--Pat Robertson, after claiming that God told him who would win the 2012 election, admits that he "missed" God's message about the 2012 election. --On the Bonus Show: 220 sq ft apartments in San Francisco, churches offer concealed weapons training, blood bricks, more... How do you get the Bonus Show? Become a member: www.davidpakman.com If you liked this clip of The David Pakman Show, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button! www.davidpakman.com Become a Member www.davidpakman.com Like Us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow Us on Twitter: www.twitter.com Get TDPS Gear: www.davidpakman.com 24/7 Voicemail Line: (219)-2DAVIDP Subscribe to The David Pakman Show for more: www.youtube.com Broadcast on November 26, 2012 Author: MidweekPolitics Duration: 2:07
Photos for video Pat Robertson Admits He Missed God's Message on 2012 Election
Barack Obama thanked supporters for re-electing him as President of the United States at a rally at the McCormick Place convention center in Chicago. President Obama won the 2012 election against former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by carrying key swing votes such as Ohio, Colorado and Virginia. Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 20:37
Photos for video President Obama Re-Elected for Second Term
Cher & her Best Friend Kathy Griffin Spot to Support Obama and make People Vote November the 6th President Barack Obama for more 4 Years Author: Robi Cher Duration: 2:35
Photos for video Cher & Kathy Griffin - Don't Let Mitt Turn Back Time On Women
Саммит АТР - шаг мирового национально-освободительного движения. скачать: poznavatelnoe.tv полное видео: poznavatelnoe.tv депутат Евгений Фёдоров: efedorov.ru Author: poznavatelnoeTV Duration: 4:41
Undaunted by the Gandalf of conservatism, a young socialist from England called Christopher Hitchens steps forward in defense of liberalism. The third participant in this contest is R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. This is part 2. Author: MetrazolElectricity Duration: 14:38
Photos for video William Buckley vs Christopher Hitchens (Part 2)
March 29th, 2012 a group of plaintiffs led by author/journalist Chris Hedges brought a lawsuit against Barack Obama and the US government for section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which gives the US military the right to detain American citizens indefinitely without charge or trial. The clip features interviews with following plaintiffs during or immediately after the court date: - Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize winning author, journalist and former war correspondent with New York Times, - Tangerine Bolen, founder of RevolutionTruth, - Alexa O'Brien, founder of US Day Of Rage, and - Kai Wargalla, founder of Occupy London. Other plaintiffs include: Noam Chomsky Daniel Elsberg Birgitta J Author: Jan Wellmann Duration: 15:54
Watch Ryan Duffy get shot in the chest as he tests the strength of a fashion forward bulletproof vest made by Steven Seagal's personal tailor. Hosted by Ryan Duffy | Originally released in 2009 at vice.com Check out the last VICE Presents here bit.ly Subscribe for videos that are actually good: bit.ly Check out our full video catalog: www.youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: vice.com Like VICE on Facebook fb.com Follow VICE on Twitter: twitter.com Read our tumblr: vicemag.tumblr.com Author: vice Duration: 10:07
Topics in today's show: --Economists predict America's unemployment rate will remain high for several more years --Other economic experts are predicting another recession --Mitt Romney says he has a record of creating more jobs than Obama --Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway currently fighting IRS --A San Diego boy who was throwing rocks at car was wounded by an angry driver who shot him with a crossbow --Some fast food restaurants now want to start accepting food stamps --Government of China wants to buy LA Dodgers --A Mississippi man found with two live lobsters in shorts was arrested for shoplifting Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your email? Visit newsbusters.org to sign up for free!Starring: Jodi Miller Production: Dialog New Media Feeling generous? Text 'NewsBusters' to 85944 to make a $10 contribution to keep 'Busted going strong. NewsBusted is a comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. If you like the show, be sure to tell your friends and family! Feel free to post your comments on this video, we love them. We also love seeing how many people won't read this disclaimer and realize the laughtrack is a joke itself. Think you're funny? Send your (short) jokes to newsbusted at dialognewmedia.com. If we use them, we'll pay you USD $50 for each one. Author: newsbusted Duration: 2:36
President Obama's motorcade leaves the hotel for San Francisco International Airport on February 18, 2011. The motorcade arrives at Air Force One, while a US Coast Guard Dauphin flies over the area. Air Force One taxies and takes off from SFO. Visit www.manteganiphotos.com for more photos and videos! Author: ManteganiPhotos Duration: 8:27
Photos for video President Obama Motorcade Air Force One Takeoff Feb 18, 2011
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) on MSNBC Live speaks with Matt Taibi of Rolling Stone about bank foreclosure fraud. Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 7:26
Photos for video Foreclosure Fraud - MSNBC w/ Cenk & Matt Taibbi