Mitt Romneys has some pretty crazy beliefs about the end of the world. My mommy always told me to keep religious nutters away from nuclear weapons, and that his was a policy you should start at home! Author: Thunderf00t Duration: 4:02
Photos for video Mitt Romneys Crazy Apocalyptic Beliefs
Вся история нынешней власти наполнена постоянными уступками Западу. Апогеем таких уступок стала идея размещения транзитной базы НАТО в Ульяновске - в самом сердце России, с ее огромным скоплением предприятий военно-промышленного комплекса! Мнением народа по этому, возможно, судьбоносному вопросу власть не интересуется... Коммунисты считают, что нынешняя политика правящей элиты России может быть только прозападной - по самой сути их классового родства... Выступление на заседании Государственной думы депутата от фракции КПРФ, члена президиума ЦК КПРФ В.Н.Тетекина. Author: CommunistPartyRF Duration: 3:49
Photos for video База НАТО: дорога в Россию открыта?
Airing Date Dec.20, 2011 You can also view this video at DailyMotion here Ron Paul Interview On CNN's John King, USA lets see here Ask about a third party run... Check Ask why his own party hates him... Check Ask about newsletters he did not write..... Check Ah yes the main stream media, your relevancy is fading before you but fortunately you can not see it. Your time is up, LONG LIVE THE INTERNET ! Author: SaveOurSovereignty3 Duration: 6:20
Photos for video Ron Paul Interview On CNN's John King, USA
GOP candidates are silent when audience boos a gay soldier at their Orlando FL debate. Rick Santorum doesn't even acknowledge the soldier's service. The Commander in Chief calls them out on their failure to honor our men and women in uniform. Author: dankavanaugh Duration: 0:54
Photos for video Obama Blasts GOP Candidates on Booing of Gay Soldier at Debate
Golden Voice man 'Ted Williams' surprises a lucky fan at a Milkshakes WEHO on Saturday March 12th,2011 in West Hollywood, Ca, United States. Ted indeed loves to help others in need, this time he visited the most popular Celebrity hotspot Milkshakes store in West Hollywood and surprised one of his fans named Bianca for her Super 16 birthday. Author: GmeExperts Duration: 1:58
Photos for video Golden Voice man 'Ted Williams' surprises a lucky fan at a Milkshakes store WEHO
"The Best of me" was Cliff Richards 100th single released. And it was first released in may 1989. And written by the David Foster. This little romantic valentines day video is a performance by danish crooner Thomas Lille Author: Thomas Lilleore Duration: 4:31
Joe Sabia ( offers this hilarious and appropriately instructive recap of the Wikileaks "Cablegate" saga as it has unfolded over the last few weeks. What's in those leaked diplomatic memos? Learn here, all in 3 minutes of manic-paced cut-and-paced LOLvideo, complete with a Rachmaninoff score. Related Boing Boing video post: Joe Sabia: Author: boingboingvideo Duration: 3:27
Photos for video WikiWecaps Episode 1: Inside Wikileaks "Cablegate"
Assuming Obama is the PERFECT president, Penn Jillette explains why you shouldn't support his views on war and healthcare. BESOCIAL! Share this video! Never Miss The Point - Subscribe for Free! Penn Point Homepage Twitter Facebook Penn on Twitter ABOUT PENN POINT Penn Point is no ordinary vlog. It's a virtual conversation about today's hottest topics. Penn Point brings you a front row seat to Penn Jillette's unique and passionate point of view in a compact vlog, four times a week! Author: pennpoint Duration: 11:58
Photos for video Even If You LOVE Obama, Here's Why You Shouldn't - Penn Point Alex Jones covers some recent aspects of diplomatic immunity, as extended to Interpol and other foreign agencies, by way of President Obama's Executive Order 12425. They, along with foreign troops & assets have been increasingly used throughout the United States to for 'Homeland' control over the populace. Check these links for more info: Obama Extends Diplomatic Immunity to Interpol by Executive Order Why Does Interpol Need Immunity from American Law? FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09) IDF, US National Guard to share defense ideas Army Dispatched in Response to End the Fed Protests The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400000 Military Personnel in US Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists The Modern Militia Movement-Missouri MIAC Strategic Report 20Feb09 Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 6:31
Photos for video Obama grants Interpol immunity as foreign 'assets' assigned to US homeland
BEYONCE At Last LIVE BARACK OBAMA MICHELLE Sweet Dreams Halo Inauguration Run The World 2013 BEYONCE, At, Last, LIVE, BARACK, OBAMA, MICHELLE, Sweet, Dreams, Halo, Inauguration, Run, The, World, 2013, Destiny's, Child, Super, Nuclear, Bowl, Half, Time, National, Anthem, Dance, For, You, Blue, Ivy, Carter, Countdown, Love, On, Top, Grammy, Awards, Grammys, Beyonce AT LAST Barack Obama & Michelle First Dance "Beyonce Live" Who Run The World God Bless The USA Live Move Your Body "Beyonce Who Run The World" "Who Run The World" BEYONCE Beyonce Girls That Rule The World Who "Beyonce Girls" New Song 2011 Live Performance Sweet Dreams Halo Single Ladies Lyrics Music Video Official BeyonceHalo "BeyonceHalo" Ft Lady Gaga Telephone Video Phone " Barack And Michelle Obama's "First Dance" President Obama's First 100 Days Speech Susan Boyle's 2nd Performance Is Also On This Channel Tea Party Republicans Sean Hannity Oscar Awards "Chris Brown" "Rihanna" "Etta James" "AT LAST" HD OBAMA'S DANCE "NAACP" "HALO" "TO DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM" "JENNIFER HUDSON" , DWTS MAKING MAJOR CONTROVERSY Because Etta James Disses Beyonce's Performance Michael Jackson RIP 1. If I Were a Boy (Toby Gad and Beyonc Author: NeighborhoodBall Duration: 3:44
Photos for video BEYONCE At Last LIVE BARACK OBAMA MICHELLE Sweet Dreams Halo Inauguration Run The World 2013
The revelation that Obama's candidacy was the only thing that gave their lives any meaning has caused many supporters to wander aimlessly, unsure of what to do with themselves. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:48
Photos for video Obama Win Causes Obsessed Backers To See How Empty Lives Are
From Larry King Live Oct. 24, 2008 the panel of Scott McClellan, Terry Holt, Lars Larson and Christopher Hitchens discussing the Presidential election ,McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate, Iraq, the surge and Palin's fruit fly comment. Author: ThePatriotsMaxims Duration: 8:39
Photos for video Hitchens - No Responsible Person Can Vote Republican This is George Carlin, comedian, speaking an awful lot of truth. America is run by large corporate interests and they seek to keep the population stupid and inept so they can do as they please without opposition. It is not as much about money, as it is about power. comedy bill hicks totalitarian goverment congress cheney hillary clinton barack obama john mccain army school kids alex jones truth movement truther cfr council foreign relations bohemian bilderberg skull bones ron paul united states america nwo new world order illuminati bush education conspiracy 9/11 iraq 911 war owner Author: HomeReality Duration: 4:41
Photos for video AMERICA IS TYRANNY - George Carlin