The US Senate is considering President Obama's picks to lead the Pentagon and the CIA. The candidate for the post of Spy Chief, presidential counter-terrorism advisor John Brennan, is a strong advocate of aggressive CIA tactics, and has secured a controversial drone programme as one of the agency's main tools. Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury thinks if Brennan is confirmed as the CIA head, the agency will further expand its powers. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 5:36
Photos for video 'CIA turns into military force, targets countries it's not at war with'
The Mexican drug cartels are at war... with Mormons. In Part 2, we learn how the "Mormon Manson" turned his family into assassins, with over 40 dead under the banner of "Blood Atonement." Watch the rest here: Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: Watch more VICE documentaries here: Subscribe to VICE for the best videos online: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 8:30
Photos for video The Mormon Manson (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Part 2/7)
This is crazy. Watch it maybe? If you like this video, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks :) Like on Facebook for updates! Or if you're a tweeter: SWAG SHIRT | Only 200 available! MORE SHIRTS: Facebook Twitter: MTVACT/MTVPowerof12! ( | Credits: Original Video: Video content from public domain. Audio content is an instrumental beat made by Steve Shane (@steveshane) and Matty Trump (@mattytrump). -- Barack Obama (US President) barack obama Call Me Maybe dub parody singing autotune Carly Rae Jepsen carly rae jepsen baracksdubs Author: baracksdubs Duration: 1:47
Photos for video Barack Obama Singing Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
SUBSCRIBE AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE ! WE ARE LEGION! THE NWO KILLS EVERY DAY THE HUMANITY WITH VIRUS,WARS,CRISIS ECONOMIC AND WITH MANY OTHER WAYS THAT MOST OF US WE DON'T UNDERSTAND! HUMANITY I CALL YOU TO STAY AND FIGHT TOGETHER! BURN TO THE GROUND THE NWO! WE NEED TO CREATE A NEW AGE!THE AGE FOR FREEDOM! THE HUMANITY NEEDS TO BE ACTIVE EVERY TIME! WE HAVE THE POWER! DON'T LEAVE THE GOVERNMENTS TO TAKE YOUR LIBERTY! Anonymous NEW WORLD ORDER Georgia Guidestones American elberton odd oddities New World Order Establish Government NWO Bush Terrorstorm new world order USA rfid mark war bilderburg illuminati skull bones trilateral 666 beast satan bohemian vchip one government zeitgeist ron paul george hitler RFID hip barack obama john mccain september 11th 9/11 occult united states nations america icke nazi Alex Jones Conspiracy Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Candidate Songs Music RayWilliamJohnson Eminem Author: sirkoes187 Duration: 6:24
Photos for video Anonymous Message is Time to End NWO (Jesuits aka illuminati)
160+ Fox News Bias videos at When Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann argued that the ACLU runs the CIA under President Obama based on misinformation about torture, waterboarding, and the so-called "war on terror," I was glad to see her claims vigorously challenged the next day by journalist David Gregory on NBC, but not surprised to see her get only softball questioning a day later from supposedly straight news anchor Martha MacCallum on Fox News, as I show in this video. The clips I use of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's debate answer come from CBS' November 12, 2011, broadcast "Republican Debate" available online at The clips I use of David Gregory interviewing Michele Bachmann come from NBC's November 13, 2011, broadcast of "Meet The Press" available online at The clips I use of Martha MacCallum's interviewing Michele Bachmann come from Fox News' November 14, 2011, broadcast of "America's Newsroom" a longer clip of which is available online at The clip I use of President Barack Obama's November 13, 2011, APEC press conference in Hawaii comes from the public domain video at The image I use of the ACLU blog post titled "ACLU: If We Ran the CIA" comes from The image I use of of my December 2008 video titled "Hiroshima: Right or Wrong?" comes from the YouTube video player page at The image I use of my May 2011 video titled "Dick Cheney Lies About Torture Working" comes from the YouTube video player <b>...</b> Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 8:00 US President Barack Obama has been given a hero's welcome by thousands as he stepped foot in his ancestral home in Ireland. Around 3000 people lined the streets of Moneygall to welcome the American leader, whose great-great-great grandfather was raised there. Falmouth Kearney, a shoemaker, was born in the village in Co Offaly in 1831 before emigrating to America in 1850. During the brief visit, Mr Obama visited the Kearney ancestral home and met the current family who live there. They were also due to visit Ollie Hayes' pub to meet extended family members including representatives of the Healy, Donovan and Benn families. Author: nsotd2 Duration: 6:39
Photos for video President Barack Obama MoneyGall Ireland meets his cousin
High quality version: This is the best violin song ever. I actually saw this live at the Pepsi center in June 2009. Enjoy! Song: Yanni - Within Attraction Author: GunShard Duration: 2:35
SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE This video was premiered on our new live video show its rebroadcasting right now tune in every Sunday 3pm eastern to get the latest CHANGE news from Robert Wanik and Luke Rudkowski live. WeAreChange hits the streets to talk to people in Time Square about the current states of America. keep spreading this video - people need to see it and realize how dumbed down society is and how to educate people.! Rate it, Email it, Favorite it, Message it, and Share it. don't be silent get the word out! http WeAreChange would like to acknowledge that we do not support or endorse the views described by the people being interviewed, they represent themselves and not the wearechange organization Author: wearechange Duration: 10:00