В этом видео я расскажу о выборах в Америке 2012 и про конец света. Подписывайтесь,ставьте лайк,пишите комментарии и ждите новые видео. Свои вопросы вы можете отправлять по этому адресу: ask.fm Author: SevaFilippovVEVO Duration: 6:53
A confirmation hearing which is expected to see John Kerry becoming the head of the US State Department, has begun in Washington. The Democrat senator was nominated by President Obama to replace Hillary Clinton as the country's top diplomat. Political and economic advisor Daniel Wagner says there's a lot of work for him to do. RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 4:48
Photos for video 'Wherever US stuck its finger in Arab awakening it hasn't ended well'
Barack Obama's bold use of executive orders to 'take action without Congress' amounts to an outrageous unconstitutional overreach of powers, and is impeachable action on its face. And Obama isn't even done; he has vowed to push Congress on a new assault weapons ban along with other legislative restrictions on the guaranteed 2nd Amendment, which "shall not be infringed." But worse, the 23 executive orders issued today by Obama make clear that the vast medical bureaucracy centralized under ObamaCare will be used to profile and harass Americans in order to disqualify them for gun ownership based on "mental health" history. At least 7 of the 23 executive orders relate to mental health reporting that includes "clarifying" the role of doctors and health care providers in "asking their patients about guns in the home," reporting "threats of violence" to authorities, and screening for "mental health" will create the backbone for a "no buy" list that disbars Constitutional rights from flagged individuals without due process. At least 8 executive orders relate to new rules on background checks and weapons sales & ownership restrictions. www.infowars.com [STAND UP FOR YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT WITH THIS POWERFUL T-SHIRT] infowarsshop.com [New Shirt] Your Price $19.95 [Infowars Magazine for January] infowarsshop.com GET YOUR COPY TODAY AND SPREAD THE TRUTH!! [FIGHT FLUORIDE with "Clearly Filtered" - NEW ITEM www.infowarsshop.com [Strategic Relocation Documentary Film Featuring Joel <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 43:00
On the Monday, December 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex will run down the renewed efforts by anti-Second Amendment advocates in the wake of Friday's mass shooting to ban assault weapons. He'll also break down the crafty rhetoric in Obama's Sunday speech as he vowed to use "whatever power this office holds in an effort to prevent more tragedies like this," and analyze the new direction the Sandy Hook investigation has taken in labeling gunman Adam Lanza's mother a "survivalist." CHECK OUT [INFOWARS THE MAGAZINE] Buy it as a Gift or Order one for Yourself. www.infowarsshop.com ProPur Water Filtration Receive 15% off with promo code WATER15 - Good Until Dec 10th www.infowarsshop.com Alex Jones teams up with ProPur to provide you with the new gold standard of water filtration systems. ProPur takes the traditional gravity filtration systems and updates it for the 21st century. The ProPur Water Purification Systems with its new carbon domed filters are stronger and last longer than anything currently on the market. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.tv sign up today and share your UserID/Passcode with 4 extra people! Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:18
Photos for video Former Cop Reveals Obama's Medical Tyranny Plans for Amercia
This is a Breaking News follow-up and update to THE VIDEO... "Breaking! Attack on America Started" from LBN Radio, April 2012. Author: helias314 Duration: 5:38
Photos for video BREAKING! ATTACK ON AMERICA STARTED! UPDATE May 2012 Liberty News Radio with Steven Quayle
Говоря о последствиях войны с Ираном для Южного Кавказа, Джульетто Кьеза подчеркнул, что они неминуемы в виду территориальной близости. Социально-политические условия, по его мнению, неблагоприятны в регионе: безработица, нормальные условия жизни созданы лишь для меньшинства. «Более того, инициаторов этой войны не интересует победа, они стремятся к беспорядку, хаосу. Почему были развязаны войны в Афганистане и Ираке? Чтобы выиграть? Нет конечно, они не думали об этом. Они были нацелены чтобы создать беспорядки, который помог бы им выгодно управлять ситуацией» Author: AlyoMari Duration: 14:31
Photos for video Кризис в США - повод для войны против Ирана. ч.3-3
Go behind the scenes of the In Performance at the White House: Red, White & Blues event as Keb Mo sits down backstage for an acoustic performance of the "America the Beautiful" in the East Wing of the White House. Author: whitehouse Duration: 4:17
Photos for video Backstage at The White House: Keb Mo
In the news segment, Paul Joseph Watson, co-host and chief editor for PrisonPlanet.com, discussing how Americans are cheering President Obama's intentions to bypass Congress in order to push forward his agenda through executive fiat. A video compilation shows that not only is Obama undertaking this unconstitutional action, but he is a serial offender! Further, Watson covers the latest round of Iranian wargames, now set to coincide with a US and Israeli run drill, giving on-lookers reason for pause and creating fears that such 'exercises' could well provoke all out war. The confrontation leaves the door wide open for a false flag provocation, something former Vice President Cheney reportedly proposed during the Bush administration to kick start the Iran war. Meanwhile, temporary euphoria over a spike in job numbers proves to be more smoke and mirrors, and indeed, to be just that-- temporary. Zero Hedge documents how Morgan Stanley's David Greenlaw has reported that 42000 of the 200000 jobs is basically a seasonal quirk, that will soon go away, leaving only 158000 as expected. On the 2012 campaign front, the media has predictably turned back to attacking Ron Paul after his strong showing in Iowa, with George Soros-arm Media Matters trying to sink him by associating him with none other than Alex Jones. Before launching a kitchen-sink list of conspiracy theories, Media Matters tabulates that "Paul has appeared on Jones' radio program at least thirteen times since the <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:06
Photos for video Iowa Caucus Reeks of Voting Fraud, Obama Cheered as Dictator & More: Paul Watson Reports
Exclusive: Though the 9/11 attacks occurred more than a decade ago, Congress continues to exploit them to pass evermore draconian laws on "terrorism," with the Senate now empowering the military to arrest people on US soil and hold them without trial, a serious threat to American liberties, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern raymondmcgovern.com Ambiguous but alarming new wording, which is tucked into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and was just passed by the Senate, is reminiscent of the "extraordinary measures" introduced by the Nazis after they took power in 1933. And the relative lack of reaction so far calls to mind the oddly calm indifference with which most Germans watched the erosion of the rights that had been guaranteed by their own Constitution. As one German writer observed, "With sheepish submissiveness we watched it unfold, as if from a box at the theater." The writer was Sebastian Haffner (real name Raimond Pretzel), a young German lawyer worried at what he saw in 1933 in Berlin, but helpless to stop it since, as he put it, the German people "collectively and limply collapsed, yielded and capitulated." "The result of this millionfold nervous breakdown," wrote Haffner at the time, "is the unified nation, ready for anything, that is today the nightmare of the rest of the world." Not a happy analogy. The Senate bill, in effect, revokes an 1878 law known as the Posse Comitatus Act, which banned the Army from domestic law enforcement <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:29
Photos for video Will Lord Obama Send Americans to Gitmo? Ray McGovern Reports 1/2
ORIGINAL WND ARTICLE - Jerome Corsi www.wnd.com See Carl Gallups Ministries for over 300 videos, radio programs, newspaper articles, editorials, a daily devotion, bible studies, games and more! www.carlgallups.com INFORMATION AND INSPIRATION CHANNEL www.carlgallups.com EMAIL us for salvation assistance ppsimmons@live.com HearCarl Gallups LIVE on Freedom Fridays - Every Friday afternoon from 4-6pm CST on 1330 WEBY - streaming live over the net. Broadcasting to four states on the Gulf Coast and to the world by internet. http OR HERE www.carlgallups.com PPSIMMONS GIFT SHOP - Really Great Stuff! Have a LOOK! www.cafepress.com MATERNITY - PROLIFE GIFT SHOP - Unique, Nice! www.cafepress.com THE UNASHAMED PATRIOT GIFT SHOP - The Name says it all! www.cafepress.com THE PATRIOT SHOP www.printfection.com PPSIMMONS GIFT SHOP www.cafepress.com MATERNITY PRO-LIFE GIFT SHOP www.cafepress.com MATERNITY PRO-LIFE GIFT SHOP #2 www.printfection.com Author: ppsimmons Duration: 2:57
Photos for video BREAKING!!! OBAMA'S SSN does not pass an E-VERIFY INVESTIGATION!
Champain Era is a up and coming Artist/Philanthropist/Actor who stared in Vh1's Lets Talk About Pep. Champain Is Laughing at Jay Pharoah a stand up Comedian who has just joined NBC's Saturday Night Live as he Impersonates( Barack Obama, Jay z, 50 Cent, Cassidy and Kat Williams)...CHEERS!!! Author: Champain Era Duration: 2:01
Photos for video Jay Pharoah - " Obama/ Jay z/ 50 cent/ Cassidy/ Kat Williams "