SUBSCRIBE NOW!! AMTV WEBSITE: GREENEWAVE WEBSITE: MY FACEBOOK: MY TWITTER: MY GOOGLE+ -==DONATE LINK==- 1-7-2013: On today's edition of AMTV, Christopher Greene warns Americans that President Barack Obama is disarming the Country before the outbreak of Civil War. Author: cgreene34 Duration: 5:24
Вступайте в группу: Новостной видеокаст о самых интересных событиях недели от создателя Droider Show Бориса Веденского. В этом выпуске про всемогущего Шойгу и отставку Сердюкова, выборы Обамы и курение марихуаны в Вашингтоне. Author: vedensky Duration: 4:55
Photos for video ОффТОП Шоу #22. Шойгу против Обамы!
SUBSCRIBE!!!! New vlogs every day!! INSTAGRAM: @ShaneDawson Get "THE VACATION SONG!" on iTunes here: and watch the music video HERE SUBSCRIBE TO SHANNA'S CHANNEL!!! Also check out Qaadir! THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING! :) I have 3 channels! Check em out! :) *Main Channel* *2nd Channel* (vlogs & extras) *iPhone Channel* (daily vlogs) Hit me up on my social networks! Google+ Facebook Twitter Website Shirts & Merch http Tumblr Send letters to: 3727 W. Magnolia Blvd #712 Burbank, CA 91505 *Branding, Media, & General Business Inquiries: The Collective *Film & Television Agent: William Morris Endeavor (310) 285-9000 Author: shane Duration: 8:52
The Peter Schiff Show (6/27/2012) Weekdays LIVE and FREE on Follow me on Twitter @SchiffRadio Friend me on http Buy my new book at Author: SchiffReport Duration: 5:51
Photos for video Advertising Fraud? Government Says Food Stamps Assure Heath, Beauty & Happiness
On the May 20 Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the global elite on the run as the establishment media is forced to report on the Bilderbergers and their noxious plan to finally unfold a devastating attack on Iran, undermine the internet with government censorship, and sell the public on more trillions in bankster bailouts and punitive carbon taxes under the discredited cover of saving the earth. Alex talks about the continued and long overdue outing of Kenyan-born Obama the imposter and the G8 war council in Chicago that has transformed the Windy City into a repressive police state where political activists disappear and patsies are set-up as terrorists to further the manufactured war on terror and its Orwellian control grid. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 24:58
Photos for video Barack Obama: A Foundation Operative!
In the news segment, Paul Joseph Watson, co-host and chief editor for, discussing how Americans are cheering President Obama's intentions to bypass Congress in order to push forward his agenda through executive fiat. A video compilation shows that not only is Obama undertaking this unconstitutional action, but he is a serial offender! Further, Watson covers the latest round of Iranian wargames, now set to coincide with a US and Israeli run drill, giving on-lookers reason for pause and creating fears that such 'exercises' could well provoke all out war. The confrontation leaves the door wide open for a false flag provocation, something former Vice President Cheney reportedly proposed during the Bush administration to kick start the Iran war. Meanwhile, temporary euphoria over a spike in job numbers proves to be more smoke and mirrors, and indeed, to be just that-- temporary. Zero Hedge documents how Morgan Stanley's David Greenlaw has reported that 42000 of the 200000 jobs is basically a seasonal quirk, that will soon go away, leaving only 158000 as expected. On the 2012 campaign front, the media has predictably turned back to attacking Ron Paul after his strong showing in Iowa, with George Soros-arm Media Matters trying to sink him by associating him with none other than Alex Jones. Before launching a kitchen-sink list of conspiracy theories, Media Matters tabulates that "Paul has appeared on Jones' radio program at least thirteen times since the <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:06
Photos for video Iowa Caucus Reeks of Voting Fraud, Obama Cheered as Dictator & More: Paul Watson Reports
Alex also talks with political candidate and economist Lyndon LaRouche about his emergency statement released on Thanksgiving evening. It calls for stopping the British empire before its successfully launches World War Three and the destruction of civilization. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:10
Photos for video Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is "Clinically Insane!" 2/4
Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a press conference on May 3, 2004 at the National Press Club in Washington DC and exposed to the world the hidden forces guiding America and her wicked policies. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 15:22
Photos for video Farrakhan Exposes The Jewish & Neo-Con Conspiracy In Middle East (2 of 2)
Are you familiar with the Rockefeller plan to create a One World Government? Are you aware of the relationships between the Rockefellers and Barack Obama and John McCain? This video will focus on Obama, McCain and the Rockefeller family. Author: RLiebenstein1 Duration: 7:41
Photos for video Rockefellers control government part 1 Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama "Characters" participated in a "Prsidential Primary Democratic Smackdown" on 4-21-08. This is the footage of the pre-match gimmicks. Hillary is using Hulk Hogan's gimmicks and Barack is using The Rock's gimmicks. "Barack-bottom" Author: itisplanb Duration: 7:28
Photos for video WWE RAW Obama VS Clinton Pre-match