Mitt Romney is the GOP choice of today, but the party has been through a buttload of candidates this year. John Fugelsang explains it all in episode 5 of PoliPop's "Caffeinated!". Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday: FOLLOW US LIKE YOU, TOO! by MAKER STUDIOS http Follow John Like John: WATCH JOHN'S OTHER "CAFFEINATED!" EPISODES: #1 ROMNEY VS. MUHAMMAD ALI! #2 CHICK-FIL-A VS. THE GAYS! #3 EPIC KARDASHIAN RANT! #4 AFGHAN REALITY SHOW! (LIVE) JOHN DEBATES LEE DOREN! Written by John Fugelsang Executive Producer Will Keenan Produced by Matt Cross Directed and Edited by Logan Burdick Director of Photography Tyler Carey Clips of the candidates courtesy of Maker Studios' PoliPop partner, BadLipReading: Originals: Mitt Romney: Rick Santorum: Newt Gingrich: Herman Cain: Rick Perry: Ron Paul: Royalty Free Music by Effects by ==== "Mitt Romney" "Newt Gingrich" "Rick Santorum" "Michelle Bachmann" "Herman Cain" "Rick Perry" "Jon Huntsman" "Ron Paul" "President Obama" "Barack Obama" Obama "Election 2012" polipop "Maker Studios" "John Fugelsang" politics vote Caffeinated "RNC" convention "tampa florida" Author: POLIPOP Duration: 4:59
Photos for video ROMNEY VS. THE GOP! (@JohnFugelsang/Caffeinated #5)
On the May 20 Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the global elite on the run as the establishment media is forced to report on the Bilderbergers and their noxious plan to finally unfold a devastating attack on Iran, undermine the internet with government censorship, and sell the public on more trillions in bankster bailouts and punitive carbon taxes under the discredited cover of saving the earth. Alex talks about the continued and long overdue outing of Kenyan-born Obama the imposter and the G8 war council in Chicago that has transformed the Windy City into a repressive police state where political activists disappear and patsies are set-up as terrorists to further the manufactured war on terror and its Orwellian control grid. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 32:58 Author/writer Mondo Frazier shares stories from his new book: "The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama" We've watched a foreigner rip apart our beloved America, divide the people, transform our Republic into a fascist/socialist state, run up the national debt to staggering levels, dismantle our national defense, deny our Christian heritage, mock our patriotic history, and embrace Islamic states around the world. Is it possible that foreign powers finally succeeded in planting an agent in the White House? Without a doubt, my answer is yes.....Rick WHO IS BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA? 2008, the left wing and the Corporate Mainstream Media (CMM) fell head over heels in love with a cool, charming, and attractive smooth talker. His social security number (one of several, incidentally) identified him as Barack Hussein Obama. Over the next four years, he would repeatedly lie to, cheat on, and deceive his liberal lovers as they closed their eyes and ears to the truth, refusing to recognize the shameless, deviously calculated, and treacherous propaganda seeping from the White House. GOD HELP AMERICA, IT'S TIME FOR A SEPARATION. In The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama, uncompromising journalist and political commentator Mondo Frazier raises unsettling questions about the man elected to the highest position in this country. Frazier takes what he calls The Obama Narrative™, the crowd-pleasing myths perpetrated by Team Obama and the CMM to market and sell their <b>...</b> Author: trunewsdotcom Duration: 59:14
Rem, It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I feel fine) LYRICS- That's great, it starts with an earthquake, Birds and snakes, an aeroplane Lenny Bruce is not afraid Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn World serves its own needs, Dummy serve your own needs Feed it off an aux... Author: FARTERSPARTERS Duration: 4:04
Photos for video Rem, It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I feel fine) With Lyrics
Freeman Interview on the GoldRing Part 1 - from - The Obama Chronicles Inauguration Obama Lucifer Obama Nation Pt 1 Obama Nation Pt 2 Obama Apophis Obama Space Wars American Awakening Obama, Akhenaten & the Bible Obama Alien Invasion Are you Adaptable? Obama Cloning & the Bluebeam Project - I have been showing off my art work of Barack Obama as Akhenaten to see what people think. Admittedly, most of my friends already see the world differently than your average citizen. Lets just say they already come with a conspiracy bent. My hope is to instill wonder in our world and to say that things just might be a little stranger than you thought. I would show my friends this picture and say, What do you think? Without any other comment. They would say, Well, he does look a lot like Akhenaten. My jaw would dangle just a bit. I say, OK, I understand that you do not know that this woman next to Barackhenaten is Akhenatens mother, Queen Tiye. Thats really her face? They ask. I say, I have done nothing to alter their faces. I simply found a photo that was facing the right direction and their mouth was closed. I cut the face in half and super-imposed it on the ancient busts. That is amazing! It gets even stranger. I say, I found that two of the six daughters of Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti became Queens themselves I wait for it. They do look like Akhenatens children! Notice in this ancient frieze of Akhenaten and Nefertiti with their two girls, what is the other most <b>...</b> Author: rysa5 Duration: 55:47
Photos for video Freeman Interview on the GoldRing Part 1 akhenaten clone sun god
SUPPORT THE TROOPS The attack on Marjah climaxed the biggest joint Afghan-international offensive of the war and is the largest combat operation since President Barack Obama ordered 30000 US reinforcements here last December to turn the tide of the war Author: infidelforlife Duration: 4:09
Has Barack Obamas mantra for change translated to foreign policy success one year after he became the US President? Obama promised to break away from his predecessor George Bushs polices and rebuild ties with disgruntled allies and reach out to the Muslim world. Over the course of the year, his administration attempted to re-start the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and engage with Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programmes. Obama also had to maintain a delicate alliance with Pakistan, deal with Chinas enormous economic clout and reconnect with former cold war foe Russia. In this episode of Riz Khan, we examine whether Obamas foreign policy agenda has been effective so far. Is it multilateral and can it repair the USs reputation around the world? Anand Naidoo is joined by academic and author Philip Bobbit, who served under three US Presidents; Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard University; and Christopher Dickey, the Middle East Regional Editor for Newsweek Magazine. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:30
Photos for video Riz Khan - Obama's foreign policy report card
What are the perspectives of NATO expansion? Is US policy in Afghanistan escalating the war in the region? To discuss this and much more, RT interviews Professor Noam Chomsky, political activist, philosopher, and author. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:00
Photos for video Noam Chomsky: Obama recycles George W. Bushs plans Alex welcomes back to the show Dr. Edwin Viera, the worlds most foremost authority on the role of the Constitution as it relates to money. Viera is the author of How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary and Pieces of Eight : The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:57
Photos for video Dr. Edwin Viera on Alex Jones Tv 2/4