КЛИНТОН ПЛАЧА ПО ПОСЛУ СТИВА УБИТЫЙ В ЛИВИИ Идея против оккупации мали и добычи денег. Клип Клинтон плакала по причине убийства посла сша в ливии. клинтон взяла отвественость дрожащим голосом говорила. самая сильная идея против оккупации или для выкупа это похищение или убийство посла и неважно в какой стране. республиканцы атаковали Клинтон за убийство посла в Ливии так что Клинтон плакала. захват посла Франции в любой стране - это конец окупации, особенно если этот посол будет жалобно просить об его освобождении на выборах на видео, а убийство посла -это поражение оланда или демократов на выборах. но республиканцы агрессивнее, илитайно продать посла.не в интересах России победа республиканов поскольку произойдёт оккупация сирии и резко увеличится агрессия США и против России, ирана, сирии. поэтому через иран нужно договорится с алькаидой Йемена а алькаида Йемена с алькаидой Мали чтобы не убивали посла сша и за это Иран должен дать алкаиде много оружия и денег. а алькаида в Йемене хочет убить амер посла, но тогда в 2016 точно победят республиканцы, которые под влиянием Рокфеллера, и они будут воевать в Магрибе и т.д. и ускорят ваш конец или резко ухудшат положение всех от алькаиды до России и Ирана и асада не нужны вам буш и сотни тысяч амеров в мали у вас есть отсрочка это обама, но могильщик лже ислама - это народ и республиканцы под влиянием Рокфеллера (смотри у меня о Рокфеллере как аллах погубит цивилизацию) будут воевать против алькаиды, где республиканцы подобны <b>...</b> Author: 000zahar Duration: 3:21
Скандал на всероссийском съезде офицеров! Выступление патриота националиста... Рубит правду о нашей действительности... Настоящий офицер! Author: skoroRAsvet Duration: 7:23
Photos for video Скандал! Русский офицер рубит правду!
Former Chief of CIA Bin Laden Unit Supports Ron Paul Views on foreign policies, and the war on terror. We are fighting a war on terrorist not a country. We are spending to much, and taxes are going to killing innocent people. We all blood on our hands, we need to change, REAL CHANGE!!! Author: ReLOVEution2012 Duration: 5:07
Photos for video Former Chief of CIA Supports Ron Paul Views
The federal government is in the midst of a crackdown on medical marijuana dispensaries across the state of California. This is despite repeated claims from President Obama and his Department of Justice that they would not devote federal resources to circumventing state medical marijuana laws. "The law has been hijacked by profiteers who are motivated not by compassion, but by money," said Melinda Haag, one of California's US Attorneys, at a DOJ press conference on October 11, 2011. Aaron Sandusky, owner of G3 Holistic, a group of medical marijuana dispensaries in California's Inland Empire, is one such target of the DOJ's crackdown on medical marijuana "profiteers." The DOJ sent him a letter promising to shut down his operations within 14 days. And they followed through. Reason.tv talked to Sandusky, who's long battled the city of Upland's sordid handling of medical marijuana dispensaries, before and after he was raided. "We all want the same thing," said Sandusky. "We want to see less crime. That's why we have these places." Sgt. Glenn Walsh and Agent Mark Brewster, both members of the California Narcotic Officer's Association, believe that the stepped up enforcement from the DOJ is a positive development. "There's no avenue in the law, whatsoever, to accommodate the sales of marijuana," Brewster said. Walsh concurs, arguing that California's Prop 215 and SB 420 allow for the collective cultivation of medical marijuana but do not allow for a single cent to exchange <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 10:20
Photos for video Obama's DOJ Cracks Down on Medical Marijuana: California vs. The Feds
SOURCES AND TRANSCRIPT: www.corbettreport.com A group of American national security whistleblowers, civil liberty campaigners, anti-war groups, national whistleblower organizations and others are set to release a petition tomorrow asking a group of NGOs to take back the "transparency award" they bestowed on President Obama last March for his supposed attempt to fight against government secrecy. Author: corbettreport Duration: 13:22
Photos for video Obama's Hypocrisy - Whistleblowers Line Up to Take Back Transparency Award
Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv May 24, 2011 Speaking today on the Alex Jones Show, investigative journalist Jerome R. Corsi dropped a huge bombshell. Dr. Corsi provided proof that he was alerted to an on-going plot to release a fake more than two months before President Obama released his purported long-form birth certificate. Corsi supplied Infowars.com with time-stamped Microsoft Word documents [.ZIP] of five unpublished World Net Daily investigative drafts, written between February 23 and February 24, 2011, two months before Obama's April 27 birth certificate press conference. The unpublished reports confirm that moles inside the Hawaiian State government, including one inside the Department of Health, had warned Corsi of a plan by Obama operatives to plant and then publicly release a forged birth certificate. The veteran investigative journalist released more details during a live appearance today, two hours and 8 minutes into the three hour broadcast. Three weeks before the April 27th Obama press conference, Corsi was contacted again by his informants, who had been keeping a close eye on the birth records. It had happened. Prior to April 2011, there had been no Barack Obama birth certificate in the sequentially numbered book, but as of early April, it had suddenly appeared in the records. Remember, in January 2011, Hawaiian Governor-elect Neil Abercrombie had told reporters that he was unable to locate President Obama's birth <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 5:08
Photos for video Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 4/4
Фильм запрещён к показу в США (The truth about the USA - American Show) Вся правда о американцах, об отношениях и прочие неприятные мелочи. "они умирали - мы танцевали" Гитлер, Саакашвили, Обама, Маккейн, Осама бин Ладен - наши агенты. 9/11 подстроено и никакой самолёт не летел в пентагон. Кризис идёт только на пользу США. Алсо, мувик для зверьков а не для ББ и качество - фэйл. (320*240) Author: IDDQD1101 Duration: 18:33
Paul Joseph Watson www.prisonplanet.com Thursday, January 14, 2010 prisonplanet.tv Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, Obamas appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, outlined a plan for the government to infiltrate conspiracy groups in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks, as well as real meetings, according to a recently uncovered article Sunstein wrote for the Journal of Political Philosophy. As we have often warned, chat rooms, social networks and particularly article comment sections are routinely gamed by trolls, many of whom pose as numerous different people in order to create a fake consensus, who attempt to debunk whatever information is being discussed, no matter how credible and well documented. We have seen this on our own websites for years and although some of those individuals were acting of their own accord, a significant number appeared to be working in shifts, routinely posting the same talking points over and over again. It is a firmly established fact that the military-industrial complex which also owns the corporate media networks in the United States has numerous programs aimed at infiltrating prominent Internet sites and spreading propaganda to counter the truth about the misdeeds of the government and the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2006 CENTCOM, the United States Central Command, announced that a team of employees would be hired to engage bloggers who are posting inaccurate <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 7:40
Photos for video Paul Watson on Alex Jones Tv 2/3: Obama's Info Czar Sets Plan To Infiltrate Truthers & Alex Jones!
infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net Former Governor Jesse Ventura talks with Alex Jones about his upcoming truTV show 'Conspiracy Theories' and his take on current events. IN PART TWO of the interview, Jesse and Alex discuss Obama's falling poll numbers, something Ventura points out he experienced as Governor of Minnesota, but wasn't too bothered by- a function, he believes, of widespread disatisfaction with single issues, and general partisanship. Ventura criticizes the Republican National Convention in Minnesota during the 2008 election cycle which, much like the DNC in Denver, put in place a 'martial law'-like police state, including storm troopers and razor wire to control dissent, and forcing attendees to go through massive security just to attend the event. By contrast, the vastly successful 'Rally for the Republic' counter-convention held by Ron Paul-- at which Ventura also spoke-- had no more security than would an everyday basketball game. That freedom went hand in hand with the open and free talk that took place from figures Ventura says can actually be honest with the American people (unlike those in the major parties). Jesse Ventura also blasted the 9/11 Commission Report which he compared to the Warren Commission Report which likewise sought to cover-up the truth of what happened. At some point, Ventura says, the Government decided that the people would NOT hear the truth about 9/11. He points out that Jonathan Farmer, lawyer for the 9/11 Commission, has come out <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:50
Photos for video Fmr Gov. Ventura talks about shocking 9/11 Commission revelations
You can find this song on the german release of 37 Days! Want to find more information about Beth Hart check: www.bethhartmusic.com Author: Beth Hart Duration: 3:55
prisonplanet.tv Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, the author of The Energy Non-Crisis who predicted $50 a barrel oil based on insider information Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:02
Photos for video Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv"Final Stage is Set for Global Control"6/6