www.youtube.com This video is a message to all Americans including those of you who are serving in the military and law enforcement. America is losing all of the freedoms that define it as America. The American dream will come to an end unless we draw the line. Everyone of you is going to have to make a decision. Obama is moving to become a dictator. In order to do that, Americans must be disarmed. Our government is preparing legislation to have firm arms confiscated beginning with semi-automatic rifles and military grade hand guns. I'm asking you to become public and vocal. I'm asking you to publicly state with me that IF anyone in any level of government uses physical force to remove our firearms, that you execute them as terrorists who are trying to overthrow our form of government and turn America into a police state modeled after Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. In this video I'm going to lay out the historical facts that show where are county is headed. Specifically, I'm going to compare the United States to the rise and fall of Nazi Germany so you can the undeniable comparisons. FORMER RUSSIAN PREMIER/EX KGB HEAD TO WORK FOR HOMELAND SECURITY! www.newswithviews.com www.prisonplanet.com 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. tenthamendmentcenter.com Speech by Goebbels. www.youtube.com Women Suing State Troopers Over Roadside Cavity Searches www.infowars.com Diels was right. The more we allow police to be perverts as a duty, the more perverts will pursue jobs as police <b>...</b> Author: TheTruthandjustice96 Duration: 68:23
Photos for video IF OBAMA SENDS POLICE TO TAKE YOUR GUNS, CIVIL WAR Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek.
Lady Gaga - Born This Way live White House for Barack Obama Download mp3: www.4shared.com - no Copy Follow-me: www.twitter.com is.gd www.littlemonsters.com is.gd SUBSCRIBE on my channel and see my latest videos: (Lady Gaga live on Skype PART 1): is.gd (Lady Gaga live on Skyper PART 2): is.gd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Gabriel Siqueira Duration: 4:06
Photos for video Lady Gaga - Born This Way live White House for Barack Obama
"Christians United for Israel, which calls itself the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States, issued a statement opposing Chuck Hagel's nomination as secretary of defense. So did Concerned Women of America. Both groups drew attention to the former Republican Senator's record on Iran and Hezbollah. Meanwhile the Log Cabin Republicans purchased a full page ad in The Washington Post to attack him on gay rights."* Chuck Hagel is getting barraged by Republican opposition to his nomination for Secretary of Defense. Are the arguments perfectly reasonable and in-line with the GOP's views historically? Of course not. Cenk Uygur breaks down the dearth of sanity. *Read more from Juliet Lapidos/ New York Times: takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com Author: TYTshows Duration: 4:36
Photos for video GOP Ditches Sanity to Oppose Obama Defense Nom.
Our polling experts weigh in on the terrifyingly infinite number of possible election outcomes. Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: bit.ly Like The Onion on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow The Onion on Twitter: www.twitter.com Author: TheOnion Duration: 1:49
Photos for video Romney Wins, Obama Reelected, Supernova Destroys Earth All Possibilities In A Random Universe
The final showdown in the ongoing financial war is appearing imminent. The 140 nation BRICS alliance is preparing to offer to buy up all cash US dollars and replace them with a new currency backed by a basket of commodities, including precious metals, according to multiple sources. Author: Timecrosser1 Duration: 9:36
Photos for video Benjamin Fulford May 28-2012 5-day bank holiday in Europe before Euro ends
Jimmy Kimmel Live - The first part of Jimmy's interview with John Krasinski Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed Channel: www.youtube.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 2:23
Photos for video John Krasinski on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 1
I've done a lot of things in my life, but never this," Paul McCartney said on PBS tonight. "This" was traveling to the White House, which he did last month to accept the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. A properly all-star concert was convened to befit the occasion, and while bits and pieces of the event have leaked out on YouTube since then, tonight the whole thing (or most of it) aired as part of PBS' "In Performance at the White House" series. The show opened with some stirring words from President Obama. "It's hard to believe that it's been nearly half a century since four lads from Liverpool landed on our shores and changed everything overnight," he reflected. Then it was time for a cavalcade of stars old and young to pay homage to the voluminous back catalog that earned McCartney this honor. High points were in abundance. Stevie Wonder's super-tight "We Can Work It Out" featured a mean harmonica solo, while Elvis Costello's faithfully jaunty "Penny Lane" boasted an even nicer piccolo trumpet solo. Emmylou Harris shone on an acoustic "For No One." Dave Grohl wore the night's biggest grin as he tore through "Band on the Run." Jack White's tender "Mother Nature's Son"/"That Would Be Something" medley captured something of McCartney's starry-eyed charm. Intermixed with these were some...not quite as highs. I'm not sure anyone other than Sasha and Malia Obama needed to hear the Jonas Brothers' competent if cutesy "Drive My Car." (In fairness <b>...</b> Author: PaulMcCartneyHD Duration: 4:15
Photos for video Stevie Wonder - We can work it out (Live at the White House 2010)
prophecychannel.freehostia.com DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! Obama martial law new world order Illuminati fema camps for you Fema camps martial law new world order antichrist doomsday prophecy 2012 pole shift end of the world times time day days mark of the beast 666 film films movie movies war prophecies illuminati freemason barack obama alex jones swine flu conspiracy nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse Author: TheProphecyChannel Duration: 10:58
Photos for video Antichrist Illuminati 2012 New World Order Agenda EXPOSED
Marvin Gaye sings the national anthem at the NBA All-Star game (February 13th, 1983), accompanied by a drum machine. This was one of the final performances of his life. Author: okstate82 Duration: 2:55
Photos for video Marvin Gaye - United States National Anthem (1983)
Although Bush and Cheney might be gone, their deeds outlive them. Keith Olbermann's nightly segment on Countdown that features updates and developments on the headlines lingering from the previous administration's 50 running scandals. ---------- THREE days after the world learned that $50 billion may have disappeared in Bernie Madoffs Ponzi scheme, The Times led its front page of Dec. 14 with the revelation of another $50 billion rip-off. This time the vanished loot belonged to American taxpayers. That was our collective contribution to the $117 billion spent (as of mid-2008) on Iraq reconstruction — a sinkhole of corruption, cronyism, incompetence and outright theft that epitomized Bush management at home and abroad. The source for this news was a near-final draft of an as-yet-unpublished 513-page federal history of this nation-building fiasco. The document was assembled by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction — led by a Bush appointee, no less. It pinpoints, among other transgressions, a governmental Ponzi scheme concocted to bamboozle Americans into believing they were accruing steady dividends on their investment in a new Iraq. The report quotes no less an authority than Colin Powell on how the scam worked. Back in 2003, Powell said, the Defense Department just kept inventing numbers of Iraqi security forces — the number would jump 20000 a week! We now have 80000, we now have 100000, we now have 120000. Those of us who questioned these <b>...</b> Author: AntiConformist911 Duration: 10:57
Photos for video (still) BUSHED! (Part 01) Keith Olbermann exposes Bush corruption scandals