Беседа с депутатом ГосДумы Евгением Фёдоровым 13 декабря 2012. Вторая часть. скачать: poznavatelnoe.tv депутат Евгений Фёдоров: efedorov.ru http Author: poznavatelnoeTV Duration: 91:06
Photos for video Беседа с Евгением Фёдоровым 13 декабря 2012 часть 2
On the powerful Thursday, December 6 edition of Infowars Live, radio host Alex Jones dissolves the over-hyped rhetoric poured over the alleged Syrian chemical weapons threat being used to justify military intervention. He'll also break down the privacy violations perpetrated against the American people by drones already conducting domestic surveillance in non-restricted skies throughout the country. CHECK OUT [INFOWARS THE MAGAZINE] Buy it as a Gift or Order one for Yourself. www.infowarsshop.com ProPur Water Filtration Receive 15% off with promo code WATER15 - Good Until Dec 10th www.infowarsshop.com Alex Jones teams up with ProPur to provide you with the new gold standard of water filtration systems. ProPur takes the traditional gravity filtration systems and updates it for the 21st century. The ProPur Water Purification Systems with its new carbon domed filters are stronger and last longer than anything currently on the market. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.tv sign up today and share your UserID/Passcode with 4 extra people! Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 51:17
Photos for video Obama's George Bush Pre-War Invasion Moment
During his second campaign for reelection, President Obama ran on a platform of decidedly progressive ideals, but will follow through with them and actually lead progressively? During the campaigns, many conservative pundits put their feet down, exclaiming a decisive victory for Romney. Now that it's clear that didn't happen, are they backtracking?, or taking responsibility? Lastly, the story of General David Petraeus' affair has filled the airwaves since it broke, pushing stories like the Occupy Movement helping with Hurricane Sandy Relief out of the media's attention. Are stories about sex scandals more important and interesting than others, and are they worth our attentions? Greg Proops (Comedian, Smartest Man in The World Podcast) lead this weeks panel to discuss these issues and more with Jimmy Dore (Comedian, The Jimmy Dore Show), Alyona Minkovski (Host, HuffPost Live), and Hugo Schwyzer (History and Gender Studies Professor, Pasadena City College). Special thanks to Matt Stoller (Progressive activist), for sending in a point. Subscribe: www.youtube.com Watch More Points: www.youtube.com Greg Proops: www.gregproops.com Jimmy Dore: www.jimmydorecomedy.com Alyona Minkovski: www.huffingtonpost.com Hugo Schwyzer: www.hugoschwyzer.net Point-Maker Matt Stoller: www.salon.com Twitter List To Follow: twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com Author: townsquare Duration: 48:28
Photos for video Progressives & Obama, Pundit Accountability, and Petraeus' Media Circus
Salvation Prayer: "Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please Jesus forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart, please Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." Amen. What to do after you're saved? - Repent of sin. (Ask Jesus to forgive you) - Turn from sin. Pray for God to help you. - Build a relationship with God by prayer, He is your Father. - Read the Bible. (Begin from the book of Mathew) - Witness to the lost and pray for others. - Get baptized. Important videos: youtu.be youtu.be Author: YahushuaSaves27 Duration: 50:20
Photos for video Chris Tomlin "And If Our God Is For Us" (Full Album)
Many agree the current financial system is unsustainable the question is how much longer can this last? With out the much needed QE from the central banks how much longer can this economy truly last? And what event will trigger global meltdown? Thanks for watching and subscribe for weekly updates. Follow me @ Fabian4Liberty Author: Fabian4Liberty Duration: 4:48
Check out today's SourceFed!! www.youtube.com FACEBOOK: on.fb.me TWITTER: Twitter.com Philly D OFFICIAL APP: bit.ly ---------------------------- ALL of today's Stories: Counterfeit Chemo Drug: bit.ly Prison Fire Kills 300+ huff.to Mac OSX 10.8: gizmo.do Mitt Romney gets his own Definition: gizmo.do Mass Effect Fan Movie: bit.ly Obama's War on Drugs: bit.ly Bill C-309: bit.ly Reddit Bans Child P0rn: bit.ly Facebook Verified Accounts for VIP: bit.ly Paul McCartney Quits Pot: bit.ly ---------------------------- music by: Ronald Jenkees: bit.ly @hagemeister @urbandelights Author: sxephil Duration: 6:03
Bob Unruh's Original Article WND.COM www.wnd.com Hear Carl Gallups (narrator) every Friday - 1330 WEBY AM - Gulf Coast Talk Radio Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups www.carlgallups.com LIVE STREAM Author: ppsimmons Duration: 3:38
Photos for video Breaking! ALERT! Obama Summoned to Appear in Georgia Eligibility Hearing!
Obama and his anger translator Luther share a special message for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Subscribe to Comedy Central's channel for more videos by clicking this: on.cc.com Visit the official site: www.comedycentral.com Find the Show on Facebook - www.facebook.com RSVP to our Facebook Event and let your friends know - www.facebook.com "Like" Comedy Central on Facebook: www.facebook.com Don't forget to tell us what you thought in the comments, "like" the video and subscribe to our channel for more of your Comedy Central favorites. Author: comedycentral Duration: 1:10
Photos for video Key & Peele: Martin Luther King Day
160+ Fox News Bias videos at bit.ly When Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann argued that the ACLU runs the CIA under President Obama based on misinformation about torture, waterboarding, and the so-called "war on terror," I was glad to see her claims vigorously challenged the next day by journalist David Gregory on NBC, but not surprised to see her get only softball questioning a day later from supposedly straight news anchor Martha MacCallum on Fox News, as I show in this video. The clips I use of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's debate answer come from CBS' November 12, 2011, broadcast "Republican Debate" available online at bit.ly The clips I use of David Gregory interviewing Michele Bachmann come from NBC's November 13, 2011, broadcast of "Meet The Press" available online at on.msnbc.com The clips I use of Martha MacCallum's interviewing Michele Bachmann come from Fox News' November 14, 2011, broadcast of "America's Newsroom" a longer clip of which is available online at bit.ly The clip I use of President Barack Obama's November 13, 2011, APEC press conference in Hawaii comes from the public domain video at bit.ly The image I use of the ACLU blog post titled "ACLU: If We Ran the CIA" comes from bit.ly The image I use of of my December 2008 video titled "Hiroshima: Right or Wrong?" comes from the YouTube video player page at bit.ly The image I use of my May 2011 video titled "Dick Cheney Lies About Torture Working" comes from the YouTube video player <b>...</b> Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 8:00