BEYONCE: Did She Lip- Sync? Did She Sing For Real? 24Wired.TV Has Uncovered The Lost Audio From Her Mic. Special Thanks To: WATCH MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE: SUBSCRIBE! TWITTER: FACEBOOK: VISIT OUR SITE: Queen Beyonce, King Beyonce, knowles, inauguration 2013, barack obama, michelle obama, jay z, star spangled banner, lip sync, sing, audio, leaked, exclusive, real, marine band, ceremonies, president, performance, live, rehearse, pre- recorded, cold weather, washington dc, ear piece out, recording studio, national anthem, rendition, media, fans care Author: 24WiredTV Duration: 1:51
Photos for video LEAKED! "Queen Beyonce's" REAL Barack Obama Inauguration Audio
Will Selena Gomez Have Any Breakup Tracks On Her New Album? Plus, will The Lumineers show off their comedic side on 'SNL'? Click "Show More" for additional info! All of these stories and more when MTV News brings you the three most-dished-about stories from today, including Mindless Behavior on their performance for the President. - Exclusive 'Spring Breakers' Trailer Watch Now! - Jennifer Lawrence's 'SNL' Promo Is Here, And It Is Awesome - Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson and Katy Perry: A Pop-Culture Guide To The Inauguration Author: MTVNewsVideo Duration: 1:34
Photos for video Selena Gomez Promises Honesty In Music, And Mindless Behavior Invades DC The MTV News Show 1.18.13
Traveling from tea parties in Texas to "Oath Keeper" rallies in Massachusetts, VICE investigates whether the country is actually on the verge of the 2nd Revolutionary War. -- The Department of Homeland Security classifies them as potential "domestic terrorists"; they prefer to be called patriots. As the economic crisis deepens, a growing movement of Americans is rejecting the two-party system and the mainstream media. They believe a violent revolution is imminent, and they're getting ready for it now. VICE correspondent Ryan Duffy crosses the country to meet the people on the front lines of the struggle. They include Alex Jones, a radio talk show host in Austin, Texas who is waking people up to the dangers of the corporate globalists — and has seen traffic on his websites increase dramatically in recent months. We also meet Sgt. Charles Dyer, a US Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton who has taken an oath to disobey unconstitutional orders and take up arms against the government if it becomes tyrannical — and is training a citizen militia to do the same. Originally released in 2010 on Check out the Best of VICE here Subscribe to VICE here! Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 25:42
Kassem G and Shira Lazar re-watch and review the first 10 videos on What's Trending's "Top 20 of 2012" list. SUBSCRIBE for more exclusives: CHECK OUT PART 2, FEATURING THE YEAR'S TOP 10 VIDEOS: SUBSCRIBE TO KASSEM G: Follow Kassem on Twitter: @kassemg Every weekday, What's Trending has been seeking out the best videos YouTube has to offer. Now, here's a definitive guide to the 20 biggest, most infamous and best of YouTube in 2012. (Well, the first part anyway, covering videos #20 through #11.) Included in this line-up, Samuel L. Jackson's plea to American voters, Mister Rogers Remixed, Kristen Bell having a meltdown, an epic episode of Epic Rap Battles of History and much, much more! FEATURED VIDEOS: #20: Wake the F--k Up: #19: Barack Obama Singing Sexy and I Know It: #18: Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind: #17: Arrested Drunk Guy Singing Bohemian Rhapsody: #16: Oh My Dayum: #15: Kristen Bell's Sloth Meltdown: #14: Isaac's Live Lip Dub Marriage Proposal: #13: Bad Lip Reading: Edward and Bella: #12: Master Chief vs. Leonidas: Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2: #11: Tired of Bronco Bamma: Read our blog to discover more trends! Follow us on Twitter for real-time updates! Like us on Facebook! Add us to your circles on <b>...</b> Author: Whatstrending Duration: 4:53
Photos for video Top 20 YouTube Videos of 2012: Part 1 (feat. KassemG)
Вступайте в группу: Новостной видеокаст о самых интересных событиях недели от создателя Droider Show Бориса Веденского. В этом выпуске про всемогущего Шойгу и отставку Сердюкова, выборы Обамы и курение марихуаны в Вашингтоне. Author: vedensky Duration: 4:55
Photos for video ОффТОП Шоу #22. Шойгу против Обамы!
Think you're seeing double? On "LIVE with Kelly and Michael," Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan spoofed what could happen when Oprah meets "Long Island Medium" Theresa Caputo -- then Kelly came face-to-face with the real Theresa Caputo! It's from "LIVE's" Halloween Hurricane Telethon on Monday, November 5, 2012, part of Disney ABC's Day of Giving to help those affected by Hurricane Sandy. Watch "LIVE with Kelly and Michael" weekday mornings -- click here for local time and channel: Author: LIVEKellyandMichael Duration: 3:05
Photos for video "LIVE's" Halloween Hurricane Telethon -- "Long Island Medium Meets Oprah" Spoof