As much info as i can give in 15 minutes covering the current world economic crisis and why we are this position to begin with . How the Rockefellers , Rothschilds and JP Morgan got President Wilson to sell this country out and how every war was preceded by a false flag event . .. Be one , Be strong , Be love .... BE LEGENDARY ! Author: DAHBOO7 Duration: 15:02
Photos for video Make Viral ~ The Truth About the World Your Living In ~ Knowledge is Power !
The Broken Window Fallacy Explained. The Peter Schiff Show (10/29/2012) Live and Free Weekdays 10am to noon ET on Buy my new book The Real Crash Author: SchiffReport Duration: 6:39
Photos for video Yes, Sandy, Broken Windows Do Hamper Economic Growth
Sept 27, 2012 While introducing President Obama at a campaign event in Virginia, Sen. Jim Webb rewrites Mitt Romney's idea of the "47 percent." Author: Licentiathe8th Duration: 7:44
Photos for video The Last Word - Sen. Webb rewrites Mitt Romney
ВОПРОС - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую? @ ОТВЕТ - Компьютер: CPU Intel Core i5 2500, PCI-E2 GeForce GTX570, MB ASUS P8Z68-V, DDR3 4G 1333MHz Kingston x3, PSU 800W FSP Epsilon, HDD 3Tb WD. Рисую на планшете Genius G-Pen F610 и в программе Adobe Photoshop CS5. Мой сайт - ФУТБОЛКИ - Мой основной канал - Мой второй канал - Мой Твиттер - Группа Вконтакте - Группа Steam - Мои кошельки для желающих меня немного поддержать (да, я наивный) Яндекс Деньги: 41001886424383 WebMoney: R147910088790 Z169617211390 Author: gagatunLive Duration: 8:06
Photos for video ВОПРОСЫ@ОТВЕТЫ - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую?
A new report shows that billions of taxpayer dollars were wasted by no-bid contracts that began under the Bush Administration for military contractors for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks breaks it down. The Largest Online News Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: Twitter: Support TYT for FREE: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:44
Photos for video Obama Continues No-Bid Contracts For Wars
Joe Sabia ( offers this hilarious and appropriately instructive recap of the Wikileaks "Cablegate" saga as it has unfolded over the last few weeks. What's in those leaked diplomatic memos? Learn here, all in 3 minutes of manic-paced cut-and-paced LOLvideo, complete with a Rachmaninoff score. Related Boing Boing video post: Joe Sabia: Author: boingboingvideo Duration: 3:27
Photos for video WikiWecaps Episode 1: Inside Wikileaks "Cablegate"
Currency trading strategies for currency traders. Learn how to trade Forex with Forex Bot. The Currency Wars Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation of the currency, is a condition in international affairs where countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their own currency. Money devaluation is basically what it all about. Currency trades take advantage of currency wars to make money trading currencies. MY VIDEOS CHANNEL CLICK HERE: Author: awebbiz Duration: 4:06
Photos for video Currency Wars Explained...Devaluation of a Currency...War of Currency ~ Youtube Video
Here it is, finally. The REAL HD, High Quality video of Mary J. Blige's Just Fine performance at Obama's Neighborhood Ball where we celebrated history Author: DenzelSpeaks Duration: 4:05
Photos for video Mary J. Blige-Just Fine (live at The Neighborhood Ball:An Inauguration Celebration)
Larry King and numerous other divorces across the nation pose the question: Is marriage and monogamy truly working for us as a society in this day and age? Or is marriage an ENDANGERED SPECIES? Junebug Obama gives his unique and controversial spin on this subject. Author: JunebugObama Duration: 10:45
Photos for video LARRY KING and this ENDANGERED SPECIES Called MARRIAGE!
Will the United States opt to send 44000 more troops to Afghanistan as part of a counterinsurgency strategy, or will it opt for a smaller counterterrorism force? With a decision expected in the next few weeks, reports indicate that President Barack Obama is looking for a middle-of-the-road plan. But is there another, possible fourth option? Just last week, Matthew Hoh, the former US Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan, announced his resignation, saying he no longer saw the value in continued US involvement in what was essentially a 35-year-old civil war. In an emotional four-page resignation letter Hoh said, Like the Soviets, we continue to secure and bolster a failing state, while encouraging an ideology and system of government unknown and unwanted by its people. So is it time for the United States to withdraw from Afghanistan? On this episode of Riz Khan, Anand Naidoo interviews Matthew Hoh. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:40
This is a superbly shot piece that depicts the Changing of the Guard at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. The guards switch every hour on the hour 24hours a day, 365 Days a Year. Indeed, the only video since Barack Obama has been in office! Author: blackcivicsi Duration: 10:18
Photos for video Tomb of the Unknown Soldier-Changing of the Guard-Arlington National Cemetery
Is Obama UFO disclosure coming soon? You decide. Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence" at the European Exopolitics Summit 2009. This is the presentation that triggered the interview/debate between Dr. Greer and Kerry Cassidy/Bill Ryan of the following day. Tags: Dr. Steven Greer Disclosure Project Orion Project Exopolitics Summit 2009 Spain ET UFO Kerry Cassidy Bill Ryan Project Camelot Obama Author: NBGfilms Duration: 3:48
Hit that yellow button up there to subscribe to look at us on the computer. Thank you kindly. Jackie and Dunlap on bailouts, bank runs, Wall Street, and septic tanks. Come see The Red State Update Town Hall Meeting LIVE in Nashville, at the Belcourt Theatre, October 6, 9:30 PM. Tickets on sale this Friday at Get our CD "How Freedom Sounds" at Author: travisandjonathan Duration: 2:39