Beyonce Sings US National Anthem Inauguration 2013 Beyonce Perform @ 57th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony - President Obama 2nd term 1/21/2013 - Beyonce sings at last for president Obama @ white house 2013 Author: FUNNYTOWNHD Duration: 2:29
Photos for video Beyonce Performance @ 57th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony - President Obama 2nd term 1/21/2013
SUBSCRIBE to Chescaleigh! Thanks for helping make 2012 such an awesome year. Have a happy and healthy 2013! Links to featured clips & articles below :) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Check out the clips featured in this video! 00:00 MTV Impact "Was that Racist?" 00:07 "Shit White Girls Black Girls" Anderson Cooper interview full Anderson interview 00:23 Shit White Girls Black Girls 00:26 Storm Super Hero Therapy | The Key of Awesome 00:27 Cock Block the Vote | FX's Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell 00:30 My Damn Channel LIVE 6/28/12 00:32 November is Coming | College Humor 00:36 When YOLO Goes Wrong 00:39 April 2012 Glamour Magazine 00:42 Franchesca takes Highlight for a test drive | Anderson talk show 00:45 Belated Father's Day vlog 00:46 28 day challenge finale 00:50 The Secret to Long Natural Hair 00:53 Oreo Pride 00:55 Powerful Wife Lessons 00:58 No Mo' No Homo 01:01 Beth of the Week | My Damn Channel Live 01:05 Obamacare Basics for Barbies 01:07 2012 Beautiful People | Paper Magazine 01:09 Anderson hot topics web exclusive 01:13 Chesca Marbles explains Black Friday 01:16 Just Us Girls with De'lon and Chesca www <b>...</b> Author: chescaleigh Duration: 1:46
Депутат Госдумы Евгений Фёдоров рассуждает о том, что сейчас в действительности происходит в Сирии и о том, что Сирия может стать для США Сталинградом, а для всего мира - началом "национально-освободительного движения против американских агрессоров". Плейлист "ПравдаБлоги" - Duma deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov says that now is really happening in Syria and that Syria could become US Stalingrad, and for the world - the beginning of "national liberation movement against the American aggressors." Playlist "PravdaBlogi" - См. также публикации на "Правде.Ру": - Сирия закрыла небо для пассажирских самолетов Турции - - Башар Асад объявил всеобщую амнистию - - Запад придумал Сирии новую оппозицию - Наши каналы на YouTube: Русскоязычный - Русскоязычный - Англоязычный: Женский клуб: Большой Кавказ: Заходите узнать больше: Наша видеотека: Author: pravda Duration: 5:10
Photos for video Евгений Фёдоров: что происходит в Сирии?
30+ examples of Fox News' biased video editing at 180+ Fox News Bias videos at After President Barack Obama announced earlier this month that he would no longer deport some immigrants who were brought here illegally as children through no fault of their own, Fox News kept broadcasting a September 2011 clip of President Obama dishonestly edited to make it look like he previously opposed his current immigration action and Fox News even kept broadcast the dishonestly edited clip days after Jon Stewart exposed the dishonesty on the Daily Show, as I show in this video. The clip I use of Megyn Kelly airing the dishonestly edited video comes from a longer segment of Fox News' June 18, 2012, broadcast of "America Live" available online at The clips I use of Jon Stewart come from a longer segment of the June 19, 2012, broadcast of "The Daily Show" available online at The clip I use of President Obama's September 28, 2011, statement on immigration comes from the public domain video titled "Open for Questions with President Obama" on the whitehouse YouTube channel at The clip I use of Uma Pemmaraju with Juan Williams and Mark Davis comes from a longer segment of Fox News' June 23, 2012, broadcast of "America's News HQ" which I have no found available online The image I use of the May 28, 2012 letter to President Obama from dozens of law professors explaining the legal authority of the President on deportations comes from the webpage at The <b>...</b> Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 7:09
Photos for video Fox News Creates False Obama Contradiction on Immigration?
Freeman Interview on the GoldRing Part 1 - from - The Obama Chronicles Inauguration Obama Lucifer Obama Nation Pt 1 Obama Nation Pt 2 Obama Apophis Obama Space Wars American Awakening Obama, Akhenaten & the Bible Obama Alien Invasion Are you Adaptable? Obama Cloning & the Bluebeam Project - I have been showing off my art work of Barack Obama as Akhenaten to see what people think. Admittedly, most of my friends already see the world differently than your average citizen. Lets just say they already come with a conspiracy bent. My hope is to instill wonder in our world and to say that things just might be a little stranger than you thought. I would show my friends this picture and say, What do you think? Without any other comment. They would say, Well, he does look a lot like Akhenaten. My jaw would dangle just a bit. I say, OK, I understand that you do not know that this woman next to Barackhenaten is Akhenatens mother, Queen Tiye. Thats really her face? They ask. I say, I have done nothing to alter their faces. I simply found a photo that was facing the right direction and their mouth was closed. I cut the face in half and super-imposed it on the ancient busts. That is amazing! It gets even stranger. I say, I found that two of the six daughters of Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti became Queens themselves I wait for it. They do look like Akhenatens children! Notice in this ancient frieze of Akhenaten and Nefertiti with their two girls, what is the other most <b>...</b> Author: rysa5 Duration: 55:47
Photos for video Freeman Interview on the GoldRing Part 1 akhenaten clone sun god