"EDIT" Today, Saturday Dec. 31, 2011. Obama did indeed sign the NDAA into LAW! Americans MUST know about this if we are going to STOP it. Urgently spread this petition as widely as possible. Write or call the White House to tell the President you won't sit by and watch NDAA Section 1031 and the dangerously misleading Feinstein Amendment 1031(e) become law. www.whitehouse.gov The Obama administration officially states he is signing the NDAA - Click for news article. Both the House and Senate have finalized it and submitted it for his signature. (4:39pm ET 12/15) In the final bill, they renamed Section 1031 to Section 1021, but it is otherwise unchanged. The President will promptly sign NDAA Section 1031 into law, codifying who is eligible for "Detention under the law of war without trial." Without a trial, there is no chance to tell a judge that the government has no evidence. The worst thing about this law is that it originally exempted US citizens, but now it dangerously does not specify either way.. The bottom line is that the NDAA bill contains language that will codify, or make into law, the much debated act of defining US citizens as enemy combatants. It will leave that discretionary power to the executive branch. While many readers have contended that nothing in this bill applies to US citizens, Senator Carl Levin, the bill's sponsor, explicitly disagrees. Even more alarming, it was Senator Levin who announced in Senate chambers that it was Barack Obama himself who <b>...</b> Author: kheroot Duration: 10:12
Photos for video Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law Bill
Will Obama pass a bill that allows for the indefinite detention of Americans? Will this bill give any more powers to the government than it already has? Usually, Presidents pass this kind of bill either upon taking up office or when they are on their way out of office, not when they are about to run for re-election and this makes it all the more confusing to me. Possibly, this bill will do little to give the government more power, but will have a major effect on the upcomig elections, whether Obama passes it or vetoes it. Maybe tis is what this is really about? The Bill: www.gpo.gov www.rollingstone.com www.nyunews.com www.occupythegame.com rt.com Author: thetruthergirls Duration: 8:25
Photos for video NDAA 2012: Obama Insists on Indefinite Detention for Americans. What Is Going On???
The federal government is in the midst of a crackdown on medical marijuana dispensaries across the state of California. This is despite repeated claims from President Obama and his Department of Justice that they would not devote federal resources to circumventing state medical marijuana laws. "The law has been hijacked by profiteers who are motivated not by compassion, but by money," said Melinda Haag, one of California's US Attorneys, at a DOJ press conference on October 11, 2011. Aaron Sandusky, owner of G3 Holistic, a group of medical marijuana dispensaries in California's Inland Empire, is one such target of the DOJ's crackdown on medical marijuana "profiteers." The DOJ sent him a letter promising to shut down his operations within 14 days. And they followed through. Reason.tv talked to Sandusky, who's long battled the city of Upland's sordid handling of medical marijuana dispensaries, before and after he was raided. "We all want the same thing," said Sandusky. "We want to see less crime. That's why we have these places." Sgt. Glenn Walsh and Agent Mark Brewster, both members of the California Narcotic Officer's Association, believe that the stepped up enforcement from the DOJ is a positive development. "There's no avenue in the law, whatsoever, to accommodate the sales of marijuana," Brewster said. Walsh concurs, arguing that California's Prop 215 and SB 420 allow for the collective cultivation of medical marijuana but do not allow for a single cent to exchange <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 10:20
Photos for video Obama's DOJ Cracks Down on Medical Marijuana: California vs. The Feds
From: video.foxnews.com October 05, 2011 - Rep. Ron Paul on Christie's 2012 decision, President Obama.FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law. Author: PigMine3 Duration: 5:49
Photos for video Ron Paul On Christie, Obama Impeachment
freemantv.com Theo Chalmers interviews Freeman about Obama, Human Cloning, and the Coming Space War. [Original Air-Date June 11 2009] Author: Freemantv Duration: 98:20
Photos for video Human Cloning - Edge Media FreemanTV
On March 14, 2010, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan discussed the lies surrounding the events on September 11, 2001. This excerpt is from the lecture entitled, "The Time and What Must Be Done; The Great War". To order this lecture and others, please visit store.finalcall.com or call (866) 602-1230. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 10:58
Photos for video Minister Louis Farrakhan Exposes 9/11 and Questions Official Story (Part 1)
The honorable author, historian, and social activist, Howard Zinn, taped at Lower Cape TV on Cape Cod 10/9/2009 commenting on President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace prize. Author: jpreeeter Duration: 4:36
Photos for video Howard Zinn on President Obama Recieving Nobel Peace Prize
The Bible codes reveal something that you will not hear from the mainstream media. Watch this shocking video and decide for yourself, is Barack Obama the Antichrist himself? Barack Obama Michelle Obama The White House Washington DC DC January Inauguration Next... Author: James1vs27 Duration: 6:06
Photos for video Is Barack Obama the Antichrist? (Part 1)
My tribute to the greatest female rock vocalist who ever lived,Janis Joplin... An even better tribute: www.youtube.com More Janis: www.youtube.com Author: eenkmouse2311 Duration: 3:43
Photos for video Bette Midler - The Rose (Tribute to Janis Joplin)