Dr Leonard Kayiwa author of best seller book ministering to God key to prosperous life/church filled with God's power miracles, wonders and signs' with pastor Gail Kayiwa and church forks praying in united states of america, as the inauguration motorcade proceeds ; for God to protect his people plus president barack obama.and that many my get born again Author: bishop leonard kayiwa Duration: 7:06
Photos for video Obama inauguration mortocade 2013 live by bishop leonard kayiwa
Obama Inauguration Presidential Ceremony 2013 Introduction The 2013 Inauguration ceremonies to honor the start of President Barack Obama's second term in office include two official Inaugural Balls, a National Day of Service and two swearing-in ceremonies. Thousands flocked to Washington, DC to help Obama kick off his second round in the White House, including notable names like James Taylor, Stevie Wonder, Katy Perry and Beyonce. Author: ForyourInfoM Duration: 5:29
Photos for video Obama Inauguration Presidential Ceremony 2013 Introduction
Thank you for the ratings and comments! Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Playthrough Part 1 : youtu.be This is Black Ops 2 playthrough part 16. Black Ops 2 or BO2 is the newest installment in the Call of Duty franchise. This is a complete single player campaign playthrough. The single-player campaign will feature two connected storylines, one set in the 1970s through 1980s and the other in 2025. The protagonist of Black Ops, Alex Mason returns in the Cold War section, where he will be fighting in proxy wars for the United States in the Cold War. Black Ops 2 campaign will also show the rise to infamy of the game's primary antagonist, Raul Menendez, a Nicaraguan narco-terrorist and the leader of "Cordis Die." My Music Channel: www.youtube.com Download my songs: itunes.apple.com Tweet at me dawg: www.twitter.com T-Shirts: tryhardninja.spreadshirt.com Author: TryHardNinjaGAMES Duration: 10:41
Photos for video Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough / Playthrough Part 16 OBAMA SHIP [Gameplay - ODYSSEUS]
Follow Sierra @ www.twitter.com Sierra Adamson talks to Jeremy Scahill, journalist and author of 'Blackwater,' about some of the under-reported issues such as drone strikes in the Middle East, Obama's kill list/Disposition Matrix, NDAA, use of the Espionage Act against whistle-blowers. Jeremy talks about the assassination of the 16 year old American citizen, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, who was killed by a drone strike authorized by President Obama and the response Robert Gibbs recently gave us when we questioned him on it. He discusses the left's disregard of their anti-war principles in favor of being loyal to leaders in their own party and the war propaganda that is fed to Americans through mass media. Videos mentioned at the beginning of this interview: Robert Gibbs - www.youtube.com Peter King - www.youtube.com Jeremy Scahill's upcoming documentary investigates the implications of America's foreign policies and the covert war in Yemen. www.aljazeera.com To find out more about Jeremy: www.thenation.com Follow him @ www.twitter.com Keep up with all of our latest videos by subscribing here: bit.ly Check out our merchandise: wearechange.org Become a member of The Sponsor Lounge and get exclusive behind the scenes content while helping us grow! Join us today! http:///www.wearechange.org/donate Author: wearechange Duration: 12:33
Photos for video Jeremy Scahill on Obama's War Machine, American Assassinations & Journalism
Первая часть лекции Андрея Фурсова в МГИУ, о наиболее значимых событиях 2011 года, их причинах и возможных последствиях, 01.06.2012. Подробнее docme.ru Подборка тематических статей feeenrijk.livejournal.com Author: systeemtheorie Duration: 39:19
Godfrey (@GodfreyComedian) gets a bad case of Gingrich at the Laugh Factory comedy club in Hollywood, CA, home of the best stand up comedians. Have you subscribed to the Laugh Factory's channel yet? Click here: youtube.com Tell us what you thought in the comments and don't forget to like and add this video to your favorites if you LOL'd! FOLLOW @thelaughfactory on Twitter: twitter.com LIKE the Laugh Factory on Facebook: facebook.com VISIT the Laugh Factory's website: laughfactory.com LIVE SHOW TICKETS bit.ly FOLLOW @GodfreyComedian on Twitter: twitter.com LIKE Godfrey on Facebook: facebook.com VISIT Godfrey's website: godfreycomedian.com SUBSCRIBE to Godfrey's YouTube channel youtube.com Author: TheLaughFactory Duration: 4:49
Gerald Celente, the founder of the Trends Research Institute gives RT's Marina Portnaya his predictions for the headlines of tomorrow. OWS movement, US presidential elections, economic embargo on Iran are among the issues discussed. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:26
Photos for video Battlefield USA 2012: Gerald Celente on year's top trends
NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act Indefinite Detention Of Americans S 1867 passed 93-7 by the senate - - - - - - - - - - - - S-1867 Indefinite detenention of us citizens without a charge or trial military to police usa Battfield america judge napolitano john mccain ron paul alex jones New terror suspects world news president to veto bill obama will pass sign ndaa into law fox cnn cnbc nbc abc bbs msnbc fight terrorism terrorists suspects politics economy peters schiff kbr fema camps martial law illegal arrests by police cops nwo new world order illuminati music movies actors musicians media china iran iraq japan russia terror attack violation of the constitution freedom state george Bush clinton - - - - FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Author: ExplosiveNews Duration: 2:01
Photos for video Indefinite Detention of Americans under New NDAA Bill
On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the destruction of the economy and other related issues. He also talks with regular Friday guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster and takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:40
Photos for video 100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 1/3
Mike Adams sits in for Alex. He interviews Brazil-based journalist Pepe Escobar, who writes for the Asia Times Online, about the bogus Iranian terror plot and the Obama administration's move toward war. Mike runs down the latest fast moving developments on Iran and the efforts by the Obama administration, the Justice and State departments to cobble together an excuse to invade the Islamic country and touch off a conflagration that will likely set the Middle East ablaze. www.atimes.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:52
Photos for video Occupy Iran Fast & Furious (Extended) with Pepe Escobar
The global war on drugs has failed (msnbc): on.msnbc.com Global Commission on Drug Policy report (PDF): bit.ly Use the moderator module to play me in chess: Author: pogobat Duration: 5:46
Photos for video Delicious Steak with Dan Brown - Marijuana
President Obama speaks on the situation in Egypt following the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, saying the US supports the Egyptian people and stands ready to assist as the country moves towards a genuine democracy. February 11, 2011. Author: whitehouse Duration: 6:55
Photos for video President Obama on a Historic Day in Egypt
twitter.com twitter.com I've been meaning to address the historic passage of the health care bill, but wasn't feeling fully qualified to break it down, so I got the noted health care expert and standup comic Hari Kondabolu to give his thoughts on Obama's health care plan, and what he thinks we could have done to fight harder for truly progressive reform. You can see Hari live on Thursday night here in NY, when he headlines at Comix with another great comic, Baron Vaughn. Author: illdoc1 Duration: 1:53
Photos for video Health Care & the Lost Art of Compromise