Please spread the Word. "Complete disarmament" of the American people Paul Joseph Watson Monday, July 16, 2012 The UN Arms Trade Treaty that has been identified by observers as a flagrant threat to the second amendment and which Barack Obama is determined to sign has its roots in a 1961 State Department memorandum which explains how the United Nations will oversee "complete disarmament" of the American people under the ruse of preventing war. The UN Arms Treaty has caused so much controversy because it outlines a plan to target "all types of conventional weapons, notably including small arms and light weapons," according to Forbes' Larry Bell. Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton also warns that the agreement "is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control." A letter sent last month by 130 Republican House members to President Obama argued that the treaty should be rejected because it infringes on the "fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms". The letter adds that "...the UN's actions to date indicate that the ATT is likely to pose significant threats to our national security, foreign policy, and economic interests as well as our constitutional rights." Using the rhetoric of the threat post by terrorists, insurgents and <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 21:11
Photos for video Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns In this edition of the show, Afshin Rattansi comments on what he calls the American Spring, autumn or fall: the Occupy Wall Street peaceful protest movement leading to violent attacks by New York police. Rattansi also interviews a Yemeni ambassador who has resigned in opposition to the killing of pro-democracy protesters in the US backed country. The wonders of the United Arab Emirates as it detains pro-democracy activists, President Obama's policy of executing American citizens without trial, an interviews the comedian David Mulholland to talk about latest cartoons from around the world and much more are all reviewed in this episode of Double Standards. Author: PressTVGlobalNews Duration: 24:54
Photos for video Occupy Wall Street movement & Yemen Revolution-Double Standards-10-16-2011
IS IT NOT TREASON? By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. June 30, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The argument presented by Senator John Kerry, in defense of President Barack Obama's guilty violation of the Federal Constitution is, in itself, beyond all reason. The argument which the Senator presented in defense of his own shocking, utterly incompetent argument, has been one of the most disgusting pieces of sophistry on record. The question is, was that Senator blackmailed in some fashion? Certainly, submission to blackmail gives neither the Senator nor the Senate exculpatory credit. Clear and plain evidence by the errant President himself might be explained by death threats against the Senator. Since the culpability of the President himself is so clear, and so clearly proximate to treason on behalf of the British monarchy against our United States, the lack of credible explanations offered by Senator Kerry, is most troubling for those among us who had remembered him as being neither a traitor nor a fool. The President had violated the law, and that with the most flagrant shamelessness. This fact raises the question: "Is this President, whose popular support is being that of a decimated minority, willing to lie his way into a coup d'etat conducted in British interest as a betrayal of our United States to a foreign tyrant?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A most <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:08
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Obama admits that he is a Muslim. Obama bowing before a Muslim king. Obama talking about his Muslim family. Obama quoting from the Koran. Obama defending Islam. Obama visiting a Mosque. And many more clips of Obama and his Muslim connections. Legal Disclaimer: The writers, producers, and editors of this video are not claiming or implying that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, or that Obama said he was a Muslim, rather they are only examining the evidence surrounding the rumor that Barack Hussein Obama might be a secret Muslim. Author: FeelTheChangeMedia Duration: 9:57 Alex talks with Representative Charles Key, author of Oklahoma's HJR 1003, the Tenth Amendment Resolution calling on the federal government to follow the US Constitution and stop infringing on states rights. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:46
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Thanks for watching! God bless ya! More of my Right Wing rants are called ZoNation at FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Author: machosauceproduction Duration: 8:50