It is hard for many of us aware folks to realize that many people still believe Zionist newspaper accounts that label "Al CIAda" as an Islamic movement.These days though, even the brain-washed slaves getting their information from so-called newspapers like the Jew York Times must be suffering from cognitive dissonance as they read the West is supporting Al CIAda in Syria and Libya but fighting against them in Mali and Algeria. Author: Timecrosser1 Duration: 8:13
Photos for video Benjamin Fulford January 21 2013 - Are Western powers trying to start war in Asia
Is the growing federal debt a looming attack similar to Pearl Harbor? Will Obamanomics lead to the empowerment of the rich and poor, at the expense of the middle class? Find out on this Trifecta. Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 8:49
Photos for video PJTV: A Debt that Will Live In Infamy: America's Ticking Debt Bomb
THE iTUNES LINK! - NEW TANK TOPS! - Join us LIVE on Mondays @ 11AM PST on SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! WTKGTS FACEBOOK! WTKGTS TWITTER! OUR TWITTERS! THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! OTHER STUFF! Google+ Facebook: Instagram: SHOE! SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: OUR WEBSITE: Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 29:01
Photos for video AND THE WINNER IS . . . (WTKGTS#80)
British MP George Galloway. A man who knows his politics and knows the Middle East. As Israel pants to Bomb Iran for Iran's being LEGAL in their Nuclear Energy programs and also a signer of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and IAEA member. Israel has REFUSED to Join the NPT at the urgings of MANY NATIONS. Israel also REFUSES to allow Inspectors to verify their WMD Weapon's. They in history only allowed this ONCE and they LIED. Additional Information: Netanyahu: Iran six to seven months from nuclear bomb capability Netanyahu steps up pressure over Iran Jewish Journalist calls for (US BASED MOSSAD) to assassinate Obama! Obama to Israel: You're On Your Own US lawmaker lashes out at Netanyahu for attacking Obama on Israel Actual Headlines missing from the daily CONTROLLED Press. US violates NDAA, Press Silent! US Arms for Al Qaeda in Syria seized in Lebanon. US and Al Qaeda in full agreement on Syria. US say's it can use Al Qaeda in Syria temporarily. CIA sending Arms to Al Qaeda rebels in Syria. Al Qaeda joins the Syrian Rebel's. Adopt a Syrian Rebel. The US is charging Bradley Manning for the very crimes it commits. Author: William Martin Duration: 7:14
Photos for video Israel's coming War with Iran. Explained to a very STUPID caller who gets OWNED! (Mirrored)
В этом выпуске: - Почему падают российкие спутники; - Чаепитие в Белом доме: о чём судачил Барак Обама с другом Саакашвили и приведет ли это к новой войне; - Почему новейшую шведскую БМП сравнивают с детским конструктором; - Поклон кораблям Великой Победы; - Чем занимаются американские командос на слёте вольных стрелков; - Учёные обещают человечеству Апокалипсис; - Археологи обнаружили мумии пришельцев из далёких Миров. Author: North Seven Duration: 71:31
Photos for video Военная тайна, 131 (эфир 04.02.2012)
Airing Date jan 05, 2012 You can also view this video at Dailymotion Phil Donahue On Piers Morgan Discussing Ron Paul Author: SaveOurSovereignty3 Duration: 6:15
Photos for video Phil Donahue On Piers Morgan Discussing Ron Paul
9/11 MICHAEL JACKSON IS SINGING FROM HEAVEN: "MAKE LOVE NOT WAR" Now's the time to live in the here and now just for LOVE. God bless you all, Sunny 9th of September 2011. Michael Jackson tribute artist NIKA Author: lfly765 Duration: 5:46
Photos for video 9/11 Sunny - Make Love Not War (Official Music Video HD)
In a massive dump of 55000 more State Department cables by Wikileaks today, we saw the first hand written account of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham's visit to Libya in 2009. Gaddafi was in the good graces of the US and discussions of weapons sales had taken place. But two years later, what happened to that whole guarantee against foreign aggression? Chris Hedges, author of "The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress" discusses. Author: TheAlyonaShow Duration: 13:26
Photos for video Chris Hedges: Obama 'Brand for the Corporate State'
It's been nearly two years since President Obama gave his Cairo speech and since then, we've seen revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, protests break in Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, and Jordan and saw the UN and NATO launch a war on Libya. Now, Obama's rhetoric in a new speech he gave today to the Muslim world, sounded redundant. British Political Rapper Lowkey weighs in. Author: TheAlyonaShow Duration: 8:36
Photos for video Lowkey: ME Speech 'People will not be fooled'
Disclosure as of 2011 is nearing. Public announcement is bound to occur, various countries such as Brazil, Norway, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, UK and others have officially declassified UFO files. Will the US Administration & President Obama finally lead the way in disclosing to the World the truth about ETs/UFOs? Featuring music from the Batman Begins & Dark Knight soundtrack, created by Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard. Both quotes at the start and end of the video are by SaLuSa, of the Galactic Federation. "Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent" April UFO Conference - Part one ("X conference") Disclosure Project; Full 55min 2001 Press Meeting Disclosure Project. Dr. Carol Rosin's Testimony Vrillon's full message - Ashtar Command's 1977 Live Broadcast: Author: ETDisclosure Duration: 3:46
Photos for video ET/UFO Disclosure | President Barack Obama "First Contact"
On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, ex-Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) was one of the speakers at the emergency "End-the-US-Wars" rally. See for background: The event was held in Lafayette Park, directly opposite the White House. Rep. McKinney ran for President of the United States in the 2008 election on the Green Party ticket. She is also a champion of Human Rights and has consistently, and courageously, stood up for the beleaguered peoples of Occupied Palestine. Author: liamh2 Duration: 6:38
Photos for video Ex-Rep. McKinney: "President Obama, Stop Bankrupting our Nation!"