Larry Wilkerson: After recent meetings with Iranian leaders, it's clear the US has lost the ability to understand how other states see their interests watch full multipart Author: TheRealNews Duration: 12:31
Photos for video Elements in Iran and US that Want War
РАСПРОСТРАНЯЙТЕ НАШЕ ВИДЕО! ПОМОГИТЕ ПРОБИТЬ ИНФОРМАЦИОННУЮ БЛОКАДУ! 22 июня 1941 года фашистская Германия без объявления войны напала на Советский Союз. 71 год спустя, ровно в этот же день 22 июня мир вновь встал на пороге катастрофы. Турецкий истребитель, неосмотрительно нарушивший воздушное пространство Сирии, был сбит средствами ПВО. Логика развивающегося противостояния Сирии и Запада диктовала только один вариант развития событий -- немедленный военный ответ со стороны НАТО. Ведь, казалось бы, лучшего повода для интервенции трудно представить. Напомним, что Турция является членом НАТО, а нападение на одного члена НАТО приравнивается к нападению на весь блок. Author: Elena Grigoryan Duration: 7:36
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 33
Two-term Governor, Gary Johnson, says both parties are indistinguishable from one another. Both are keeping America broke. Both are keeping America at war. Both have trampled on the Constitution. And both are stooges to the same big money players that never change behind the scenes. It's time to put our differences and our parties aside and come together as a nation for the good of all. We The People are ready to LIVE FREE. Author: govgaryjohnson Duration: 2:15
Photos for video GARY JOHNSON Be Libertarian With Me
Help build this campaign: Glee star Jane Lynch narrates this documentary about LGBT rights in America. The video features a candid interview with President Obama, who speaks about the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, why he supports marriage equality, and what's at stake for the LGBT community in this election. Photo of Judge Michael Fitzgerald (Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key) Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 5:09
Photos for video President Obama and the Fight for LGBT Rights
representative Dominique Baettig and members of Swiss National Council are calling for the arrest of conference participants who are internationally wanted for war crimes, including George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, and Richard Perle. In February, Bush cancelled a trip to Switzerland due demands for his arrest over the treatment of prisoners at Guant Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:06
Photos for video AFP Editor Mark Anderson: Dominique Baettig Marches on Bilderberg Meeting
More Fox News bias from Megyn Kelly at 140+ MORE examples of Fox News Bias at When Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly claimed last week that she was "not presenting anything," but just "giving you the other side's argument," her claim was not not only contradicted by the evidence I've compiled in over a dozen videos, but was also contradicted a few minutes after she said it by the partisan role she played supposedly moderating a discussion between left wing radio talk show host Leslie Marshall and right wing radio talk show host Lars Larson about President Barack Obama's State of the Union address later that day, as I show in this video. The clip I use of Megyn Kelly saying "I'm not presenting anything, I'm giving you the other side's argument" comes from a segment of the program "America Live" broadcast January 25, 2011, available online at The other clips I use of Megyn Kelly questioning left wing radio talk show host Leslie Marshall and right wing radio talk show host Lars Larson about President Barack Obama's State of the Union address later that day come from a segment later on in the program "America Live" broadcast January 25, 2011 available on Leslie Marshall's YouTube channel (LeslieMarshallShow) at The image I use of my own YouTube playlsit titled "Fox News Bias from Anchor Megyn Kelly" comes from Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 4:22
Photos for video Fox News' Megyn Kelly Lies About Her Partisan Role?
What does the new year and new decade have in store for the World? Is the financial crisis over? Will Afghanistan be won and terrorism be beaten at home? Are people fed up of America's politics and media? To answer these questions and more, RT spoke to the renowned Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 11:01
Photos for video Celente on 2010: Wave of Terror, Internet revolt & War on migration
Larry the Cable Guy sings about the blessings of owning an SUV. "God Bless My SUV" was written and sung by the Capitol Steps. Visit the Capitol Steps at Author: HerBunk Duration: 2:16
our troops trying to have a cook out in Afghanistan and the enemy decides to crash party....providing cover fire for the LT to move into position. you got to love the troops no firefight is going to stop them from cooking out. hahaha give them hell men... Author: infidelforlife Duration: 5:39