Dr. Voddie Baucham talks to Texas Right to Life about how he is "personally insulted" by abortion advocates, including President Obama. Author: TexasRightToLife Duration: 7:39
Photos for video Pastor Voddie Baucham talks abortion, adoption, President Obama
Abby Martin speaks to Jesse Ventura and examines impunity for US War Crimes. LIKE Breaking The Set @ fb.me FOLLOW Abby Martin @ twitter.com EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin interviews former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, about the two party "dictatorship" and corporate censorship. She highlights the live-streamers of Occupy Wall Street as the heroes and calls out Marianne Ny as the villain for her flimsy attempt to extradite Julian Assange with no evidence against him. Abby wraps up the show by discussing the Bush Administration's crimes against humanity, and the fact that President Obama's refusal to prosecute the officials has led to a cultural decay. ABOUT BREAKING THE SET: A brand new show on the RT Network hosted by Abby Martin. There are way too many rules set in society that prop up the establishment -- an establishment that works to divide and conquer the people. 'Breaking the Set' seeks to smash through the Left/Right Paradigm set in the media and political establishment to find the middle ground: the truth. It is a show that cuts through that pre-established narrative which tells the people what to think and what to care about. Tune in from 6-6:30 EST MF on your local cable station OR watch live at www.RT.com OR SUBSCRIBE to the official YouTube channel @ www.youtube.com Author: breakingtheset Duration: 28:04
Photos for video [10] Jesse Ventura: Break the Two Party Dictatorship, Impunity for American War Crimes
The war on Internet freedom was declared on Obama's watch. Download the song & Join the movement www.kim.com Follow me twitter.com United we stand, divided we fall. Let's all be friends. Let's all unite. This song was produced by Kim Dotcom, Printz Board and Sleep Deez. With lyrics and vocals by Kim Dotcom and friends. The lyrics: The war for the Internet has begun. Hollywood is in control of politics. The Government is killing innovation. Don't let them get away with that. I have a dream, like Dr. King, this is the time to stand up and fight. By any means, if we dont do anything, they will just blame it on the copyright. Keep this movement going. Keep this movement tweeting. Keep this movement moving. The pursuit of happiness. Happiness. Happiness. Happiness. The pursuit of happiness. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. What about free speech, Mr. President? What happened to change, Mr. President? Are you pleading the fifth, Mr. President? Are you going to fix this, Mr. President? We must oppose, don't vote for those, who want to take us back in time. We must expose, the people who chose, to turn innovation into crime. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. What about free speech, Mr. President? What happened to change, Mr. President? Are you pleading the fifth <b>...</b> Author: MrKimDotcom Duration: 4:01
SUBSCRIBE AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE ! WE ARE LEGION! THE NWO KILLS EVERY DAY THE HUMANITY WITH VIRUS,WARS,CRISIS ECONOMIC AND WITH MANY OTHER WAYS THAT MOST OF US WE DON'T UNDERSTAND! HUMANITY I CALL YOU TO STAY AND FIGHT TOGETHER! BURN TO THE GROUND THE NWO! WE NEED TO CREATE A NEW AGE!THE AGE FOR FREEDOM! THE HUMANITY NEEDS TO BE ACTIVE EVERY TIME! WE HAVE THE POWER! DON'T LEAVE THE GOVERNMENTS TO TAKE YOUR LIBERTY! Anonymous NEW WORLD ORDER Georgia Guidestones American elberton odd oddities New World Order Establish Government NWO Bush Terrorstorm new world order USA rfid mark war bilderburg illuminati skull bones trilateral 666 beast satan bohemian vchip one government zeitgeist ron paul george hitler RFID hip barack obama john mccain september 11th 9/11 occult united states nations america icke nazi Alex Jones Conspiracy Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Candidate Songs Music RayWilliamJohnson Eminem Author: sirkoes187 Duration: 6:24
Photos for video Anonymous Message is Time to End NWO (Jesuits aka illuminati)
Mike Adams sits in for Alex. He interviews Brazil-based journalist Pepe Escobar, who writes for the Asia Times Online, about the bogus Iranian terror plot and the Obama administration's move toward war. Mike runs down the latest fast moving developments on Iran and the efforts by the Obama administration, the Justice and State departments to cobble together an excuse to invade the Islamic country and touch off a conflagration that will likely set the Middle East ablaze. www.atimes.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:52
Photos for video Occupy Iran Fast & Furious (Extended) with Pepe Escobar
This video describes how Halliburton is poisoning the troops in Iraq through their water supply. If you are a war vet there is information at the end of the video as to where you can get tested. Author: reece2076 Duration: 3:42
Photos for video Halliburton caught poisoning the troops in Iraq