President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney square off in the third and final debate before American voters go to the polls to determine who will become the next President of the United States. Join the conversation on Facebook Add TDC to your circles on Google+ Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter Keywords: TDC TheDailyConversation The Daily Conversation Author: TheDailyConversation Duration: 96:21
Photos for video Third Presidential Debate: Obama vs. Romney (Complete - Closed Caption) If you liked Bambi vs. Godzilla, you'll like the latest twist. Bambi, er, Obama takes on Godzilla, er, Ahmadinejad and who do you think wins??? Author: TheObamaDoctrine Duration: 1:43
Photos for video The Obama Doctrine - Bambi Does National Security
Brandon Raub served his country well as is apparent from the amount of medals and decorations he received as a Marine. He fought for this country, for freedom, for the Constitution. One thing in particular that he fought for was our right to free speech. That right was taken away from him on August 16, 2012. A contingent of police officers, FBI and Secret Service agents wrestled him to the ground in handcuffs and took him away without due process, without being arrested, without any semblance of legality. Waiting back at John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, Virginia was a psychiatrist willing to do the US government's bidding and signed a court order to lock up Brandon for thirty days of "observation." What tipped off the FBI and Secret Service agents that Brandon was insane and might harm others? He dared to criticize his government. In a phone interview he had this to say: "I really love America, and I think that idea that you can be detained and sent somewhere without due process and a lawyer ... is crazy." Wake up, America or you'll be next... Author: Kris Zane Duration: 2:23
Photos for video Marine Hero Brandon Raub Falsely Detained for Exercising His Right to Free Speech
Gary Johnson picked Judge Jim Gray as his VP running mate, and Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan as his VP running mate. What will Ron Paul do? This is a public service announcement I made to inform, and educate the public at-large about the choices in Election 2012. There are other choices besides Barack Obama & Mitt Romney. Campaign 2012. You decide. Gary Johnson voted for and endorsed Ron Paul in 2008. After the RNC, will you help Gary Johnson get 15% in the polls and get him into the Presidential Debates and continue to promote the message of liberty? Call the Commission on Presidential Debates at 202-872-1020 and demand Gov. Gary Johnson's inclusion in the debates I invite you to take the "Libertarian Challenge" today. Invite just one disaffected Republican or Democrat friend to add GJ to Facebook. Just one. Let's see what happens. Call the polling companies and tell them to include Gary Johnson! Rasmussen: 732-776-9777 Gallup: 202-715-3100 Pew Research: 202-419-4350 Quinnipiac: 203-582-5201 http Ron Paul asked Gary Johnson for his endorsement in 08', and Johnson gave it because he believes in Ron Paul's message. The message of Freedom, Liberty, Personal Responsibility, Prosperity, and Peace. Music: The Killers - All These Things That I've Done FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for <b>...</b> Author: pjt3488 Duration: 5:18
March 29th, 2012 a group of plaintiffs led by author/journalist Chris Hedges brought a lawsuit against Barack Obama and the US government for section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which gives the US military the right to detain American citizens indefinitely without charge or trial. The clip features interviews with following plaintiffs during or immediately after the court date: - Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize winning author, journalist and former war correspondent with New York Times, - Tangerine Bolen, founder of RevolutionTruth, - Alexa O'Brien, founder of US Day Of Rage, and - Kai Wargalla, founder of Occupy London. Other plaintiffs include: Noam Chomsky Daniel Elsberg Birgitta J Author: Jan Wellmann Duration: 15:54
Андрей Фурсов в программе Сергея Стиллавина на радио Маяк 20.06.2012 Иллюстрации М. Абрамов, Robert Cottingham, Syd Mead, Dennis Allain. Подробнее Бьют по Сирии, а целятся в Россию! Author: systeemtheorie Duration: 37:41
Photos for video Андрей Фурсов - Конец предвоенной эпохи
SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR REGULAR KILLER CONTENT VIDEO UPDATES How To Defeat The System is Fabian4Liberty's latest micro documentary film. With the world in crisis and hundreds of talking heads highlighting the problems, what exactly are the solutions? In this micro documentary LIBERTARIAN ACTIVIST Fabian4Liberty covers concrete steps individuals can take starting today that can change their lives, their families and their communities all the while taking down the system. Learn How To SURVIVE & THRIVE in the coming economic collapse! What is THE SYSTEM? The system is the banker run economy, the BIG FOOD GMO foods, The two party system, the Corporate Banker owned media and much more. Please share with everyone you know and subscribe for weekly updates. Listen to the Fabian4Liberty program every Monday and Friday on American Freedom Radio from 8pm EST to 10pm EST My Links: Thanks for watching Collapse Crisis Fabian4Liberty Gold Ron Paul 2012 Obama Romney Economy "Alex Jones Videos" "The Economic Collapse" "Ron Paul 2012" War Banks Wall Street Bailouts silver Author: Fabian4Liberty Duration: 11:07
Photos for video "HOW TO Defeat The System" Documentary Film
On today's live Sunday broadcast, Alex looks at the accelerating disintegration of the Republic, and the rise of humanity to defeat those undermining the Constitution and all it stands for. Meanwhile, the global economic disaster continues to unfold, with nine EU nations recently downgraded by S&P still reverberating markets and likely to trigger further collapse. Alex also brings you the latest on the escalating tensions towards war with Iran-- with the United States and Israel openly discussing a strike in the wake of preparations for sanctions. Today is a moment of reflection for the system the New World Order has built. Your calls and thoughts are welcome. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 13:27
Photos for video The Accelerating Disintegration of America 1/5
Yea, this is my droid army for my 200 sub milestone. Please rate, comment, and PLEASE SUB. And PLEASE sub to these plp. It'll make me, you, and them happy! And this guy cuz he has no subs and I feel bad 4 him. D: Author: tehrulez Duration: 3:20