About 3:30 in northern CO, quite the busy flyboys today. Manned or UnManned? No matter, man is involved. MAN is wanting to OWN the weather. Patents galore. The only CON I see is the one being done to us by or with our government's blessing. COMBAT? global warming for Al...what did Al do for you POTUS that you feel the need to give him a present as big as this program? Must have been good, whatever it was and wherever it was. This video has been made with a wish for Peace for all nations, small and large. I wish...I wish.... Tags: geo engineering, Al Gore, POTUS, OBAMA, WAR, HUMANITY, ANIMALS, KARMA, EYE, Barack Obama (US President), NASA, UN, NATO, BANKS This is my truth. No copyright involved. I own this video. Author: ctwatcher Duration: 5:03
I forgot to mention that had Mitt Romney won the election, Obama Care and Dodd Frank might have been repealed. Such a possibility is now completely off the table. As neither of these horrific laws were fully implemented during Obama's first term, the extent of the damage they will inflict on the American economy will not be evident until his second. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that the US stock market would be marked-down to reflect the permanency of these laws. However, the biggest mark- down will likely be reserved for the dollar, and the American standard of living that depends on its purchasing power. Also, at the 3 minute 50 second mark, I misspoke. I meant to say that "when Obama finishes his SECOND term the economy will be in much worse shape than it was when he began his first term." Listen to The Peter Schiff Show on www.SchiffRadio.com Live and Free Weekdays 10am to noon ET Buy my new book The Real Crash www.tinyurl.com www.Facebook.com www.Twitter.com Author: SchiffReport Duration: 16:50
Photos for video Obama 2.0 & the Fiscal Cliff: Implications for America, the Markets, the Dollar, and Gold
Last year on New Year's Eve, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law. At first Obama said he wouldn't sign the legislation, but later followed through with it. The NDAA allows for Americans to be detained indefinitely without a right to a trail if suspected of coming into contact with alleged terrorists. We look into the issue. RT America LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT America! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 11:52
Photos for video NDAA to expand if Obama re-elected?
Governor Romney faced a fiery President Obama, sparing over issues like oil and gas drilling, women's rights, immigration, and the 47 percent. Things became particularly feisty during an exchange on Benghazi and whether the phrase "acts of terror" was used to describe the attack. (October 16, 2012) Author: ReutersTV Duration: 14:55
Photos for video Romney, Obama Debate Round 2: binders full of women, blind trusts, and acts of terror - The Trail
Alex welcomes former New Mexico Governor and Libertarian Party nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election Gary Johnson to discuss his platform, his exclusion from last night's debate and where he sees America headed if one of the two major party candidates is elected. www.garyjohnson2012.com "We didn't see a debate tonight. We saw two slightly differing versions of defending the Republican and Democrat status quo that has given us war after war after war, a $16 trillion debt, and a government that is the answer to everything. Nowhere was there a real plan for reducing government, balancing the budget any time in the foreseeable future, or a path that will actually put Americans back to work. We heard two politicians arguing over which of their plans for government-run health care is less bad. We heard fantasies about balancing the budget while not reducing Medicare costs. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are nibbling around the edges of the nation's problems. We don't have time to nibble — we need to devour them. Americans deserve real debates and a voice who will actually tell the truth about what it will take to put this great nation back on track." by Governor Gary Johnson Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 22:50
Photos for video Why Romney & Obama Won't Debate Gary Johnson
Jon Lovitz on his "ABC's of SNL" podcast: "This whole thing with Obama saying the rich don't pay their taxes is fucking bullshit. And I voted for the guy and I'm a Democrat. What a fucking asshole." Author: martysoffice Duration: 2:08
Photos for video Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE]
Jimmy Kimmel Live - The third part of Jimmy's interview with Oprah Winfrey, where Jimmy pitches OWN show ideas to Oprah Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed Channel: www.youtube.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 9:10
Photos for video Jimmy Kimmel Pitches OWN Shows to Oprah
Ex-Army Ranger Captain, West Point graduate, and Stanford MBA Antonio Buehler explains why he endorses Ron Paul for president. Brave New Books Website: www.bravenewbookstore.com Amazon Store: www.amazon.com Facebook Page: www.facebook.com Amazon Store Facebook Page: www.facebook.com Like them on Facebook!: www.facebook.com The Austin Ron Paul Meetup Group: www.meetup.com Official Campaign Site: www.ronpaul2012.com The Daily Paul: www.dailypaul.com Official YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com T-shirts, Signs, Buttons, etc.: ronpaulswag.com www.ronpaulstickers.com www.ronpaulproducts.com www.ronpaulmarket.com The COOLEST Ron Paul Shirt!: gojosh.com Grassroots Videos: ronpaulflix.com Author: RepublicOfTexasTV Duration: 14:02
Photos for video Army Ranger Captain Endorses Ron Paul
IS IT NOT TREASON? By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. June 30, 2011 www.larouchepac.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The argument presented by Senator John Kerry, in defense of President Barack Obama's guilty violation of the Federal Constitution is, in itself, beyond all reason. The argument which the Senator presented in defense of his own shocking, utterly incompetent argument, has been one of the most disgusting pieces of sophistry on record. The question is, was that Senator blackmailed in some fashion? Certainly, submission to blackmail gives neither the Senator nor the Senate exculpatory credit. Clear and plain evidence by the errant President himself might be explained by death threats against the Senator. Since the culpability of the President himself is so clear, and so clearly proximate to treason on behalf of the British monarchy against our United States, the lack of credible explanations offered by Senator Kerry, is most troubling for those among us who had remembered him as being neither a traitor nor a fool. The President had violated the law, and that with the most flagrant shamelessness. This fact raises the question: "Is this President, whose popular support is being that of a decimated minority, willing to lie his way into a coup d'etat conducted in British interest as a betrayal of our United States to a foreign tyrant?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A most <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:08
Photos for video Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 3/4
Taylor Swift Live in Manila, Philippines February 19, 2011 at the Araneta Coliseum Presented by Ovation Productions Author: kennethtristan Duration: 5:31
Photos for video Taylor Swift Live in Manila You Belong With Me
freemantv.com Theo Chalmers interviews Freeman about Obama, Human Cloning, and the Coming Space War. [Original Air-Date June 11 2009] Author: Freemantv Duration: 98:20
Photos for video Human Cloning - Edge Media FreemanTV