Лекция профессора, доктора политических наук Панарина Игоря Николаевича "Глобальная среда Бизнеса: Внешние факторы" в Институте экономических стратегий РАН (г. Москва) 08 ноября 2012 года. Скачать презентацию можно по ссылке: files.mail.ru ИГОРЬ ПАНАРИН - политолог, профессор кафедры массовой коммуникации и связей с общественностью Дипломатической академии МИД России, кандидат психологических наук, доктор политических наук, академик Академии военных наук, член Экспертного совета комитета по международным делам Совета Федерации. Автор и ведущий еженедельной программы "МИРОВАЯ ПОЛИТИКА" радио "ГОЛОС РОССИИ". Официальный сайт Игоря Панарина: www.panarin.com Официальная группа Игоря Панарина ВКонтакте: vk.com Ассоциация «ИНФОСПЕЦНАЗ» в Facebook: www.facebook.com Видеоканалы Игоря Панарина: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Видеосъёмка и монтаж - Сергей Камаев. Рекомендуемые видеоканалы: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Author: Conspiracy Theory Duration: 151:06
Photos for video И. Панарин - Глобальная среда Бизнеса: Внешние факторы
HBO's Bill Maher opines on President Obama's winning a second term and other ballot issues on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews. Maher also weighed in on changing demographics, ObamaCare and "the bubble" he claims conservatives live in. "Last night was a victory for pot, for gay marriage and for math. You know, these people have denied facts and math. And one of the big arguments they put forward for not doing anything about health care was, 'Why are we messing around with the greatest health care system in the world?' I don't know, maybe because the UN ranks it 37. You know, outside the bubble there are facts. I know they're not in the Bible but can't we use them sometimes?" Maher said on "Hardball" tonight. Author: MrObamanos Duration: 8:39
Photos for video Bill Maher: "Last Night Was A Victory For Pot, And Math"
190+ Fox News Bias videos at bit.ly The most decisive moment in the presidential debates between President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney came in responses to a Libya question in which Romney erroneously relied on misinformation from the right wing, Fox News bubble, as I show in this video. The clip I use of the the town hall debate between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, comes from CNN's October 16, 2012, broadcast of debate coverage. A longer clip of that debate exchange is available on YouTube at bit.ly The clips I use of Stephen Colbert come from a longer segment of the October 17, 2012, broadcast of "The Colbert Report" available online at bit.ly The clip I use of Fox News anchor Bret Baier comes from Fox News' October 16, 2012, broadcast of post-debate analysis which I have not found available online. The clip I use of Bill Maher comes from HBO's October 19, 2012, broadcast of "real Time with Bill Maher" a longer segment of which is currently available on YouTube at bit.ly The clip I use of ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl comes from ABC News' October 16, 2012, broadcast of post-debate analysis which I have not found available online. The clip I use of CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer comes from CNN's October 16, 2012, broadcast of post-debate analysis which I have not found available online. The clip I use of Jay Pharaoh playing Barack Obama and Jason Sudekis playing Mitt Romney comes from a <b>...</b> Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 8:15
Photos for video Romney Stung by Fox News Lie in Debate Win for Obama?
Greetings world, We are anonymous. Its time for the american people to open there eyes and start to look how their country is being defended! Men and women in uniform are being used as nazis...by the powers that control what once was citizen of americas country. The federal Government is owned and operated by NWO... international banksters. The american people MUST bring the power to our hands again!We need justice!we need to fight for our rights!Men and women in uniform need to wake up and see the reality. Soon you will be rembered throughout history as 21st Century nazis. Also the cops in america need to wake up! Anonymous are Prepaird to bring the justice. No justice no peace! We are anonymous We are legion We do not forget We do not forgive Expect us Author: Hiluxanon Duration: 5:07
Photos for video Anonymous: The reality of America
This episode takes us to the very heart of America's War on Terror: Guantanamo Bay. Julian sits down with a former Gitmo prisoner and a rights campaigner, both fighting for those still trapped behind the wire. Ten years ago the war on terror prompted the opening of the facility. Now, more than three years after President Obama ordered its closure, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp remains with us. Moazzam Begg is a former inmate. During his imprisonment, he signed a forced confession, admitting he "was armed and prepared to fight alongside the Taliban and Al Qaeda against the US,", but only after being hog-tied and beaten, as he listened "to the sound of a woman screaming next door I'm told or am led to believe is my wife". Asim Qureshi operates a human rights organization with the sole aim of raising awareness of the plight of prisoners remaining in Guantanamo Bay. Together, both men discuss the plight of Muslims in the post 9/11 world, the thin line between terror and self-defense, and Begg's belief that Obama has ushered in an era where "extra-judicial killing" has replaced "extra-judicial detention." Author: AssangeWorldTomorrow Duration: 28:14
Photos for video The World Tomorrow: Moazzam Begg and Asim Qureshi
Joe Wong the American comedian from China. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law. Author: 365jamz Duration: 15:24
Photos for video Being American Joe Wong. For President ?
Part 2 of Red White & Blues - A White House Performance Snippets of performances from: Gary Clark Jr Keb' Mo' Susan Tedeschi Derek Trucks Warren Haynes Buddy Guy Jeff Beck Mick Jagger Finale of "White House All Stars" featuring President Barack Obama House band directed by Booker T Jones Check your local PBS listing for the entire program to be aired Feb 27, 2012 **NOTE**.... Any comments which are political in nature will be removed. Author: Angel13Productions Duration: 17:52
Photos for video White House Blues on Feb 21, 2012 - Part 2 with All Star Finale & President Obama joins in!
On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment. www.infowars.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 11:44
Photos for video Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 1/3
Glenn Beck and Judge Napolitano discuss the legality of how Osama Bin Laden was killed. Cenk Uygur breaks it down. Subscribe: bit.ly TYT Mobile: bit.ly On Facebook: www.facebook.com On Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:55
Photos for video Fox News - Bad To Kill Osama Bin Laden?
In an unprecedented move, President Barack Hussein Obama released his full birth video during the 2011 White House Correspondent's dinner. See the full video of Obama's roast here: www.youtube.com Join the conversation on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter www.twitter.com President Barack Obama Releases Full Birth Video Certificate Birther Donald Trump Joke Funny Comedy 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner News Politics Lion King Spoof Hilarious TDC TheDailyConversation The Daily Conversation Kenya Conspiracy Viral Clip CSpan Seth Meyers Jokes Republican Democrats Campaign Speech Election 2012 Debate parody fun laugh Hawaii Mitt Romney Election Race Vote RNC Convention DNC Author: TheDailyConversation Duration: 1:49
Photos for video Obama Releases Birth Video at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner
( 19justinbrown88.yolasite.com ) What exactly is coming SOON to the United States? How is the MIAC report related to this? What are the facts? ___________________________________________________________ Please feel free to check out this website ( http ) for important news, eye-opening videos, and mind-blowing information. ___________________________________________________________ Extra Tags: berlin wall, g20, bilderberg, new international order, alex jones, 2012 end of the world, mayan prophecies, revelation, prophecy, terrorists, 9/11 inside job, false flag, david rockefeller, illuminati in movies, subliminal messages in movies, domestic terrorists, global financial crisis, collapse of the dollar, end of the world as we know it, gerald celente, end of america, global government, north american union, tea parties, washington dc, war in afganistan, war in iran, politics, news, current events, trends, economy, economic meltdown, global dictatorship, haarp, chem trails, endless war, riots, chaos, martial law, end of days, new president, election, social breakdown, disorder, obama deception, police state, military industrial complex, conspiracy, world trade center, new mosque, barry soetoro, joker agent of chaos, obama the joker, elite, illuminati, globalists, 2012 agenda, new world order in 2013, new world order in 2012, lies, deception, anarchy, second revolution, G-20 summit, g20 summit, bilderberg 2010, john todd, heath ledger, lindsey williams, oil spill, doom, nibiru <b>...</b> Author: 19justinbrown88 Duration: 9:59
Photos for video FEMA Camps, Martial Law, and Civil War Coming Soon! (2011)
Part 3 of Ron Paul at CPAC, February 19, 2010 Paul was the only speaker so far to fill the entire convention hall at the Conservative Political Action Conference, and some of his supporters were turned away after the room reached its capacity of 1100 people. Ron Paul won the staw poll, taking 31% of the vote! Ron Paul 2012! Author: eric710221 Duration: 8:13
Photos for video Ron Paul At CPAC 2010 Part 3 - Ron Paul 2012!