On Fault Lines, Josh Rushing embeds with US troops on the front lines of Obama's war and asks: What is the US trying to achieve in Afghanistan, and will it really make the US safer? Follow on Twitter: twitter.com Follow on Facebook: facebook.com Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com See all episodes of Fault Lines: www.youtube.com Meet the Fault Lines Team: aje.me Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 21:51
Photos for video Fault Lines - Obama's New Strategy in Afghanistan
LCpl. Kyle Carpenter is a combat wounded warrior that has overcome more adversity in 22 years that most will overcome in a lifetime. A true American Hero, Kyle does a set of pull-ups at the Walter Reed Medical Center 15 months after sustaining life threatening injuries. Produced by 'Still in the Fight' film crew. www.stillinthefightfilm.com Author: StillInTheFightFilm Duration: 1:53
Photos for video Kyle Carpenter - Overcoming Obstacles
Today at the UN General Assembly, the speech of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was not met with warm welcome from western representatives, many of whom walked out as he spoke. The Iranian president attacked the Western European countries. calling them"arrogant powers" ruled by greed and eagerness. Ahmadinejad even attacked President Barack Obama for his lack of "change" and the disappearance of "hope" that he promised during his campaign. RT's own Marina Portnaya spoke earlier to the Iranian president and she joins live Lauren Lyster from New York. Follow Lauren on Twitter: twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 8:45
Photos for video Ahmadinejad shocks UN General Assembly
Minister Louis Farrakhan reveals the truth behind the secret forces who finance and control world governments. During this Saviours Day in 1995, The Minister exposed the International Bankers and its agents before the entire world. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 14:59
Photos for video Minister Farrakhan Exposes International Bankers, Government Debt, & Fall of America (1 of 3)
On Tuesday morning, Jan. 26, 2010, a "die-in" protest was staged in front of the White House. The antiwar, anti-occupation event was primarily organized by the Minnesota Contingent of the Peaceable Assembly Campaign. At least thirteen protesters were arrested for refusing to obey a police order to get off the sidewalk. For more information about the demonstration, and for the very latest details on the arrested activists, go to: vcnv.org Also, see: peaceableassemblycampaign.org Peace and justice activist Coleen Rowley was interviewed on camera. Author: liamh2 Duration: 9:34
Photos for video "Die-In" at White House: 13 Antiwar Protesters Arrested
During a Sunday lecture in March of 2009, Minister Farrakhan educates the believers and visitors of Mosque Maryam in Chicago about the evil forces that run the policies and dictate agenda local and abroad. To order this lecture, visit store.finalcall.com or call (866) 602-1230. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 11:00
Photos for video Minister Louis Farrakhan Speaking On The International Bankers and Corruption