Please SUBSCRIBE for the Best Music and Breaking NEWS !! Everyone's Freaking Out About North Korea's Successful Rocket Launch North Korea's successful rocket launch has provoked rapid and widespread condemnation, with the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, deploring a clear and "provocative" breach of security council resolutions. However, a tempered response from North Korea's main ally, China, which expressed regret but called for a careful reaction, suggests that a push for fresh action by the world body is likely to struggle. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, said dialogue was the way forward, adding that China believed the council's reaction "should be prudent and moderate and conducive to maintaining stability and avoiding escalation of the situation". Earlier the White House condemned the act as an irresponsible decision that threatened regional security, while in Britain the foreign secretary warned it would increase tensions and urged Pyongyang to take constructive steps towards denuclearisation. William Hague added in his statement: "I deplore the fact that the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] has chosen to prioritise this launch over improving the livelihood of its people." South Korea's president held an emergency national security council meeting and the country's foreign minister, Kim Sung-hwan, warned that North Korea would face grave consequences. Japan immediately requested UN security council consultations on the <b>...</b> Author: InsaneMrBrain Duration: 2:46
Photos for video Nuclear War FEAR About North Korea's Successful Rocket Launch
ПОМНИТЕ! США, Англия, Израиль - братья навек. Мы проиграли холодную войну в 1991г., мы побеждённая страна, нашу конституцию писали американцы, нашу "экономику" и политический строй, ПОД СЕБЯ, создавали они же; у нашего президента нет и тысячной доли власти которой обладал Сталин; НАМ ПО КОНСТИТУЦИИ ЗАПРЕЩЕНО ИМЕТЬ СВОЮ ИДЕОЛОГИЮ!!! И т. д. и т. п. ОНИ ПОДМЕНИЛИ НАШИ ЦЕННОСТИ НА ФАЛЬШИВЫЕ. К СОЖАЛЕНИЮ ЭТО ОБЪЕКТИВНАЯ РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ. Восстановить суверенитет наша задача. Первый раз они нас кинули ещё в 1917г.! Сегодня войны выигрываются в СМИ, в ТВ, а не на танках. Информационная война -- комплекс мероприятий по информционному воздействию на массовое сознание для изменения поведения людей и навязывания им целей, которые не входят в число их интересов, а так же защита от подобных воздействий. Информационные войны позволяют изменять оценку происходящего населением территории противника, пораженческое настроение и, в перспективе, переход на сторону ведущего инфовоздействие. С появлением СМИ и общим повышением уровня грамотности в ХХ веке ведение информационной войны стало более эффективным. Школа блоггеров-патриотов. Писатель Н.Стариков "Абсолютно незаметно, но чтобы человек на какие-то вопросы думал определённым образом. Например, запускается программа, иначе нельзя сказать, совершенно чёткая программа дискредитации одной из политических сил нашей страны. Выпускается «замечательный» слоган «Партия жуликов и воров». Проходит время, слоган этот повторяют везде к месту <b>...</b> Author: НИКОЛАЙ Александрович Duration: 7:34
Photos for video Березовские, Познеры, Гельманы, Шацы и РОССИЯ. 1917 - 2012.
Jon Lovitz on his "ABC's of SNL" podcast: "This whole thing with Obama saying the rich don't pay their taxes is fucking bullshit. And I voted for the guy and I'm a Democrat. What a fucking asshole." Author: martysoffice Duration: 2:08
Photos for video Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE]
See President Obama rap "U Didn't Build That" T-shirts now available - "My Dog Is On The Roof", "I Love Lakes" and more. US: EU: Mitt Romney raps to the tune of Eminem. Hope you like it and share it. By Hugh Atkin Can I have your attention please. Can I have your attention please. Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up. I repeat. Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up. We're gonna have a problem here. Y'all act like you haven't seen a Mormon before. Jaws down on the floor. I'm not concerned about the very poor. Got it wrong. Sorry. That's not what I meant. I want every American to be in the top one percent. I'm really named Willard. That's my first name. I'm not looking for a colony on the moon. Just for someone to blame. I like being able to fire people. "I'm Newt Gingrich." You're fired. "I'm Rick Santorum and I'm...." Fired Boom. Boom. Boom. "Conservative women love Mitt Romney." And I love cars and I love lakes. I'm running or office for Pete's sake. With regards to abortion. Pro-life? Pro-choice? I firmly believe in my own singing voice. For purple mountains' majesty, above the fruited plain. "Where were we at John?" Uh... with regards to abortion... uh.... You can choose your own adventure. It's a Republican dementia. And I'm more concerned about the banks: they're unable to lend. Corporations are people my friend. My dog is on the roof. My dog is on the <b>...</b> Author: Hugh Atkin Duration: 2:44
Photos for video Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up (feat. Eminem)
The Financial Elite Don't Want You To See This Site . . . NEW . . . . . .WORLD . . . . ORDER . . Author: NWOSurvivalBlueprint Duration: 9:26
Photos for video (MUST WATCH)Ron Paul Tells The TRUTH about Bush PATRIOT Act,Obama HITLER (NDAA) and SOPA.
SUBSCRIBE to Next Media Animation: The G20 is getting underway in South Korea. High on the agenda is the brewing currency battle between China and the United States. Need a primer on the issues? Check out our US-Sino Currency Rap Battle, featuring Chinese president Hu Jintao and American president Barack Obama. China has mad stacks of US Treasury debt and fears America will inflate its way out the hole by weakening the greenback further. The US, on the other hand, says China is keeping its currency artificially undervalued to protect its exports. It's a battle for the ages. And everything you need to know about US-Sino trade relations can be learned right here. Produced and written by Next Media Animation. Music by ACTION ZERO and SHEN E. Facebook: Webpage: Twitter @nmatv: Tumblr: Author: NMAWorldEdition Duration: 3:49
Part 3 of Ron Paul at CPAC, February 19, 2010 Paul was the only speaker so far to fill the entire convention hall at the Conservative Political Action Conference, and some of his supporters were turned away after the room reached its capacity of 1100 people. Ron Paul won the staw poll, taking 31% of the vote! Ron Paul 2012! Author: eric710221 Duration: 8:13
Photos for video Ron Paul At CPAC 2010 Part 3 - Ron Paul 2012! - The group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants the flyswatter in chief to try taking a more humane attitude the next time he's bedeviled by a fly in the White House. Author: eyesball1 Duration: 0:32
Photos for video Obama Kill a Fly live in the American TV (Funny)
HD. With Transcript. Obama Speech on Victory November 04 (Part 4/4) Watch Full Speech here: Part 1: Part 2: Transcript: This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for one thing - Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old. She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons - because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin. And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America - the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can. At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can. When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can. When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can. She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the <b>...</b> Author: fa2f Duration: 3:25
Here is the fourth installment of great moments and classic sequences in film. These 10 minutes of emotion and energy should thrill all. We will see an archeologist (not just any acheologist) adventurous and exciting day on the job, a brutal murder that kept many out of the shower for years, and a man stopping at no limits for the woman of his dreams. In this montage we will see three scenes: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Psycho (1960) The Graduate (1967) Enjoy your journey through the movies! Author: MovieDude1988 Duration: 9:58
Photos for video Great Film Scenes With The MovieDude Part 4 (Spoilers!)