"It should be a warning sign when your case for why polls are underestimating your party's strength is that fewer people will actually vote than pollsters project. If your party's fate depends on fewer Americans participating in our democracy, perhaps you have a popularity problem. It's not just that Mitt Romney lost, as did several Republican Senate candidates who should have won easily. The election was a victory for all kinds of big city liberal values: Weed was legalized. So was gay marriage. The rape apologist candidates lost. The first openly gay woman was elected to the Senate. The first black president was reelected -- on a platform of Obamacare, immigration, and raising taxes. On the Republican side, the most energetic part of the party is also the most opposed to these ideals. While the Tea Party won Republicans a majority in the House in 2010, election night 2012 showed the party's message is toxic at the national and statewide levels. While house races are local in character, Senate and presidential races are held statewide. And that is where the Tea Party did worst last night. Tea Partier Richard Mourdock picked off moderate Republican Sen. Dick Lugar in the Indiana primary, and then lost the election. Todd Akin proved he really was too conservative for Missouri, as Sen. Claire McCaskill claimed in primary ads intended to trick Republican voters into picking him as her opponent. Three other Tea Partying Senate candidates met the same fate in 2010. But while <b>...</b> Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:09
Photos for video Tea Party Defeated - The Madness Will End
Jimmy Kimmel Live - Jimmy Kimmel Asks a Brooklyn Barbershop About Mitt Romney Jimmy Kimmel Live: Back to Brooklyn -- Jimmy Kimmel Asks a Brooklyn Barbershop About Mitt Romney Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Website: www.jimmykimmellive.com Channel www.youtube.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 4:33
Photos for video Jimmy Kimmel Asks a Brooklyn Barbershop About Mitt Romney
Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney addresses comments he made at a private fundraiser about Barack Obama supporters. Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: full.sc Watch Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 1235/11:35c LateNightWithJimmyFallon.com Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: Twitter.com Like Jimmy: Facebook.com Get more Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Follow Late Night: Twitter.com Like Late Night: Facebook.com Late Night Tumblr: LateNightJimmy.tumblr.com Full Episodes: full.sc Get more NBC: Full Episodes: NBC.com NBC YouTube: full.sc Follow NBC: Twitter.com Like NBC: Facebook.com NBC Pinterest: Pinterest.com NBC Tumblr: NBCtv.tumblr.com Mitt Romney Responds To The "47%" Controversy - Jimmy Fallon www.youtube.com Author: latenight Duration: 2:52
Photos for video Mitt Romney Responds To The "47%" Controversy - Jimmy Fallon
Link Back- www.youtube.com Ron Paul Warns Of Economic Collapse March 12, 2008. There is no questioning we are in a recession Now.The War has taken it's toll. The bases worldwide are taken their toll. The Roman Empire fell the same way...welcome to the New Rome. Please like, share, & comment..., subscribe only if you love liberty. "An Empire Overrun by Tyranny is where Truth becomes a LIE" Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, deficit elimination, personal liberties, freedom, and a pro-America foreign policy that promotes world peace with an unwavering commitment to National Defense. And Military Intervention only if a Declaration of War is passed (by Congress..., not NATO or the UN) unless circumstance dictates eminent danger to America's...., On American Soil. Let's Restore America Now..., before it's too late! To spread the message, visit and promote the following websites: www.RonPaul.com http www.RonPaul2012.com http www.RonPaulCountry.com http www.DailyPaul.com FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Author: VoteRealVotePaul Duration: 7:20
Photos for video Ron Paul- Warns Of Coming Worldwide Economic Collapse- Will You Listen?
EXECUTIVE ORDER, NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS www.whitehouse.gov Obama Executive Order Seizes US Infrastructure & Citizens for Military Preparedness & Slavery Details Explained Video! www.youtube.com The Defense Production Act of 1950. The Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds... Author: Rohbss2 Duration: 14:26
Alex also talks about Obama's State of the Union address, military exercises underway in Los Angeles, and the rolling Ron Paul revolution as the establishment pushes the chicken hawk warmonger Newt Gingrich for the GOP presidential nomination. Alex also takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:25
Photos for video Were Run by Ruthless, Freedom Hating, Dangerous Scum! 1/3
SOURCES AND TRANSCRIPT: www.corbettreport.com A group of American national security whistleblowers, civil liberty campaigners, anti-war groups, national whistleblower organizations and others are set to release a petition tomorrow asking a group of NGOs to take back the "transparency award" they bestowed on President Obama last March for his supposed attempt to fight against government secrecy. Author: corbettreport Duration: 13:22
Photos for video Obama's Hypocrisy - Whistleblowers Line Up to Take Back Transparency Award
U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name - Joplin Tornado Version Created from video I shot shortly after, and the two weeks following the tornado that struck the city of Joplin, Missouri on 5-22-11, leaving over 140 people dead, countless injured, and thousands of homes and business in ruins. Author: KillBoxFilms Duration: 6:41
Photos for video U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name - Joplin Tornado Version
President Barak Obama says now is the time to make a change in the Middle East and North Africa. Will he take the peaceful route as he promised back on the campaign trail, though? Musician, poet and playwright Lowkey doubts the President is sincere and that, rather, his message is falling on deaf ears. Obama, says Lowkey, was elected on the promise of being everything George W. Bush wasn't. Donald Rumsfeld thinks Obama has kept all those policies he intended on straying from, but according to Lowkey, the administration has only extended them further by driving America further into war and doing more harm than good overseas. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 7:04
Photos for video Lowkey: 'Bush imperialism continues under Obama'