Hit up the IGN News show page for more stories! www.youtube.com Today, President Barack Obama revealed a slew of possible actions, many suggested by a task force headed-up by Vice President Joe Biden, including the use of 23 executive orders and a series of suggestions to Congress. Subscribe to IGN's channel for reviews, news, and all things gaming: www.youtube.com IGN News: Obama Requests Violent Games Study Author: IGN Duration: 1:33
Photos for video IGN News - Obama Requests Violent Games Study
Former presidential candidate, founder of the US Labor Party and co-founder of the Schiller Institute in Germany, Lyndon LaRouche talks with Alex on the Thursday, March 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Mr. LaRouche talks about Obama's martial law executive order and other recent political developments. larouchepac.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 45:22
Photos for video Obama's Imminent Threat of Global Thermonuclear War with Lyndon LaRouche
Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. For more information visit the following websites: www.RonPaul.com http www.RonPaul2012.com http www.DailyPaul.com http www.RonPaulFlix.com Author: RonPaulvsTyranny Duration: 3:58
Photos for video Democrats Abandon Obama For Ron Paul
DETAILS & LINKS: WND's Dr. Jerome Corsi stated on the Bill Cunningham Radio Show that he's going to 'file criminal charges against the White House' over the latest birth certificate forgery. I listened to the live show and then went back to the radio station website to download the show podcast and lo and behold the interview with Dr. Corsi was scrubbed from the show podcast. I think maybe Bill O'Reilly gave them some tips on scrubbing show podcasts.. ;-) The radio station in question is Cincinnati's 700 WLW which is owned by none other than Clear Channel Communications, which, by the way, is the parent company of Clear Channel Outdoor who refused to erect World Net Daily's 'Where's the Birth Certificate?' billboards two years back. Just to be sure I downloaded all three hours from the 5/22/2011 broadcast. The first show hour is only around 20 minutes long as opposed to the second hour and the third hour podcasts being about 40 minutes long. The Corsi interview should be in the hour 1 podcast, also noted by a followup caller in the hour one podcast Straight from Bill Cunningham's podcast web page at Clear Channel's 700 WLW website: Billy gets another update from Dr. Jerry Corsi regarding Obama's citizenship. SCRUBBED; HOUR 1: downloads.podcast.clearchannel.com Complete details and links: obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com - www.ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com - http Author: BirtherReportDotCom Duration: 17:42
Photos for video Scrubbed Interview: Corsi Will File Criminal Charges Against White House - 5/22/11
www.twitter.com/wv_funnyman Comedian Aaron-Michael Fox is challenged to fist-fight by a redneck audience member at the Huntington Funny Bone. (Please remember, this at 7:45pm on a Saturday early show.) As people in attendance will confirm, I tried to talk over the drunken chatter for 10 mins prior to the beginning of the tape which comprises the "silence" from 0:10-0:20 as it is very quiet in the playback. Taped live at the Funny Bone comedy club in Huntington, WV 12.06.08. -For the record, the offending couple were from Kentucky -not West Virginia- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PS Since posting this video, I have been told by the club staff that the heckler "Amanda" ended her evening by passing out on the floor of the women's restroom after vomiting in the sink. Author: Aaron-Michael Fox Duration: 3:45