www.rightwingwatch.org Glenn Beck says that President Obama has been provoking conservatives to start a civil war from the moment he took office. Author: RWWBlog Duration: 1:56
Photos for video Glenn Beck Provides More Insights into Obama's Looming Civil War
Recorded on 10/10/12 Obama and the Embassy / Do I worry About Revealing Personal Info? / Living Abroad - Captured Live on Ustream at www.ustream.tv Author: BillWhittleChannel Duration: 73:10
Photos for video The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 16
Part 2 of Red White & Blues - A White House Performance Snippets of performances from: Gary Clark Jr Keb' Mo' Susan Tedeschi Derek Trucks Warren Haynes Buddy Guy Jeff Beck Mick Jagger Finale of "White House All Stars" featuring President Barack Obama House band directed by Booker T Jones Check your local PBS listing for the entire program to be aired Feb 27, 2012 **NOTE**.... Any comments which are political in nature will be removed. Author: Angel13Productions Duration: 17:52
Photos for video White House Blues on Feb 21, 2012 - Part 2 with All Star Finale & President Obama joins in!
Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a press conference on May 3, 2004 at the National Press Club in Washington DC and exposed to the world the hidden forces guiding America and her wicked policies. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 14:16
Photos for video Farrakhan Exposes The Jewish & Neo-Con Conspiracy In Middle East (1 of 2)
The President speaks at a memorial event for the victims of the tragic shooting in Arizona, "Together We Thrive: Tucson and America." Author: whitehouse Duration: 33:45
Photos for video President Obama: Memorial in Arizona
Help STOP Michele Bachmann! www.STOPBACHMANN.com We live in Bachmann's District (MN-CD6) and we need your help! Follow our efforts on Twitter: twitter.com Gangster Government? Slit our wrists and be blood brothers? Concentration camps? Did she really just call the President Anti-American? And what's this about a dump truck? It's Michele Bachmann's Greatest Hits, Volume 1. It's the best of the worst and we've got all of your favorites. Volume 1? Could there be more? Well, as long as Michele Bachmann is in Congress we're pretty much guarenteed that there will be more! We have a tall order here in Minnesota. In addition to a slate of wingnut candidates for Governor and some real crazies in the Legislature, we're home to the biggest threat to accuracy and truth anywhere--US Rep. Michele Bachmann (as seen almost nightly on Comedy Central's 'The Daily Show'). We're fighting for accuracy and truth for Minnesota and America and need your help. If you're ready to take on the Herculean task of keeping Michele Bachmann and her friends honest, please join us today. Please visit our website www.STOPBACHMANN.com and donate! You think it's bad having to listen to her, she's our Congresswoman and we have to live with her! Please, send help! Follow us on twitter: twitter.com Author: BlitzBachmann Duration: 10:13
Photos for video Michele Bachmann's Greatest Hits, Vol. 1
PART 1 of 3 Controversial Doctor Jack Kevorkian FOX NEWS EXCLUSIVE Interview by Neil Cavuto-YOUR WORLD-September 2, 2009. I mostly disagree with the doctor, but I think this live, organic-style, long form, give & take interview format (30 minutes in length), between Cavuto & Kevorkian benefits everyone, no matter what their position is on the issue. I can still think of more questions to ask the doctor (like whether he would endorse the suicide of the teen girl he described who didn't want to be in this world any longer), but I think Cavuto was polite & fair. ABC's Charlie Gibson would have never done an interview like this. Author: ObamAtheist Duration: 9:31
Photos for video Dr. Kevorkian Part 1 EXCLUSIVE FOX News Interview by Neil Cavuto
Marvin Gaye sings the national anthem at the NBA All-Star game (February 13th, 1983), accompanied by a drum machine. This was one of the final performances of his life. Author: okstate82 Duration: 2:55
Photos for video Marvin Gaye - United States National Anthem (1983)