Брюс Ли против Клинта Иствуда Дополнительно: "Кулаки ярости" - фильм с Брюсом Ли "Малышка на миллион" - фильм с Клинтом Иствудом Тарелка Pu-Pu - какая-то китайская еда "Думаешь тебе повезет, подонок" - цитата из фильма "Грязный Гарри" "побеждал хороших и плохих" - отсылка к фильму "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" (в нашем переводе "Хороший, плохой, злой", правда последнее слово в контексте этого видео нужно переводить как "безобразный") Фраза про то, что Иствуд псих и ему лучше читать против стула - это отсылка к его выступлению на Республиканской национальной конвенции, где он разговаривал со стулом, как будто бы там сидел Обама www.youtube.com Группа Вконтакте vk.com Author: spamer006 Duration: 1:50
Photos for video (русские субтитры) Bruce Lee vs Clint Eastwood. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2.
To everyone who went out and voted, regardless of who you voted for, we thank you for being active citizens. Democracy Prep's amazing fourth grade citizen-scholars, the "Harlem Prep Hawks", sing their civic message loud and proud to the tune of Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe." We hope they inspired you to "#VoteForSomebody!" Democracy Prep is a "Straight A" network, with 2000 students across seven campuses in Harlem, NY and Camden, NJ, proving what is possible in urban education. We are preparing our responsible citizen-scholars to succeed in the college of their choice and a life of active citizenship. Work Hard. Go To College. Change the World! Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Website: www.democracyprep.org Disclaimer The majority of comments have been really positive and encouraging. To those who feel differently about what we're doing, we have no intention of censoring your opinons, but please do watch the whole video before commenting and please do so in a respectful manner; refrain from crude and offensive language as school-aged children are watching this video. If you have questions about the full extent of what we teach in our schools, contact us and come visit us. We've got an open door policy! Credits: Executive Producer: Seth Andrew Lyrics & Book: Brian Duran Editing & Videography: Anthony Hull and Greg Callan Talent: Amazing 4th Grade Scholars at Harlem Prep Author: DemPrepPublicSchools Duration: 2:53
Photos for video Democracy Prep Citizen-Scholars: Vote For Somebody!
vk.com Помогите разбить информационную блокаду! Распространите это видео как можно шире! В Сирии, в полном соответствии с нашим предположением, инцидент со сбитым турецким истребителем не получил никакого развития. Коллективный ответ запада ограничился стягиванием к сирийской границе турецких войск, на что Сирия ответила наращиванием там своего воинского контингента. Но пока что это элементы психологической войны, весьма далекой от войны реальной. На поприще другой войны -- дипломатической Россия вновь встала на защиту Дамаска. В субботу в Женеве прошла очередная конференция по ситуации в Сирии. Ее интрига заключалась в принятии очередного плана Аннана, который на этот раз предполагал отказ Башара Асада от власти и создание нового компромиссного правительства. Однако такое положение дел не устроило Россию, которая твердо стоит на позициях неприемлемости смены власти под давлением извне. Померяться силами по этому вопросу предстояло Сергею Лаврову и Хилари Клинтон и в какой-то момент показалось, что конференция провалилась. Однако к концу второго тайма Россия одержала убедительную победу. Итоговый документ был принят без пункта об отстранении Асада от власти. Эту информацию советуем взять на заметку любителям рассуждать о том, что наша страна не имеет веса на мировой арене. Как показывает практика, когда требуется, нашего веса вполне достаточно, чтобы перевесить весь остальной т.н. «цивилизованный мир». Читать выпуск полностью: e-super.livejournal.com Author: MrEsuper Duration: 10:43
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 34
President Obama speaks on the situation in Egypt following the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, saying the US supports the Egyptian people and stands ready to assist as the country moves towards a genuine democracy. February 11, 2011. Author: whitehouse Duration: 6:55
Photos for video President Obama on a Historic Day in Egypt
FKNNewz 2009 DVD Out now - www.deekjackson.com Join the Landless Peasant Party - http Rid the world of ignorance join The Astronomers - www.theastronomers.org Obama state of the union address when i said change i meant no change Afghanistan stability conference kharzis bitches line up for booty shaking in the uk Tony blair faces Iraq inquiry love in and tough hair style questions Hello tortured souls im the dark lord satan welcome to the fkn newz here are the headlies tonight... Author: Deek Jackson Duration: 10:00
First part of the 50 impressions by Jay Pharoah, Jay does over 75 but this is just a little sample, Chris, Will,Jack, Owen,Obama,DMX,50 Cent,Bernie Mac, Denzel, Nick Cage,Katt Williams, Steve Irwin..... Watch the clip Author: Jhullk Duration: 8:16
Photos for video 50 impressions Jay Pharoah pt.1 Eddie, Chris, Will,Heath, Jack, Owen,Prince, Dmx,Obama......
UPDATE February 10, 2010: British ruling releases memo on 'inhuman' treatment of Guantanamo Bay prisoner "After a lengthy legal battle, the British government was forced Wednesday to release in full a document describing what a judge called the "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment" meted out to a former Guantanamo Bay inmate while he was in US custody... the summary describes the techniques used in Mohamed's interrogation while in US custody... The seven paragraphs did not address more serious torture allegations by Mohamed, who says that he was severely beaten, left in stress positions and his genitals were sliced with a scalpel during repeated interrogations after his arrest in Pakistan. His lawyers say those sessions took place under US auspices... Binyam Mohamed, a British resident... was arrested in Karachi, Pakistan, on a passport violation in 2002... At Guantanamo Bay, Mohamed was to be tried on charges that he was plotting with Al Qaeda to detonate a "dirty bomb" in the US But all charges against him were dropped in October 2008" articles.latimes.com UPDATE January 27, 2010: Retired CIA agent made up waterboarding details www.foreignpolicy.com Jesse Ventura vs. Fox & Friends, Smacks Down Brian Kilmeade's Torture & 9/11 Propaganda From Rawstory.com: "Ventura enrolls Fox & Friends in waterboarding school By David Edwards Published: May 19, 2009 A day after schooling the hosts of ABCs The View on waterboarding, Jesse Ventura took his case for prosecuting torture <b>...</b> Author: StevenM818 Duration: 10:50
Photos for video Jesse Ventura vs. Fox & Friends, Smacks Down Brian Kilmeade's Torture & 9/11 Propaganda
prisonplanet.tv Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, the author of The Energy Non-Crisis who predicted $50 a barrel oil based on insider information Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv"Final Stage is Set for Global Control"2/6
Thanks for watching! God bless ya! www.MachoSauceProductions.com More of my Right Wing rants are called ZoNation at www.PJTV.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER: twitter.com Author: machosauceproduction Duration: 8:50
PART 10 of 10 Ian R Crane Talks at the Liverpool Beyond Knowledge Conference, filmed by "Hats Off" edited specially for You Tube by the alternative view media. IN HD QUALITY Please support Ian and Visit his website on IanrCrane.co.uk Author: thealternativeviewuk Duration: 9:04