Jimmy Kimmel Live - Who Won the "First Lady Debate"? Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Website: www.jimmykimmellive.com Channel www.youtube.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 3:41
The Vice Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan in the run up to the general election in November. Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 91:05
Photos for video Complete Vice Presidential Debate 2012: Joe Biden vs. Paul Ryan - Oct 11, 2012 - Elections 2012
Romney's Mexican cousin was held for ransom by the Cartel. So what does Mitt's family think about his strict drug & immigration policy? Watch the rest here: bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: twitter.com Watch more VICE documentaries here: bit.ly Subscribe to VICE for the best videos online: bit.ly Check out our full video catalog: www.youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: vice.com Like VICE on Facebook fb.com Follow VICE on Twitter: twitter.com Read our tumblr: vicemag.tumblr.com Author: vice Duration: 5:25
Photos for video Mitt Romney's Family Kidnapped by Cartel (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Part 7/7)
Одна из ведущих аналитических программ российского телевидения. PS посвящен важнейшим событиям в стране и за ее пределами. В программе неоднократно принимали участие видные российские и зарубежные политики: Евгений Примаков, Сергей Степашин, Геннадий Селезнев, Игорь Иванов, Григорий Явлинский, Юрий Лужков, Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Алексий II, Кондолиза Райс, Генри Киссинджер, Джордж Робертсон, Зоран Джинджич и другие. Программа Постскриптум пользуется популярностью и авторитетом среди влиятельной политической и бизнес-элиты России и СНГ. Каждую субботу несколько десятков миллионов телезрителей, а это наиболее активная часть населения страны, отдают свое предпочтение Постскриптуму и ее автору и ведущему Алексею Пушкову. Author: Михаил Леонтьев Duration: 50:51
Photos for video "Постскриптум" c Алексеем Пушковым (15.09.2012)
Former President Bill Clinton addresses the Democratic National Convention. Click here to see more videos from the DNC: nyti.ms Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 48:25
Photos for video Bill Clinton's Full DNC Speech - Elections 2012
& Bring a Fascist Orwellian One World Government Unfolding daily...before your eyes. A Trojan Horse...the enemy within. www.davidicke.com http Author: jay4louise9 Duration: 6:51
Photos for video David Icke - Obama & The Agenda To Destroy America.....
The original title of this DVD project was "The Question: Real or Promulgated?" This documentary is meant to draw anyone into the valley of decision, and to ask the important question: what if there is something more sinister going on then the "War on Terror". The answer to this question and all questions is Jesus Christ, for He is the Truth, and the only way to escape all the dark deeds that are done in secret by world governments. We have to be wise enough to know that the prince of this world is stitching together a major lie, Luke 4:5-6, Ephesians 2:2 - 6:12, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, and so many other verses warn us about this evil power that covertly runs all major world players, and about the LIES they will use to deceive millions to accept the Mark of the Beast and reject Christ. Satan is real, and Jesus is real and they are at war. Spoiler alert: Jesus wins. --- -- - Here is the www.Be4TheFire.com Timeline that Jonathan and I just finished as of 9 Author: ClayEudaly Duration: 35:20
Photos for video The Destruction of America DVD (1 of 5)
Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com March 8, 2012 Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, has introduced H. Concurrent Resolution 107, which calls on the House, the Senate Concurring, to prevent Obama from starting another war without authorization from Congress. The resolution was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary on March 7. Obama has violated article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution. Obama's unconstitutional decision to involve the US in the illegal attack on Libya without the consent of Congress motivated at least some members of the House of Representatives to demand an explanation. On June 3 of last year, the House passed a resolution demanding that the president provide an explanation to the American people, a request that was ignored by Obama and his administration. Rep. Jones' resolution states that any use of military force by Obama without explicit consent and authorization of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution. It will be interesting to see if the resolution makes it out the Committee on the Judiciary. It was virtually ignored by the corporate establishment media. www.infowars.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:02
Photos for video Obama & UN Declare Congress Ceremonial: Alex Jones Calls for Impeachment!! 1/4
In a massive dump of 55000 more State Department cables by Wikileaks today, we saw the first hand written account of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham's visit to Libya in 2009. Gaddafi was in the good graces of the US and discussions of weapons sales had taken place. But two years later, what happened to that whole guarantee against foreign aggression? Chris Hedges, author of "The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress" discusses. Author: TheAlyonaShow Duration: 13:26
Photos for video Chris Hedges: Obama 'Brand for the Corporate State'
THIS IS MY BLOG tatoott1009.com TOWERING INFERNO AND STAND BUT 911 TOWERS FALL.avi tatoott1009.com Moscow Skyscraper Goes Up in Flames But Does Not Collapse tatoott1009.com Flame Turns On Computer Microphones, Takes Screen Shots, Copies Data, Records Communications tatoott1009.com New Big Brother Cyber Weapon Can Turn on Your Computer's Microphone, Record Communications tatoott1009.com Virginia Gov: Warrantless Drones "Great" for America tatoott1009.com Landslide Closes I-75 South In Campbell County Friday, March 09, jellico mountain landslide tatoott1009.com Arizona Sheriff Not Backing Down On Obama Birth Issue tatoott1009.com Tepco: 'No Plan' To Deal With A Fukushima Collapse That Threatens Civilization tatoott1009.com RED ALERT, POSSIBLE MISSILES ON TRAIN UNDER THE COVER OF NIGHT! Army Missles Space Craft in Indianapolis Indiana URGENT! tatoott1009.com The Role of Delegates in the US Presidential Nominating Process ! WE CAN HELP RON PAUL IF WE KNOW HOW tatoott1009.com Fukushima: If Number 4 Collapses, Japan Will Be Evacuated & FEATURED STORIES tatoott1009.com WORLD WAR III: Obama has signed 3 new executive orders: NDAA 2013: Now Featuring Propaganda And War With Iran tatoott1009.com Homeland Security in the Land of the Free & Obama: The Groomed from Birth Dictator tatoott1009.com Republican-led House votes to allow military action against Iran tatoott1009.com OBAMA'S LIES? THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD tatoott1009.com The Vetting -- Exclusive <b>...</b> Author: tatoott1009 Duration: 82:10
Photos for video Weather radar shows something unusual !! Military HAARP & Major WORLDWIDE Heavy Seismic Activity!
In this LIVE presentation, Dr. Michael Salla demonstrates why President Obama and former Clinton era officials are behind a renewed effort to disclose UFO files. Dr. Salla will also reveal how and why they are receiving support from an unlikely source -- the US Navy. On January 21, the first full day after his inauguration, President Obama issued two Presidential Memoranda and an Executive Order outlining his approach to promoting the principles of Open Government and Transparency. At a Press Conference he said that his administration "is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government." President Obama has made it very clear that Open Government and Transparency will be signature issues of his administration. In choosing these signature issues, President Obama was greatly influenced by the co-Chair of his transition team, and former Clinton Chief of Staff, John Podesta. Podesta led Clinton administration efforts to promote Open Government by declassifying many millions of national security files that were unnecessarily kept secret. Podesta was especially in favor of declassifying national security files dealing with UFOs. In this presentation Dr. Michael Salla will show why former Clinton era officials are behind a renewed effort to disclose UFO files. Dr. Salla will also reveal how and why they are receiving support from an unlikely source -- the US Navy. The X-Conference is pleased to welcome Dr. Michael Salla. The X-Conference is produced by X <b>...</b> Author: UFOTVstudios Duration: 58:54
Photos for video President Obama and UFO/ET Disclosure Dr. Michael Salla LIVE