On Tuesday night, the people of America made it clear that Obama was their president of choice. And although Obama's victory took the spotlight, other key ballot measures were also up for a vote. The people of Colorado and Washington have voted to legalize marijuana. So what does this mean for the US? Kristine Frazao and Abby Martin join us to discuss the issues. RT America LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT America! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 10:38
Photos for video Colorado and Washington State legalize recreational marijuana
Help build this campaign: OFA.BO First Lady Michelle Obama's remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 24:42
Photos for video First Lady Michelle Obama's Remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention - Full Speech
Jimmy Kimmel Live - The first part of Jimmy's interview with John Krasinski Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed Channel: www.youtube.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 2:23
Photos for video John Krasinski on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 1
High, persistent unemployment and a sluggish economy underscore what all but the most-dedicated supporters of Barack Obama know to be true: The president's 2009 stimulus program was a massively expensive bust. Understanding why the stimulus failed is an important step in understanding how the government can—and cannot—goose economic recovery. To get a better sense of how and where the stimulus went wrong, Reason.tv focused on Silver Spring, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC, that's home to a large number of government contractors and other recipients of money earmarked for the sorts of "shovel ready" projects that were going to bring the economy back to life. President Obama's top economic advisor Larry Summers laid out ground rules for how stimulus dollars should be spent: The funds must be "targeted" at resources idled by the recession, the interventions must be "temporary," and they needed to "timely," or injected quickly into the economy. None of that turned out to be true. "Even if you were to believe that government spending can trigger economic growth," says Veronique de Rugy, Reason columnist and senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center, "the money is never spent in a way that's consistent with the conditions laid out by the Keynesians for it to be efficient." Reason.tv identified four basic ways in which the stimulus was doomed almost before it was put into operation. For the full discussion of those areas and links to supporting data, go to reason.com <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 7:37
Photos for video Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland
The Nightly News Crew interviews Anti NWO Hip Hop Artist Immortal Technique. www.myspace.com www.viperrecords.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:32
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representative Dominique Baettig and members of Swiss National Council are calling for the arrest of conference participants who are internationally wanted for war crimes, including George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, and Richard Perle. In February, Bush cancelled a trip to Switzerland due demands for his arrest over the treatment of prisoners at Guant Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:06
Photos for video AFP Editor Mark Anderson: Dominique Baettig Marches on Bilderberg Meeting
Read the article here www.infowars.com Speaking today on the Alex Jones Show, investigative journalist Jerome R. Corsi dropped a huge bombshell. Dr. Corsi provided proof that he was alerted to an on-going plot to release a fake more than two months before President Obama released his purported long-form birth certificate. Corsi supplied Infowars.com with time-stamped Microsoft Word documents [.ZIP] of five unpublished World Net Daily investigative drafts, written between February 23 and February 24, 2011, two months before Obama's April 27 birth certificate press conference. The unpublished reports confirm that moles inside the Hawaiian State government, including one inside the Department of Health, had warned Corsi of a plan by Obama operatives to plant and then publicly release a forged birth certificate. The veteran investigative journalist released more details during a live appearance today, two hours and 8 minutes into the three hour broadcast. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 4:42
Photos for video Smoking Gun: Obama took the bait says Corsi
Alex continues coverage of the Osama bin Laden assassination hoax and the release of photographs that will purport to show Bin Laden's bullet-riddled corpse.. He also covers other news and takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:01
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Obama's Department of Justice Puts Out Master Patriot Hit-list Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv August 30, 2010 The Department of Justice has fired a salvo in the war against patriotic Americans supporting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The DOJ has issued Investigating Terrorism and Criminal Extremism --Terms and Concepts, a 120-page propaganda addendum described as "a glossary designed primarily as a tool for criminal justice professionals to enhance their understanding of words relating to extremist terminology, phrases, activities, symbols, organizations, and selected names that they may encounter while conducting criminal investigations or prosecutions of members of extremist organizations." The DOJ glossary will be used by the federal government and increasingly federalized law enforcement to criminalize language used by the patriot movement. The glossary describes the word "constitutionalist" as a "generic term for members of the 'patriot' movement. It is now often used to refer to members of the sovereign citizen or common law court movement. Sometimes the word 'constitutionalist' is also used." According to Merriam-Webster, a constitutionalist is a person who adheres to a form of government according to constitutional principles. The DOJ is now apparently in the business of newspeak. In his dystopian novel on totalitarian government, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell introduced the term doublethink, from which the terms newspeak and <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:57
Photos for video Obama's Department of Justice Puts Out Master Patriot Hit-list - Alex Jones Tv 5/5
Boney M. - Bahama Mama 1979 Bahama, bahama mama Got the biggest house in town bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama But her troubles getting down bahama mama She has six daughters And not one of them is married yet And she's looking high and low And none of them plays ever hard to get So if you're lonesome go there go Bahama, bahama mama You should all be looking for bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama And I'm sure you will adore bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama Got the biggest house in town bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama But her troubles getting down bahama mama You'll meet her daughters They'll be treatin you to honeycake They'll be sweet and nice to you And maybe there is one you'd like to take Well then you'll know just what to do Bahama, bahama mama She is really in a fix bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama Got the biggest house in town bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama Got the biggest house in town bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama But her troubles getting down bahama mama Hey - hey - hey Author: fritz51357 Duration: 1:45
In places like Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia, the Jewish communities have been an important part of an alliance that has positioned the Obama campaign for victory. It is similar to the coalition that Barack Obama built with the Chicago Jewish community when he ran successfully for Senate in 2004, and in his State Senate races. The real fight over the Jewish vote is not about liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats, or even Obama and McCain. It's a fight between truth and lies. The Obama-Biden ticket has succeeded in matching historic levels of Jewish support for the Democratic ticket because they have worked tirelessly to combat the vilest of rumors while clearly communicating their policies and convictions. This week's articles about "Obama and the Arabs" and "Obama's Radical Arabist Pal" are only the latest examples of the misinformation and falsehoods that have had to be overcome by the campaign. Barack Obama could not be clearer in his determination to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. He seeks a policy of tough, direct diplomacy backed by bigger sticks and bigger carrots. While Obama's policy is mischaracterized as suggesting social visits with the President of Iran, the McCain campaign fails to offer any meaningful departure from an ineffective Bush policy that has allowed Iran to move dangerously close to a nuclear weapon. Detractors like to argue that Barack Obama opposed the Kyl-Lieberman amendment to declare the Iranian <b>...</b> Author: AntiConformist911 Duration: 7:41
Photos for video Keith Olbermann Special Comment: Mccain connected to Ayers