*"According to Ambinder, Obama's "aides and associates" say that the president is looking to prioritize reform, a reflection of the president's long-held beliefs that strict drug prohibition and enforcement policies have done greater damage to society than good." Source: www.huffingtonpost.com Tell us what you think Obama should do if he gets a second term in the comment section below. Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: twitter.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:21
Photos for video Obama Second Term Plan For War on Drugs
Россия на продажу. Плата Китаю за поддержку против США? Давайте подумаем: Россия и Китай объединились против кого? Против США и Британии (не могу назвать её "великой" Британией)? ОСНОВНОЙ КАНАЛ: gen20rus12 www.youtube.com Author: gen20rus12 Duration: 5:37
Photos for video Россия на продажу. Плата Китаю за поддержку против США?
prophecychannel.freehostia.com DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! 2012 Prophecy foretells the destruction of Rome Ancient doomsday prophecy end of the world 2012 times time day days illuminati new world order mark of the beast antichrist 666 2012 prophecies conspiracy exposed swine flu freemason fema camps martial law pole shift film films movie movies war barack obama alex jones nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse Author: TheProphecyChannel Duration: 10:57
Photos for video Doomsday 2012 Predictions End of the World
I had to say something about this guy who made a Socom review. He is one of those guys who supports it, and just doesn't know whats wrong with the game. Why? Most likely because he is a noob. He doesn't say anything about the flaws that affect him in his own video. He just keeps on rambling about how awesome the game is. I think somebody paid him to say how great this game is. Author: Blackwido88 Duration: 9:12
blog.joerogan.net prisonplanet.tv comedian, actor and longtime color commentator for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Joe Rogan. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:54
Photos for video Joe Rogan in"Studio" on Alex Jones Tv 3/5
www.filmbaby.com An anti-war documentary film In 1972 Eric Siegel, an early pioneer of video art, set out on an extreme adventure driving overland from Europe six thousand miles to India. He was one of the first people to use the revolutionary new technology from Sony Corporation, the Porta-Pak. This was the first small portable video camera/recorder combo that was the predecessor of today's camcorders. Together with his friend Anthony they documented the trip. For thirty years this footage remained in storage until the calamity of 9-11 hit. The filmmaker realized that the old footage had now become very relevant in this changed world. It was shortly afterward that he commenced work on it. This video is the portion of the trip that took them through Afghanistan, one of the most exotic places along the way. Since the tragedy of 9-11, that little far off country has gone from obscurity to headline news. Afghanistan has had a tumultuous history, for 200 years Imperial England and Russia have been fighting over control of it. Historians have referred to this period as "The Great Game". Seven years after this video was made the game continued when Russia invaded Afghanistan. This was the beginning of 20 years of civil war, destruction, and famine. On October 6th 2001 a new chapter in the violent history of this poor country occurred when the United States began its military campaign against the Taliban government. This video shows: Afghanistan before the wars, and examines the <b>...</b> Author: ericvideo Duration: 6:49
Photos for video Afghanistan before the Wars (3 of 14)