- Противостояние в Нью-Йорке.Средний Восток в преддверии мира или в преддверии войны - Дороги смерти.Как будут наказывать пьяных убийц за рулем. - Социальный патронат под вопросом.Кто за и кто против.Ювенальная юстиция. - Перекошеная экономика.Люди для банков или банки для людей. - Когда союзники убивают союзников.Безнадежное дело НАТО в Афганистане. - Выборы и черный пиар в США.Безвольный тюфяк против алчного рейдера.Обмен ударами ниже пояса. - Манна небесная.Кто накормил ею племя Моисеево. Неразгаданные тайны Библии. Author: Михаил Леонтьев Duration: 51:48
Photos for video "Постскриптум" c Алексеем Пушковым (29.09.2012)
LIVE DEBATES EVERY THURSDAY! *Warning and disclaimer: Contains mild language. The views expressed in this broadcast are those of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions held by PoliPop. CHECK OUT THE POLIPOP NETWORK: ABillyRock youtube.com AdamKokesh... Author: POLIPOP Duration: 65:18
Photos for video LIVE DEBATE: TBD! #8! Women & the 2012 Election
02/29/12 Foreign Affairs Hearing: Ron Paul questions Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. You must read this. Ron Paul - Iran: The Next Neocon Target April 5, 2006 usforeignpolicy.about.com Ron Paul was born August 20, 1935, in Pittsburgh, PA. He received a medical degree from Duke University in 1961. After five years in the US Air Force, he began practice as an obstetrician in Texas. He was elected to Congress over 3 different periods of time beginning in 1976. Although a Republican, Paul's political views are closely aligned with those of the Libertarian Party, and he was the Libertarian nominee for president in 1988. Paul's actions frequently differ from the rest of Congress. He never goes on overseas fact-finding trips, and he does not participate in the generous Congressional pension plan. International Experience: I was unable to determine if Paul's Air Force service included time overseas. Paul currently serves on the House International Relations Committee and its subcommittees on the Western Hemisphere and Asia/Pacific. He is the author of "A Foreign Policy of Freedom." Ron Paul's Foreign Policy Positions: Congressman Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate to vote against the Iraq war authorization in 2002. He consistently opposes legislation supporting America's role in international agreements and organizations including the North American Free Trade Agreement, the International Criminal Court, the World Trade Organization, the United Nations, and <b>...</b> Author: PSNy2kUK Duration: 5:40
Photos for video Ron Paul questions Hillary Clinton- IRAN, IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN
Obama channels his inner Al Green Obama singt "Lets stay together" Apollo Theatre, New York, January 19, 2012 Four More Years! Source: TheObamaDiary(YouTube Channel)/CNN Author: Teenom Duration: 0:54
Photos for video President Obama sings at the Apollo - Al Green - Let's stay together
What does the world's emerging big brother, 1984 style surveillance society hold for the future? Discussed in the video are cctv security cameras, spy drones, warrantless wiretapping, internet surveillance, rfid chips and other forms of new dictatorial surveillance. These technologies and corporations behind them are setting the precedent for more government control over our lives in the years to come. If you have the mindset that if you do nothing wrong then there's no need to worry, think again. Please subscribe to aenfroy87 for more videos. Author: aenfroy87 Duration: 9:26
Photos for video The Surveillance Society: 1984 Came 25 Years Late
You can find this song on the german release of 37 Days! Want to find more information about Beth Hart check: www.bethhartmusic.com Author: Beth Hart Duration: 3:55
www.gencourt.state.nh.us prisonplanet.tv Alex continues his series on the Tenth Amendment and states' rights by welcoming Rep. Dan Itse of New Hampshire to the program. Itse supports House Concurrent Resolution 6 calling for states' rights "based on Jeffersonian principles." Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:50
Photos for video NH-Rep.Dan Itse on Alex Jones Tv"Don't Tread On Me!!"1/2
Charice Pempengco Performing In Wowowee (Willie's Birthday) Charice, is an international Filipina singer who rose to popularity through YouTube. Charice just recently performed at the historic inauguration of US president-elect Barack Obama in Washington last January 20 2009 Video is Originally uploaded by marlejenHQ Author: fIipto Duration: 10:01
Photos for video Charice Pempengco In Wowowee (Willie's Birthday)