Today everyone in the media seems to be using their 1st Amendment freedom of speech to attack their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. I find that intriguing, because there would be no 1st Amendment without the 2nd Amendment. It was the force of the arms of common citizens fighting the government that made the 1st Amendment possible. I'm going to use my 1st Amendment freedom of speech to defend and preserve my 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. There would be no America without the 2nd Amendment. How many people have died from mass shootings in the US in the last two years? Tucson, AZ (6), Batman (12), Sikh Temple (7), Sandy Hook (27). That's 52 people. How many people have died in the last two years from prescription drugs? 200000. How many people have died in hospitals in the last two years from medical errors? 390000. Are we going to fundamentally change our form of government for these 390000? or the 52? Sandy Hook Shooting False Flag- Bad Actors Used to Take Away the Second Amendment Sandy Hook 2nd Shooter Cover-Up STAGED HOAX- SANDY HOOK CONNECTICUT SHOOTING PT.3/5 Author: David Lory VanDerBeek Duration: 78:10
Photos for video DID OBAMA ORDER SANDY HOOK SHOOTING TO GET YOUR GUNS Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek
A joint - A Production. America was attacked on September 11th, 2012 by Al Qaeda at our consulate in Libya. Our consulate was burned and four Americans including our ambassador were murdered. President Obama and his administration denied it was a terrorist attack for weeks. Since then, Americans have learned that Obama and his administration knew it was an act of terror all along and chose to tell the public it was because of a Youtube video protest. It's time for Obama to tell the truth on Libya. We can't afford more apologies, excuses, and weakness. Author: Secure America Duration: 2:55
Photos for video The Truth About Libya - Failed Foreign Policy
A must see for all truthers, christians and muslims alike. Please help in sharing this video before it gets taken down. The world is being set for the next false flag event, a nuclear world war! Of which, Barack Obama (the Leopard) is the one orchestrating it. For many, the truth may seem stranger than fiction, but my hope is that this video may open the eyes of you who are in darkness and to provide those who are awake the answers you are looking for. Be prepared, the FIRE is about to RISE and the man of perdition is about to be REVEALED! For better understanding of things to come please watch some of my earlier videos recommended below: -- Hurricane Sandy - The beginning of Sorrows (BIRTH OF THE NEW RACE) -- The Olympic Ceremonies EXPOSED Full Playlist: -- Satanism in the Industry: -- This video includes a collection of all my work so far, including clips from Jonathan and Clay's DNArk Pheonix rising series, plus loads more new material yet unseen. Many hours have been put into making this video so I ask if you could all do your part and share this video with as many people as you can. Thank you and God Bless. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places." - Ephesians 6:12 Author: scrawny2brawny Duration: 73:22
Photos for video The Great Deception: Obama and the Coming War *PLEASE SHARE*
US Foreign Policy the Cause of Middle East Protests? Air Date: Sep 14, 2012 Former CIA Operative Michael Scheuer on the motives behind the recent protests in the Middle East. All credits to: Fox Business Network FBI -- WARNING -- Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called fair use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody. Author: djgabrielpresents Duration: 5:34
Photos for video Michael Scheuer: Mrs Clinton Has Blood on her Hands Everywhere
Classified documents highlighting the Obama administration's achievements in the war on terror have been leaked to US media. The White House is facing tough criticism for what some claim was a deliberate leak for the sake of political gain. Peter Van Buren, former Foreign Service officer at the State Department, believes the now public documents paint the President as a hypocrite. Watch RT LIVE on our website Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:12
Photos for video Obamaleaks: 'Pres poses as superhero but has blood on his hands'
The War on Drugs is a joke, it's racist in it's application and the ONLY Man telling the Truth about it is Ron Paul. Wake Up Negroes! Original Video: Author: tmotofga Duration: 5:36
Photos for video Obama Supporters: Dumb Ass Negroes, Racist Assed Whites
[The best tour in Van Halen history.. (1992-93) Audio Edited "HD"] 01. Poundcake: 02. Judgement Day: 03. Man On A Mission: 04. When It's Love: 05. In 'n' Out: 06. Right Now: 07. Pleasure Dome/Drum Solo: 08. Spanked: 09. Runaround: 10. Finish What Ya Started: 11. "Eagles Fly" from Sammy: 12. "316" (Guitar Solo): 13: You Really Got Me/Cabo Wabo: 14. The Dream is Over: 15. Jump: 16: Top of the World: Author: szerelemgyerek Duration: 5:21
On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:37
Photos for video Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3
On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 11:44
Photos for video Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 1/3
THIS IS MY BLOG TOWERING INFERNO AND STAND BUT 911 TOWERS FALL.avi Moscow Skyscraper Goes Up in Flames But Does Not Collapse Flame Turns On Computer Microphones, Takes Screen Shots, Copies Data, Records Communications New Big Brother Cyber Weapon Can Turn on Your Computer's Microphone, Record Communications Virginia Gov: Warrantless Drones "Great" for America Landslide Closes I-75 South In Campbell County Friday, March 09, jellico mountain landslide Arizona Sheriff Not Backing Down On Obama Birth Issue Tepco: 'No Plan' To Deal With A Fukushima Collapse That Threatens Civilization RED ALERT, POSSIBLE MISSILES ON TRAIN UNDER THE COVER OF NIGHT! Army Missles Space Craft in Indianapolis Indiana URGENT! The Role of Delegates in the US Presidential Nominating Process ! WE CAN HELP RON PAUL IF WE KNOW HOW Fukushima: If Number 4 Collapses, Japan Will Be Evacuated & FEATURED STORIES WORLD WAR III: Obama has signed 3 new executive orders: NDAA 2013: Now Featuring Propaganda And War With Iran Homeland Security in the Land of the Free & Obama: The Groomed from Birth Dictator Republican-led House votes to allow military action against Iran OBAMA'S LIES? THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD The Vetting -- Exclusive <b>...</b> Author: tatoott1009 Duration: 87:40
Photos for video Aaron Russo MAD AS HELL (FULL LENGTH).avi
Larry King and numerous other divorces across the nation pose the question: Is marriage and monogamy truly working for us as a society in this day and age? Or is marriage an ENDANGERED SPECIES? Junebug Obama gives his unique and controversial spin on this subject. Author: JunebugObama Duration: 10:45
Photos for video LARRY KING and this ENDANGERED SPECIES Called MARRIAGE!
Great SNL talent do video in favor of consumer protection agency to protect consumers against Wall Street Robbers. Author: Hometheaterdoctor Duration: 5:44
Photos for video Reagan, Clinton, Ford, Bush I and Bush II Explain it all to Obama