Michelle Obama spoke to delegates at the Democratic National Convention about the Barack Obama she fell in love with. -- Watch the full speech: www.washingtonpost.com -- More DNC convention video: wapo.st Author: WashingtonPost Duration: 25:04
19 апреля, в 19:00, в прямом эфире KPRF.TV состоялась трансляция Интернет-конференции, в которой принял участие Леонид Иванович Калашников, депутат фракции КПРФ в Госдуме, секретарь ЦК КПРФ по международным и экономическим связям, член Президиума ЦК КПРФ. Тема программы: "Размещение транзитного пункта НАТО в Ульяновске - политическая уступка или предательство? Борьба против НАТОвского присутствия, предстоящие акции протеста". Author: CommunistPartyRF Duration: 30:35
Photos for video База НАТО - политическая уступка или предательство?
Former presidential candidate, founder of the US Labor Party and co-founder of the Schiller Institute in Germany, Lyndon LaRouche talks with Alex on the Thursday, March 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Mr. LaRouche talks about Obama's martial law executive order and other recent political developments. larouchepac.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 45:22
Photos for video Obama's Imminent Threat of Global Thermonuclear War with Lyndon LaRouche
Вся история нынешней власти наполнена постоянными уступками Западу. Апогеем таких уступок стала идея размещения транзитной базы НАТО в Ульяновске - в самом сердце России, с ее огромным скоплением предприятий военно-промышленного комплекса! Мнением народа по этому, возможно, судьбоносному вопросу власть не интересуется... Коммунисты считают, что нынешняя политика правящей элиты России может быть только прозападной - по самой сути их классового родства... Выступление на заседании Государственной думы депутата от фракции КПРФ, члена президиума ЦК КПРФ В.Н.Тетекина. Author: CommunistPartyRF Duration: 3:49
Photos for video База НАТО: дорога в Россию открыта?
Alex Jones talks with Webster Tarpley about the 30-minute documentary that aims to shine a spotlight on central African militia leader Joseph Kony as Obama sends troops to central Africa to hunt down the Ugandan Lord's Resistance Army. www.tarpley.net www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:18
Photos for video KONY 2012 Exposed: Dr. Webster Tarpley Reports 1/3
Alex talks with David MacMichael, a former CIA analyst who also served as an analyst for the National Intelligence Council from 1981-1983. MacMichael resigned from the CIA in July 1983 because he felt the Agency was misrepresenting intelligence for political reasons. He is a member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, founding member of Association of National Security Alumni and the Association for Responsible Dissent, and an outspoken critic of the Iraq War. Mr. MacMichael talks with Alex about the impending attack on Iran. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:54
Photos for video Former CIA Analyst David MacMichael: 8 Days Till Armageddon? - The Alex Jones Show 1/3
Overjoyed civil rights leaders say that Barack Obama has paved the way for future black politicians to be smeared as country club snobs. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:22
Photos for video Portrayal Of Obama As Snob Hailed As Step Forward For Blacks
stj911.org About Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice (Scholars) is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Scholars emphasizes a scholarly and civil approach to inquiry. While researchers affiliated with universities comprise a portion of the group, membership is not limited to individuals with academic affiliations. We welcome all who are interested in helping to achieve a full understanding of the events of that tragic day. Scholars was founded in 2006 following a successful series of conferences and events examining the attack of September 11, 2001 using the scientific method and stressing the analysis based on large bodies of evidence -- particularly relating to the destruction of the World Trade Center. Scholars and its website are currently governed by an ad hoc committee, which formed following a general consensus reached among the membership of the original Scholars for 9/11 Truth regarding governance, website content, and civility. In the near future, an election will be held to select a steering committee. Administrative positions will last for one year. Who We Are Scholars is a group of independent investigators working towards exposing the truth behind the 9/11/2001 attacks. Currently, our membership is comprised of more than 600 individuals, from around the world, including scientists, engineers, architects <b>...</b> Author: EarthIsCorrupted Duration: 10:40
Photos for video Michael Chossudovsky War and globalization Part 1