*!AMTV MEDIA NOW LIVE!* www.amtvmedia.com SUBSCRIBE NOW!! www.youtube.com SUBSCRIBE TO AMTVmedia!!! www.youtube.com DESCRIPTION: In today's video, Topher Morrison covers the real reason behind most gun violence in the world today - the War on Drugs. www.greenewave.com www.amtvmedia.com REFERENCES: Welcome back to AMTV News, I'm your anchor Topher Morrison. It's Friday, January 11th, 2013. Capturing every corner of alternative media watch AMTV News Monday -- Friday. For more videos like these visit AMTVMedia.com, home of the AMTV Network. The Voice of Independents. Visit AMTVMedia.com or GreeneWave.com for the script and links. Author: cgreene34 Duration: 3:43
CIA, Naval Intelligence, exposes the real purpose behind the FEMA CAMPS and FEMA. Followed by: a reminder from a News Report. Time to act is now for self preservation. NOTICE: This is a republished report from 2 previously posted videos on helias314. Please refrain from the "old video" comments. Many there be that have not been informed and those of us that have been informed need to be reminded from to time. Author: helias314 Duration: 5:52
Thank you. This is your victory. Let's keep moving forward: OFA.BO After being re-elected President of the United States, President Obama gave his victory address in Chicago, IL. Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 30:07
Photos for video President Obama's Election Night Victory Speech - November 6, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois
THE ITUNES LINK! - bit.ly NEW TANK TOPS! - www.rodeoarcade.com SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com WTKGTS FACEBOOK! www.facebook.com WTKGTS TWITTER! twitter.com OUR TWITTERS! www.twitter.com www.twitter.com THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! www.youtube.com CHECK OUT THE CREATOR OF THE INTRO! www.youtube.com OTHER STUFF! Google+ gplus.to Facebook: facebook.com Instagram: bit.ly SHOE! bit.ly SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: www.rodeoarcade.com OUR WEBSITE: www.shaycarl.com Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 31:25
Photos for video SEX, DEATH, & SANTA CLAUS (WTKGTS#71)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) yelled at Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday over her refusal to answer simple questions about a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council who stands accused by some members of Congress of leaking classified information. www.theblaze.com Author: 68Truthseeker Duration: 7:49
Photos for video GOP Rep. Gohmert Yells at Janet Napolitano For Claiming She's Unaware of WH Terror Group Visit
You and your family may live to see the new world order - that is also the last Bible prophecy to be fulfilled before the return of the Savior Jesus Christ! For centuries, shadow groups like the Illuminati, and more recent groups such as the Bilderbergs, have planned for how to bring about a one-world government. Recently Henry Kissinger declared: US President Barack Obama has been elected at a unique moment in history that could allow him to create this new world order! In this video teaching, Drs. Jack & Rexella Van Impe show you the biblical foundation for this coming one-world government, document the great strides that have been made toward it through the European Union and explain how the critical years from 2012 to 2019 could be the rapidly approaching time-frame for the return of Jesus Christ! Author: theyareagreewithhe Duration: 97:06
Photos for video Jack Van Impe-New World Order Rising
SUBSCRIBE AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE ! WE ARE LEGION! THE NWO KILLS EVERY DAY THE HUMANITY WITH VIRUS,WARS,CRISIS ECONOMIC AND WITH MANY OTHER WAYS THAT MOST OF US WE DON'T UNDERSTAND! HUMANITY I CALL YOU TO STAY AND FIGHT TOGETHER! BURN TO THE GROUND THE NWO! WE NEED TO CREATE A NEW AGE!THE AGE FOR FREEDOM! THE HUMANITY NEEDS TO BE ACTIVE EVERY TIME! WE HAVE THE POWER! DON'T LEAVE THE GOVERNMENTS TO TAKE YOUR LIBERTY! Anonymous NEW WORLD ORDER Georgia Guidestones American elberton odd oddities New World Order Establish Government NWO Bush Terrorstorm new world order USA rfid mark war bilderburg illuminati skull bones trilateral 666 beast satan bohemian vchip one government zeitgeist ron paul george hitler RFID hip barack obama john mccain september 11th 9/11 occult united states nations america icke nazi Alex Jones Conspiracy Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Candidate Songs Music RayWilliamJohnson Eminem Author: sirkoes187 Duration: 6:24
Photos for video Anonymous Message is Time to End NWO (Jesuits aka illuminati)
A video put together from various videos to show the many reasons as to why governor 'Mitt Romney' lost the 2012 Presidential Election. The original title to this video was "Still Voting for 'Mitt Romney'?" but changed due to the fact that the elections are now over and wanted to keep the video relevant. Let's hope that Mitt Romney doesn't run for president again in the future because we don't need anymore billionaire liars running this country. *The clips featured in this video were cut out from various videos on YouTube* Author: NewSimpleadams Duration: 6:25
THIS IS MY BLOG tatoott1009.com TOWERING INFERNO AND STAND BUT 911 TOWERS FALL.avi tatoott1009.com Moscow Skyscraper Goes Up in Flames But Does Not Collapse tatoott1009.com Flame Turns On Computer Microphones, Takes Screen Shots, Copies Data, Records Communications tatoott1009.com New Big Brother Cyber Weapon Can Turn on Your Computer's Microphone, Record Communications tatoott1009.com Virginia Gov: Warrantless Drones "Great" for America tatoott1009.com Landslide Closes I-75 South In Campbell County Friday, March 09, jellico mountain landslide tatoott1009.com Arizona Sheriff Not Backing Down On Obama Birth Issue tatoott1009.com Tepco: 'No Plan' To Deal With A Fukushima Collapse That Threatens Civilization tatoott1009.com RED ALERT, POSSIBLE MISSILES ON TRAIN UNDER THE COVER OF NIGHT! Army Missles Space Craft in Indianapolis Indiana URGENT! tatoott1009.com The Role of Delegates in the US Presidential Nominating Process ! WE CAN HELP RON PAUL IF WE KNOW HOW tatoott1009.com Fukushima: If Number 4 Collapses, Japan Will Be Evacuated & FEATURED STORIES tatoott1009.com WORLD WAR III: Obama has signed 3 new executive orders: NDAA 2013: Now Featuring Propaganda And War With Iran tatoott1009.com Homeland Security in the Land of the Free & Obama: The Groomed from Birth Dictator tatoott1009.com Republican-led House votes to allow military action against Iran tatoott1009.com OBAMA'S LIES? THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD tatoott1009.com The Vetting -- Exclusive <b>...</b> Author: tatoott1009 Duration: 82:10
Photos for video Weather radar shows something unusual !! Military HAARP & Major WORLDWIDE Heavy Seismic Activity!
The First Lady wants America to join her at the gun show. Watch More infoMania Thursdays at 11/10:00c on Current TV www.current.com www.infomaniafacebook.com VIEW more Obama videos & SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube playlist here... http Author: Current Duration: 2:53
www.gencourt.state.nh.us prisonplanet.tv Alex continues his series on the Tenth Amendment and states' rights by welcoming Rep. Dan Itse of New Hampshire to the program. Itse supports House Concurrent Resolution 6 calling for states' rights "based on Jeffersonian principles." Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:50
Photos for video NH-Rep.Dan Itse on Alex Jones Tv"Don't Tread On Me!!"1/2
We offer you the chance to view the first debate between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama, but through the earpiece of McCain's Brain. Episode 3 was edited, written produced in less than 8 hours by Andy Signore, Daniel Hartley and Arthur Gradstein on 9/26/08 Check out McCain's Brain #1: Checking Out Sarah Palin www.youtube.com Check out McCain's Brain #2: Cindy & The View www.youtube.com Check out McCain's Brain #3: The First Debate www.youtube.com Check out McCain's Brain #4: The Second Debate www.youtube.com Check out McCain's Brain #5: The Final Debate www.youtube.com Check out McCain's Brain #6: McCain Concedes www.youtube.com For More Videos, Subscribe to our channel and check out our site: www.SecretSauce.TV Author: thejanitor Duration: 1:35
Photos for video McCain's Brain #3: The First Debate with Obama