www.youtube.com www.westernjournalism.com www.youtube.com www.godlikeproductions.com dancingczars.wordpress.com www.infowars.com www.youtube.com Warn About The Coming Tribulation For Those Who Will Be Left Behind!!!! Only The Salvation Of Jesus Christ Will Save You From The Tribulation To Come... The Beheadings of Christians, The FEMA Concentration Camps, The Mark Of The Beast,The Implantable RFID Chips, The FEMA Coffins.. The System Is Built.... You Must Come Out Of This World!!! STOP SINNING.... Seek Jesus On Your KNEES.. That's The Only Way You Will Overcome SIN... Give up ''The Friends'' The Drinkin The Girls The Smokin.... It Will Get You Left Behind... And Will Send You Strait To Hell...The Worst Place Imaginable...Great Weeping and Gnashing Of Teeth.. A Torment You Cant Even Begin To Imagine....Don't Gamble With Eternity...Give It Up...That You May Enter Into Eternal Life,,, Absolute Paradise!!! Are Real Home...We Must Get Back Home...This Is Only a Test... Make It Happen!!! Seek The Forgiveness of Jesus! AMEN Accept Jesus now by saying the prayer below from your heart. Confess it with your mouth, You must sincerely mean it, and you have to do your best not to go back to a life of sin! Living a life of sin leads to eternal separation from God if you die in your sins. Everlasting Torment will consume you, You can still go to Hell if you don't live righteously! Make the best decision you could ever make come to accept Jesus into your heart. That he may save you from <b>...</b> Author: LiveRighteous7 Duration: 27:57
Photos for video 40 + Reasons - Barack Obama Is The Antichrist Part 1
THE iTUNES LINK! - bit.ly NEW TANK TOPS! - www.rodeoarcade.com SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com WTKGTS FACEBOOK! www.facebook.com WTKGTS TWITTER! twitter.com OUR TWITTERS! www.twitter.com www.twitter.com THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! www.youtube.com CHECK OUT THE CREATOR OF THE INTRO! www.youtube.com OTHER STUFF! Google+ gplus.to Facebook: facebook.com Instagram: bit.ly SHOE! bit.ly SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: www.rodeoarcade.com OUR WEBSITE: www.shaycarl.com Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 31:49
Salvation Prayer: "Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please Jesus forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart, please Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." Amen. What to do after you're saved? - Repent of sin. (Ask Jesus to forgive you) - Turn from sin. Pray for God to help you. - Build a relationship with God by prayer, He is your Father. - Read the Bible. (Begin from the book of Mathew) - Witness to the lost and pray for others. - Get baptized. Important videos: youtu.be youtu.be Author: YahushuaSaves27 Duration: 50:20
Photos for video Chris Tomlin "And If Our God Is For Us" (Full Album)
vk.com Распространите это видео как можно шире! Дополнительные материалы к выпуску: Террористы предложили Обаме перемирие. Пиар или легализация? Е.Супер www.odnako.org Американские погромы у освобождённых арабов. В Ливии исламисты убили американца, в Египте взяли штурмом консульство США. Е.Супер www.odnako.org Доуправлялись хаосом. На годовщину 9/11 и убийство американского посла союзниками США. М.Леонтьев www.odnako.org Американцы в Ливии упали в вырытую ими же яму. А.Эскин www.odnako.org Антиамериканские демонстрации охватили исламский мир. Последняя сводка. Е.Супер www.odnako.org Эта неделя войдет в историю чудовищной провокацией, ставшей причиной антиамериканских протестов по всему миру и гибелью десятков людей в угоду политическим интересам. Мы внимательно следили за происходящим и готовы представить вам подробный пошаговый разбор ситуации, который расставит все по своим местам. Предупреждаем, некоторые кадры выпуска слишком жестоки, чтобы их смотрели женщины, дети и впечатлительные зрители. Неудавшийся союз Началась неделя с громкой новости -- в канун годовщины трагедии 11 сентября, как по заказу к красивой дате, исламские радикалы предложили США и странам Запада заключить перемирие. Инициатива исходила от двух смертельных врагов США -- «Аль-Каиды» и «Талибана». При этом условия мира были вполне приемлемыми. «Аль-Каида» в обмен на прекращения терактов требовала от США прекратить вмешиваться в дела исламских государств и выпустить из тюрем заключенных джихадистов <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 11:42
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 45 (10.0912-16.09.12)
"If you're angry at Bush I get it because we elected him in a democracy, kind of, but listen he was President twice, and so if President Bush attacks Iraq and you say he equals the USA I think that's a fair point. Now look he doesn't because at this point 70% of Americans don't like Bush but none the less you could say Bush equals USA. You could say President Obama elected in your democracy he does drone strikes, we don't like the drone strikes, but Obama equals America. You can say that I get it. But here's what you can't say..." Cenk Uygur (www.twitter.com host of The Young Turks. Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:44
Watch it online. Get started here: OFA.BO President Obama prepares for the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Don't miss the show—starts Thursday September 6th at 8:00 pm Eastern. Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 0:53
Photos for video Watch the 2012 Democratic National Convention Live on BarackObama.com
ObamasRealFather.com - National Press Club, Washington DC, July 19, 2012 Transcript of Speech by Director Joel Gilbert, Dreams from My Real Father Why does it matter who Barak Obama's father really is ? It matters because Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics. His father was a goat herder from Kenya, so he would bring people together, so the story went. As a result, the public perceived Barack Obama as a nice man with an inspiring family story. However, as shown in Dreams from My Real Father, Barack Obama in fact has a deeply disturbing family background, which he intentionally hid, in order to obscure a Marxist political foundation. While voters will overlook some fudging by politicians, promoting a false family background to hide a Marxist agenda irreconcilable with American values is a totally unacceptable manipulation of the electorate. At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. Based on Obama's own accounts, there can be no doubt that Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA Propagandist, and former Soviet Agent, indoctrinated Obama with a Marxist world view during his formative years. This is a known phenomenon amongst the radical left, referred to as "Red Diaper Babies" or "hand-me-down Marxism." Much of the leadership of the SDS and Weather Underground were children of Communist Party USA members, including Katherine Boudin, Jeff Jones, and many <b>...</b> Author: jgil14 Duration: 12:49
Photos for video Dreams from My Real Father: Director Joel Gilbert at National Press Club, Washington DC
[The best tour in Van Halen history.. (1992-93) Audio Edited "HD"] 01. Poundcake: www.youtube.com 02. Judgement Day: www.youtube.com 03. Man On A Mission: www.youtube.com 04. When It's Love: www.youtube.com 05. In 'n' Out: www.youtube.com 06. Right Now: www.youtube.com 07. Pleasure Dome/Drum Solo: www.youtube.com 08. Spanked: www.youtube.com 09. Runaround: www.youtube.com 10. Finish What Ya Started: www.youtube.com 11. "Eagles Fly" from Sammy: www.youtube.com 12. "316" (Guitar Solo): www.youtube.com 13: You Really Got Me/Cabo Wabo: www.youtube.com 14. The Dream is Over: www.youtube.com 15. Jump: www.youtube.com 16: Top of the World: www.youtube.com Author: szerelemgyerek Duration: 5:21
BareFootStocks.Net.ms Learn how to make money no matter how the market flows these secrets yields results ! Go in smart get out in one piece with amazing consistent profits,Visit http now to watch the FREE video & get your FREE report I'm going to save you hundreds !! . . . NEW . . . . . .WORLD . . . . ORDER . . Author: NWOSurvivalBlueprint Duration: 4:54
Photos for video (MUST WATCH)Ron Paul Reveals His Master Plan To Beat Barack"THE TRADER"Obama In 2012
Obama Provides Terrorists a Safe Haven While Hailing Death of Al-Awlaki The hypocrisy is staggering, even by Obama's standards Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Friday, September 30, 2011 President Barack Obama has triumphantly hailed the death of Anwar al-Awlaki as a crushing blow to Al-Qaeda's hopes of acquiring a safe haven, even as the US-backed NATO bombardment of Libya provides terrorists with a safe haven in North Africa. Responding to the news that Al-Awlaki, who received an upgrade in his role after death to "chief of external operations" for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, had been killed, Obama labeled it "another significant milestone" in the war on terror, adding, "This is further proof that al Qaeda and its affiliates will have no safe haven anywhere in the world." Aside from the fact that Al-Awlaki was a confirmed double agent, having dined at the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 despite being declared the spiritual leader of the hijackers, and going on to become chief patsy handler for intelligence agency entrapment operations, the hypocrisy here is staggering even by Obama's standards. If Obama was so concerned about not providing safe havens to terrorists, then why has he just helped hand an entire country over to them in Libya? As we have previously highlighted, shortly after the start of the conflict in March, Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the leader of the anti-Gaddafi rebel army, admitted that the rebel ranks include Al-Qaeda terrorists <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:03
Photos for video Obama's Staggering Hypocrisy!! - On The Road with Alex Jones 1/3
Alex welcomes back to the show Gerald Celente, a trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance. Celente's accurate forecasts include the 1987 stock market crash, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the 1997 Asian currency crash and the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis. He is the author of Trend Tracking: The System to Profit from Today's Trends and Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century. www.trendsresearch.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplane.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:52
Photos for video Gerald Celente: US Double Dip Depression will Lead us into War - Alex Jones Tv 2/4
Several years after retiring from the acclaimed X-men, Wolverine struggles to gain control of his life with his son, Shawn. This shit is nuts. Author: PixiesProductionInc Duration: 3:55