US Chief Justice John Roberts has administered the presidential oath of office to President Barack Obama during his second inauguration. Mr Obama took the oath of office for the second time after his intimate swearing-in ceremony at the White House on Sunday. The 20th amendment to the US Constitution requires that presidential terms end at noon on January 20 -- but according to tradition, when that date falls on a Sunday, the president takes the oath a second time in public the next day. A crowd of up to 800000 people is expected to gather on the National Mall to witness the event. After repeating the swearing-in ritual and giving his inaugural speech, he will then make the traditional journey, part of it on foot, down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. While Mr Obama convincingly won a second term, the jubilation that surrounded him four years ago is subdued this time around -- often the case for second-term presidents. He guided the country through many crushing challenges after taking office in 2009: ending the Iraq war, putting the Afghan war on a course toward US withdrawal and saving the collapsing economy. Yet he faces bitter confrontation with opposition Republicans over gun control, avoiding a default on the nation's debts, cutting the spiralling federal deficit and preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon. Joe Biden was sworn in for his second term as vice president earlier on Sunday, taking the oath at his official residence at the US Naval <b>...</b> Author: telegraphtv Duration: 0:55
Photos for video Obama takes presidential oath of office
In the wake of December's horrific mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Vice President Joe Biden is chairing a panel of experts that will make gun-control recommendations to President Barack Obama by the end of the month. The president has said that enacting new restrictions on guns will be one of his highest priorities. No one wants to ever again see anything like the senseless slaughter of 26 people -- including 20 children - at a school. But as legislators turn toward creating new gun laws, here are five facts they need to know. 1. Violent crime -- including violent crime using guns -- has dropped massively over the past 20 years. The violent crime rate - which includes murder, rape, and beatings - is half of what it was in the early 1990s. And the violent crime rate involving the use of weapons has also declined at a similar pace. 2. Mass shootings have not increased in recent years. Despite terrifying events like Sandy Hook or last summer's theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, mass shootings are not becoming more frequent. "There is no pattern, there is no increase," says criminologist James Allen Fox of Northeastern University, who studies the issue. Other data shows that mass killings peaked in 1929. 3. Schools are getting safer. Across the board, schools are less dangerous than they used be. Over the past 20 years, the rate of theft per 1000 students dropped from 101 to 18. For violent crime, the victimization rate per 1000 <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 2:27
Photos for video 5 Facts About Guns, Schools, & Violence
The one and only Madonna rocked the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan on Thursday, November 8th, 2012. Her encore consisted of a medley of her hit singles "Celebration" and "Give It 2 Me." But most importantly, Madonna and her dancers all rocked these awesome OBMA shirts!!! (Which is a play on her "MDNA" album title and tour name.) I am glad Madonna gets it and knows that Obama is only good for this country! EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL! Follow me on Twitter! Author: Daavaaad Duration: 3:16
Photos for video Madonna rocks OBMA shirts in Detroit! "Celebration/Give It 2 Me" Encore Medley - Nov 8, 2012
check us out on Facebook Follow us @ Welcome to Capital Account. The accused Federal Reserve bomb plotter's home country wants details on his case. While this may make headlines, we ask Lew Rockwell of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute about one aspect of the Federal Reserve that has not made front page news: how the Fed, with its printing press, may be making war easier. After all, if the people of the United States were asked to write a check every year to the IRS in order to fund the exploding deficits and rising interest payments on the national debt, would they continue to support all these wars? Randolph Bourne may have famously quipped that "war is the health of the state," but it isn't the health of the economy, this is for certain. If the American people could identify their miserable economic plight with the actions of the federal reserve and with the hundreds of billions of dollars spent every year on war and defense, it is reasonable to expect that they would simply refuse the burden all together. We will ask Lew Rockwell, Chairman of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute what he thinks, and if he thinks that war is made easier by a pliant and compliant central bank. And, sticking with this issue of the Federal Reserve as the great "enabler," what about it's role in "disabling" and dismembering America's dwindling middle class? How responsible is the Federal Reserve and its quantitative easing, zero percent interest rate policy <b>...</b> Author: CapitalAccount Duration: 28:03
Photos for video Lew Rockwell explains how the Federal Reserve Enables War, Empire, and Destroys the Middle Class
Philip Defranco & Elliott Morgan cover all things that matter and don't matter from the 2nd Presidential Debate. For More on The Story- Be part of the Nation! #PDSLive to tweet us @PhillyD & @Sourcefed Check out for everything else that's awesome! Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Tumblr: Like us on Facebook: Philly D OFFICIAL APP for instant updates: Hosts: @phillyd & @elliottcmorgan Broadcasted using Wirecast Pro Author: SourceFed Duration: 66:35
Photos for video Romney Vs Obama #2 : Town Hall Brawl
Recorded on 10/10/12 Obama and the Embassy / Do I worry About Revealing Personal Info? / Living Abroad - Captured Live on Ustream at Author: BillWhittleChannel Duration: 73:10
Photos for video The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 16
(Pусский / English subtitles) June 26, 2012, Amman, Jordan - Click the blue numbers before each question to get his answer. 00:38 - What is your outlook (on Syria)? The US has stated that it does not want to talk with Iran on this matter. Do you feel it would be possible to discuss this issue, and settle this problem overall, without Iran? 1:59 - The President of Israel Shimon Peres devoted most of yesterday's reception to the topic of Iran. Do you share his point of view that Iran represents a direct threat to Israel's existence as a state, or could present that threat in the foreseeable future? 3:46 - Do you feel that it was right to accept the resignation of the Russian Football Union President Sergei Fursenko? How, and most importantly, when will we know the name of the next Russian Football Union president? Perhaps you already have an idea of who it might be? And when? 6:03 - Today, you opened a science and culture centre in Bethlehem, and the street where it stands is named after you. Did you know about this? How do you feel -- not only when this is done abroad, but in Russia as well -- about being immortalized like this while you are still living? 7:04 - In these two days, you spoke with all the sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Have there been any signs that the situation in settling this conflict may move forward from the current standstill, and were you able to get Mr Netanyahu and Mr Abbas to agree to a personal meeting? 9:01 - Mr President, there is <b>...</b> Author: Marine1063 Duration: 12:18
OATH KEEPERS MUST BEGIN TO ACTIVATE, CALL FOR POPULAR ASSEMBLY, URGENT! Accelerating Geopolitical Events now threaten to destroy not only our Nation but all of civilization. Time is short. you must act now for the preservation of your own Life and the Lives of those you care about. Please check out this LINK (URGENT NEWS) and help inform others... SHARE, FAVORITE it makes a difference! Author: helias314 Duration: 4:19
"Россия - без вопросов геополитический враг номер один, и факт того, что наш президент пытается делать с ними что-то, о чем не хочет говорить американскому народу перед выборами, я нахожу очень и очень тревожным", - заявляет кандидат на пост президента США от Республиканской партии Митт Ромни. Удивленный таким заявлением ведущий даже переспросил. "Вы уверены, что Россия - главный враг?" -- спросил ведущий. Бывший губернатор повторил: "без сомнений - она поддерживает худшие мировые режимы - Сирию и Иран". Угрозой Ромни назвал даже право вето, которым наша страна обладает в Совете безопасности ООН. Author: TheRus1999 Duration: 6:00
Photos for video Митт Ромни : " Россия - враг США номер один ".
Are you ready for a Nerdy Valentines Day? In which John Green examines the question of whether President Barack Obama is a Muslim in the wake of a recent opinion poll showing that more than one fifth of Americans believe Obama is a Muslim. Along the way, the five pillars of Islam are discussed: belief in the unity of God and the prophethood of Muhammad (shahada), prayer (salat), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm), and pilgrimage (hajj). Thanks to Valerie, Ryan, Sierra, Esther, and Geri for research assistance is compiling this video. HERE ARE A LOT OF LINKS TO NERDFIGHTASTIC THINGS: Shirts and Stuff: Hank's Music: John's Books: ====================== Hank's Twitter: Hank's Facebook: Hank's tumblr: John's Twitter John's Facebook: John's tumblr: ====================== Other Channels Crash Course SciShow: Gaming: VidCon: Hank's Channel: Truth or Fail: ====================== Nerdfighteria A Bunny (( ( - -) ((') (') Author: vlogbrothers Duration: 3:00
Photos for video Is Obama a Muslim? Examine the Evidence!
Alex talks with David MacMichael, a former CIA analyst who also served as an analyst for the National Intelligence Council from 1981-1983. MacMichael resigned from the CIA in July 1983 because he felt the Agency was misrepresenting intelligence for political reasons. He is a member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, founding member of Association of National Security Alumni and the Association for Responsible Dissent, and an outspoken critic of the Iraq War. Mr. MacMichael talks with Alex about the impending attack on Iran. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:54
Photos for video Former CIA Analyst David MacMichael: 8 Days Till Armageddon? - The Alex Jones Show 1/3