SUBSCRIBE NOW!! SUBSCRIBE TO AMTVmedia!!! SOURCES: Obama official: Benghazi was a terrorist attack Al Qaeda, ex-Gitmo detainee involved in consulate attack, intelligence sources say Read more: Israel stages largest snap exercise in years 9-19-12: In today's video, Christopher Greene explains how the White House lied about the premeditated terror attacks at the Libyan consulate. To Donate: Author: cgreene34 Duration: 3:40
Photos for video BREAKING...White House Lied About Benghazi Attack!
US security agencies have acquired even more powers under president Obama - that's despite his pre-election pledges to make the government more open to ordinary citizens. Instead, his administration is spending record amounts to keep its secrets - and is cracking down on whistleblowers. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 4:00
Photos for video Whistleblocking: Obama pays billions to keep secrets out
30+ examples of Fox News' biased video editing at 180+ Fox News Bias videos at After President Barack Obama announced earlier this month that he would no longer deport some immigrants who were brought here illegally as children through no fault of their own, Fox News kept broadcasting a September 2011 clip of President Obama dishonestly edited to make it look like he previously opposed his current immigration action and Fox News even kept broadcast the dishonestly edited clip days after Jon Stewart exposed the dishonesty on the Daily Show, as I show in this video. The clip I use of Megyn Kelly airing the dishonestly edited video comes from a longer segment of Fox News' June 18, 2012, broadcast of "America Live" available online at The clips I use of Jon Stewart come from a longer segment of the June 19, 2012, broadcast of "The Daily Show" available online at The clip I use of President Obama's September 28, 2011, statement on immigration comes from the public domain video titled "Open for Questions with President Obama" on the whitehouse YouTube channel at The clip I use of Uma Pemmaraju with Juan Williams and Mark Davis comes from a longer segment of Fox News' June 23, 2012, broadcast of "America's News HQ" which I have no found available online The image I use of the May 28, 2012 letter to President Obama from dozens of law professors explaining the legal authority of the President on deportations comes from the webpage at The <b>...</b> Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 7:09
Photos for video Fox News Creates False Obama Contradiction on Immigration?
LCpl. Kyle Carpenter is a combat wounded warrior that has overcome more adversity in 22 years that most will overcome in a lifetime. A true American Hero, Kyle does a set of pull-ups at the Walter Reed Medical Center 15 months after sustaining life threatening injuries. Produced by 'Still in the Fight' film crew. Author: StillInTheFightFilm Duration: 1:53
Photos for video Kyle Carpenter - Overcoming Obstacles
NDAA Bill Nation Defense Authorization Act : Indefinite Detention of Americans without a charge or trial. - - - - - Ndda Arresting americans new law to arrest americans habeas corpus posse comitatus Police military state martial law fema Camps Nwo indefinite detention Barack Obama new world order illuminati Fox News Cnn Guantanamo Bay gitmo Michelle Bachman vs Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Alex Jones terrorist terrorism war Ron Paul ndaa bill law America obama veto signed posse comitatus habeas corpus alex jones new world order barack obama signs legislation veto senate pass bill passed Fox news abc cnn world news america overview laws constitution police military police state prisons in the US americans arrested protesters protest United States Scam fraud corrupt alexjoneschannel mtv martial law commercial fema camps illuminati economic collapse army marines troops terror threat Conspiracy people George Bush Bill Clinton 911 9-11 osama bin laden iraq iran Author: ExplosiveNews Duration: 9:54
Photos for video Obama Signs NDAA Bill : What is the NDAA Bill
Фильм запрещён к показу в США (The truth about the USA - American Show) Вся правда о американцах, об отношениях и прочие неприятные мелочи. "они умирали - мы танцевали" Гитлер, Саакашвили, Обама, Маккейн, Осама бин Ладен - наши агенты. 9/11 подстроено и никакой самолёт не летел в пентагон. Кризис идёт только на пользу США. Алсо, мувик для зверьков а не для ББ и качество - фэйл. (320*240) Author: IDDQD1101 Duration: 18:33
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) explains why president Barack Obama needs to learn some basic lessons about politics in light of his most recent cave-in to Republicans on tax cuts for the rich. Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 7:12
I've done a lot of things in my life, but never this," Paul McCartney said on PBS tonight. "This" was traveling to the White House, which he did last month to accept the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. A properly all-star concert was convened to befit the occasion, and while bits and pieces of the event have leaked out on YouTube since then, tonight the whole thing (or most of it) aired as part of PBS' "In Performance at the White House" series. The show opened with some stirring words from President Obama. "It's hard to believe that it's been nearly half a century since four lads from Liverpool landed on our shores and changed everything overnight," he reflected. Then it was time for a cavalcade of stars old and young to pay homage to the voluminous back catalog that earned McCartney this honor. High points were in abundance. Stevie Wonder's super-tight "We Can Work It Out" featured a mean harmonica solo, while Elvis Costello's faithfully jaunty "Penny Lane" boasted an even nicer piccolo trumpet solo. Emmylou Harris shone on an acoustic "For No One." Dave Grohl wore the night's biggest grin as he tore through "Band on the Run." Jack White's tender "Mother Nature's Son"/"That Would Be Something" medley captured something of McCartney's starry-eyed charm. Intermixed with these were some...not quite as highs. I'm not sure anyone other than Sasha and Malia Obama needed to hear the Jonas Brothers' competent if cutesy "Drive My Car." (In fairness <b>...</b> Author: PaulMcCartneyHD Duration: 4:05
Photos for video Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder - Ebony And Ivory (Live at the White House 2010) What is coming in 2012? Is it the end of the world or just the end of the world as we KNOW it? Lindsey Williams, Gerald Celente, CNN, Fox News, and ABC...what do they have to say about verichips, martial law, and the collapse of the dollar and when it will happen? Please feel free to check out my website if you're interested in topics related to 2012, martial law, The Matrix, the Illuminati, the North American Union, and much more. ________________________________________ Please READ THIS MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLE: "America, America, awake out of your slumber..." _______________________________________ Extra Tags: alex jones, gerald celente, fox news, cnn, abc, new world order, chaos, martial law, police state, lindsey williams, verichip, george bush, barack obama, middle east conflict, collapse of the economy, crash of the dollar, bank failure, riots, G-20, subliminal messages in movies, rothchild, bilderbergs, henry kissinger, david rockefeller nwo, david rockefeller, trilateral commission, ufo sightings, killer storms, earthquakes, tornadoes, oil spill, illuminati, freemason, rock and roll, satanic, halo, video games illuminati, doomsday, end of the world as we know it, 2012 end of the world, mayan calendar, prophecy, prophecy club, club of rome, vatican archives, secret societies, apocalypse, world war three, world war 3, world war iii, nuclear war, nuclear iran, persian gulf, iraq <b>...</b> Author: 19justinbrown88 Duration: 9:10
Photos for video 2012 and the Verichip / Collapse of the Dollar / Mayhem
(NaturalNews) Mrs. Bouchard seemed upset. "I can't afford health care as yet." The new health reform bill Made her sickly and ill "But I'd rather have cancer than debt!" What's really in Obama's health care reform bill? Almost no one knows, and here's why: It's 1017 pages long and written in an alien form of bureaucratic English that can barely be decoded by earthlings. And yet, astonishingly, a US Army translator has been found who speaks "Washington Doublespeak" and he was kind enough to decode the bill and post his plain-language findings over at ( Below, we reprint what he found in the health care reform bill. As you read this, keep in mind that some of these translations are a bit loose with the interpretations, but I've personally spot-checked these points, and they are indeed all contained in the bill in one form or another (shrouded in Doublespeak language, of course). Editor's note: I don't personally agree with every interpretation listed here, and some of the bill's provisions are actually good ideas (like banning doctors from owning stock in health care companies). But overall, this interpretation points out many alarming provisions in the proposed health care reform bill... From CMS at • Page 16: States that if you have insurance at the time of the bill becoming law and change, you will be required to take a similar plan. If that is not available, you will be required to take the government option! • Page <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:58
Photos for video Alex Covers Obama's Health Care Reform Bill and Finds 'illegals' are "EXEMPT" on Alex Jones Tv
Please look at the entire series of videos **this is not conspiracy theories. in this series of videos you will hear from ex-presidents, mainstream media, house of representatives, congress, authors, Atheists, Christians - this is message is for everyone. -------------------------- CNN Oct. 13th, 2008 on Glenn Beck Well here is something Christians and Atheists agree on... The new world order Please look at this series of videos I have compiled together by both Atheists and Christians and everyone else in between that is finally waking up to the New World Order that is forming right under are eyes. I encourage everyone to also look at Zeitgeist the movie it's online FOR FREE and although it doesn't go with my religious beliefs it has an enormous amount of quality rational information on the New World Order. keywords: martial law usa globalization verichip bible new world order nwo amero north american union Madonna Britney Spears WW3 SXEphil TheYoungTurks Barack Obama Zeitgeist The Movie Christian prophesy Hitler One world government Suspend Constitution continuity of government. Dictatorship Pdd51 Domestic oppression of Americans rebellion homeland security Nuclear weapons The seige Terminator 2 The Matrix Civil rights book of revelations China Communism mass murder enslavement sanctions British forces nationalists Iraq Elite David Rockefeller policing in USA soil Fema Camps World Market Dehumanization Depopulation Henry Kissinger Banking system <b>...</b> Author: NYCstarlett Duration: 9:47
Photos for video INFLATION NATION - MARTIAL LAW part 1