Abby Martin breaks the set about Israel's influence over US policy and similarities between the Democrats and Republicans. LIKE Breaking The Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @ EPISODE BREAKDOWN: Abby Martin breaks the set about conscientious objectors by highlighting the case of Kimberly Rivera and calls out Philippe Reines for admonishing CNN for attempting to question more. She then interviews Phyllis Bennis, Director of the New Internationalism Project at IPS about Israel's influence over US foreign policy and the issue of Palestinian statehood. BTS talks to RT Correspondent, Anastasia Churkina about the UN General Assembly and slew of Islamophobic posters in the NY subway system. Abby wraps up the show by exposing the similarities between the US Democrat and Republican candidates. ABOUT BREAKING THE SET: A brand new show on the RT Network hosted by Abby Martin. There are way too many rules set in society that prop up the establishment -- an establishment that works to divide and conquer the people. 'Breaking the Set' seeks to smash through the Left/Right Paradigm set in the media and political establishment to find the middle ground: the truth. It is a show that cuts through that pre-established narrative which tells the people what to think and what to care about. Tune in from 6-6:30 EST MF on your local cable station OR watch live at OR SUBSCRIBE to the official YouTube channel @ Author: breakingtheset Duration: 28:02
Photos for video [16] Israel: Elect Romney, Obama = Romney, UN General Assembly Distraction? | Breaking The Set
Check out my latest video: Ron Paul is succeeding with his secret plan to gather all his delegates from the caucus states. Because Ron Paul's campaign & supporters are the only ones smart enough to become actual delegates, this will help Ron Paul win the nomination. Also, Mitt Romney gave a speech at CPAC pretending to be a conservative. Register to vote: Find the date of your state's primary/caucus: Become a volunteer: Click on the "Volunteer" tab. Make phone calls: (Note: 90% of the time they won't answer, but it's when they do that makes a HUGE difference in a low-turnout race) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel Maddow on Ron Paul's strategy: CNN Dana Bash worried about Ron Paul: Full Mitt Romney CPAC speech: Ron Paul—War Propaganda: Author: GoldBugShow Duration: 9:06
"We must speak truth to power or die! We must not be afraid to tell the truth even if it means we lose our lives." -Min. Farrakhan at Aug. 13, 2011 rally to against US-NATO military assault on Libya. Read more news coverage @ Author: FCNN Duration: 106:14
Photos for video Farrakhan Full Speech: War on Libya, Africa (Harlem, NY)
Last night the GOP presidential candidates went head to head in a debate. Many of the issues plaguing the US were talked about but one voice emerged over the rest. Ron Paul was given a lot of air-time to make his points which some people have complained about. Is a new era of political thought around the bend? Kristine Frazao is in Iowa to tell us more. Follow Kristine on Twitter at Author: RTAmerica Duration: 3:36
Minister Louis Farrakhan teaches the audience at Mosque Maryam about America's plan for global dominance and how it will lead to the war of Armageddon. This speech was delivered on March 14, 2010 Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 14:57
Photos for video Farrakhan's Warning! The Coming War of Armageddon - America Preparing For Domination
программа народ против(эхо москвы) запись 17.02.2010 . продолжение Леонид Ивашов отвечает на вопросы, связанные с бессрочным предложением Барака Обамы уничтожить все ядерное оружие. Хорошо это для России или плохо? Ивашов Леонид Григорьевич- российский военный и общественный деятель. Генерал-полковник (в запасе с 2001), Президент Академии геополитических проблем, бывший начальник Главного управления международного военного сотрудничества Министерства обороны России (1996—2001). Author: garryk00 Duration: 11:56
Photos for video 3 Мировая Война, будет ли готова Россия? эхо москвы. ч1
The President takes questions from Republican members of the House of Representatives at the GOP House Issues Conference in Baltimore, MD. January 29, 2010. Author: whitehouse Duration: 85:55
Photos for video President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference
Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, January 14, 2010 Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, Obamas appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, outlined a plan for the government to infiltrate conspiracy groups in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks, as well as real meetings, according to a recently uncovered article Sunstein wrote for the Journal of Political Philosophy. As we have often warned, chat rooms, social networks and particularly article comment sections are routinely gamed by trolls, many of whom pose as numerous different people in order to create a fake consensus, who attempt to debunk whatever information is being discussed, no matter how credible and well documented. We have seen this on our own websites for years and although some of those individuals were acting of their own accord, a significant number appeared to be working in shifts, routinely posting the same talking points over and over again. It is a firmly established fact that the military-industrial complex which also owns the corporate media networks in the United States has numerous programs aimed at infiltrating prominent Internet sites and spreading propaganda to counter the truth about the misdeeds of the government and the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2006 CENTCOM, the United States Central Command, announced that a team of employees would be hired to engage bloggers who are posting inaccurate <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 7:40
Photos for video Paul Watson on Alex Jones Tv 2/3: Obama's Info Czar Sets Plan To Infiltrate Truthers & Alex Jones!