be sure to LIKE this video / FAVORITE this video / COMMENT on this video to achieve absolutely nothing FACEBOOK IT Author: dougangotblocked Duration: 24:25
Photos for video Interrogating Raul Mendez!! Campaign Mission 9 (BLACK OPS 2 LETS PLAY)
Watch the original video here: www.youtube.com Add me on facebook: www.facebook.com Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you liked my commentary: www.youtube.com "Maybe He Will Get Assassinated This Term" - Denise Helms (She calls Obama the N-Word, yet Claims Not To Be Racist) The United States Secret Service is investigating this Turlock woman over a post she made, using the N-word, about President Obama on Facebook. Author: Pictoron Duration: 4:59
Photos for video Racist Woman Hopes For Obama Assasination!?!
Every dollar counts. 100% of the funds that I raise through my campaign will be going directly to school builds and right now we are in the process of building the first ever secondary school in a slum called Matopeni, a community of 187000 people. I would love to invest within the children of Matopeni! www.stayclassy.org MC= My intials/Master of Ceremonies Disclaimer: These are SOME clips of my everyday life. People always seem to have this misunderstanding of what my life really is, just because I live in Las Vegas. I'm just a mom who likes to have fun. I work. I play. I live. I make mistakes. Inspired by music. Subscribe to my Vlogs for more laughs! www.youtube.com www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Instagram: instagram.com Website: www.rissrose2.com Send mail to my suite box: RissRose2 7835 S. Rainbow Blvd Suite 4-59 Las Vegas, NV 89139 Serious Business emails: management@rissrose2.com Author: rissrose2 Duration: 11:17
Photos for video Beats of a MC - #42 My Moms Makeup Collection!