Genocide on all people and horrid pictures of babies born from fake war! Sickened from all war and insane govt. Bush, Obama, Lieberman, Graham, McCain, Levin and all other warmongering fucks must be removed and tried for war crimes! Now! No copyright infringement, for educating the dumbed down American people to see what their taxes are used for. Not in my name! Ever! Author: ctwatcher Duration: 4:23
190+ Fox News Bias videos at The most decisive moment in the presidential debates between President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney came in responses to a Libya question in which Romney erroneously relied on misinformation from the right wing, Fox News bubble, as I show in this video. The clip I use of the the town hall debate between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, comes from CNN's October 16, 2012, broadcast of debate coverage. A longer clip of that debate exchange is available on YouTube at The clips I use of Stephen Colbert come from a longer segment of the October 17, 2012, broadcast of "The Colbert Report" available online at The clip I use of Fox News anchor Bret Baier comes from Fox News' October 16, 2012, broadcast of post-debate analysis which I have not found available online. The clip I use of Bill Maher comes from HBO's October 19, 2012, broadcast of "real Time with Bill Maher" a longer segment of which is currently available on YouTube at The clip I use of ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl comes from ABC News' October 16, 2012, broadcast of post-debate analysis which I have not found available online. The clip I use of CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer comes from CNN's October 16, 2012, broadcast of post-debate analysis which I have not found available online. The clip I use of Jay Pharaoh playing Barack Obama and Jason Sudekis playing Mitt Romney comes from a <b>...</b> Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 8:15
Photos for video Romney Stung by Fox News Lie in Debate Win for Obama?
Alex Jones welcomes meteorologist and award winning television weatherman Scott Stevens to explain how it's possible that "Frankenstorm" Hurricane Sandy could be manipulated with military technology already at our disposal. For more info, please visit: ___________________________________________ http http Author: Mohammed Amin Duration: 19:06
Photos for video Alex Jones - Meteorologist: Hurricane Sandy Is Manufactured
Two-term Governor, Gary Johnson, says both parties are indistinguishable from one another. Both are keeping America broke. Both are keeping America at war. Both have trampled on the Constitution. And both are stooges to the same big money players that never change behind the scenes. It's time to put our differences and our parties aside and come together as a nation for the good of all. We The People are ready to LIVE FREE. Author: govgaryjohnson Duration: 2:15
Photos for video GARY JOHNSON Be Libertarian With Me
Posted by Dah-Real! Full Version Coming Soon for Download on iTunes Artist: Dah-Real! Dah-Real! Entertainment Be sure to Check out our Promotional vidoes on Facebook and You Tube! The full length version of Dah-Real's Title Track "Obama Got Osama" to hit I-Tunes Soon also! Stay Tuned !! Author: artisan121 Duration: 1:48
9/11 MICHAEL JACKSON IS SINGING FROM HEAVEN: "MAKE LOVE NOT WAR" Now's the time to live in the here and now just for LOVE. God bless you all, Sunny 9th of September 2011. Michael Jackson tribute artist NIKA Author: lfly765 Duration: 5:46
Photos for video 9/11 Sunny - Make Love Not War (Official Music Video HD)
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) on MSNBC Live explains how the current Republican party is putting politics over policy on health care and the START treaty. Watch Cenk host MSNBC Live through November 30th (3-4pm Eastern, 12-1pm Pacific). Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:59
Photos for video GOP Puts Politics Over Policy - MSNBC w/ Cenk Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, the author of The Energy Non-Crisis who predicted $50 a barrel oil based on insider information Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:50
Photos for video Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv"Final Stage is Set for Global Control"4/6