LATEST: Ex-CIA officer Kiriakou gets 30-months prison for intel leak A CIA veteran and a man who oversaw the capture of Al-Qaeda's third-in-command has been sentenced for nearly 3 years in jail for leaking classified intelligence. John Kiriakou was the first to blow the whistle on Washington's torture program - later revealing the name of an alleged torturer at Guantanamo Bay. He was convicted on a law which hasn't be used for 27 years. As for the accusations - CIA officer Ray Mcgovern believes them to be political. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 6:07
Photos for video Ex-CIA Officer: Torture great way to get false confessions
Barack Obama, the president of the United States, has taken a public oath of office to begin his second term in office, a day after officially affirming the duties of president in a private White House ceremony. Hundreds of thousands gathered at the National Mall in Washington DC on Monday to witness the president take an oath to "protect and defend" the US constitution. In his second inaugural address, Obama declared that a decade of US wars was ending and that the country's economy was on the road to recovery. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington DC. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 1:52
Photos for video US President Obama sworn in for second term
Alex continues confronting the deluge of anti-gun rights propaganda being spewed forth by mainstream media outlets intent on aiding the destruction of the US Constitution. Alex will also break down the importance of calling for Obama's impeachment and the sounding of the war drums in Africa. [STAND UP FOR YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT WITH THIS POWERFUL T-SHIRT] [New Shirt] Your Price $19.95 [Infowars Magazine for January] GET YOUR COPY TODAY AND SPREAD THE TRUTH!! [FIGHT FLUORIDE with "Clearly Filtered" - NEW ITEM [Strategic Relocation Documentary Film Featuring Joel Skousen] Sale Price $19.95 [COLD & FLU IMMUNE SUPPORT PACK] The Cold & Flu Immune Support Pack from EnerHealth Botanicals is a great selection of herbal tinctures to help maintain and support your body during cold & flu season. Retail Price $99.95 Your Savings $10.00 Your Price $89.95** [START GETTING HEALTHY NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE] Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 21:38
Photos for video Obama Exploits Children to Sell Evil
Alex speaks with Congressman Walter B. Jones, Jr. about H.CON.RES.107 -- a bill that deems the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 23:49
Photos for video Obama Impeachment Bill Goes Viral!
Construction of cable-stayed bridge in Vladivostok - film, January 2012 author film SK Most author film SK Most author film SK Most Author: MadeinGeorgian Duration: 11:59
Photos for video Construction of cable-stayed bridge in Vladivostok - film, January 2012
See Bob Unruh's ( Full Article Here Hear Carl Gallups (narrator every Friday - 1330 WEBY AM - Gulf Coast Talk Radio Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups LIVE STREAM Author: ppsimmons Duration: 2:39
Photos for video BREAKING! NDAA - Rhode Island Rebelling? More States to follow? New American Revolution?
Exclusive: Though the 9/11 attacks occurred more than a decade ago, Congress continues to exploit them to pass evermore draconian laws on "terrorism," with the Senate now empowering the military to arrest people on US soil and hold them without trial, a serious threat to American liberties, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern Ambiguous but alarming new wording, which is tucked into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and was just passed by the Senate, is reminiscent of the "extraordinary measures" introduced by the Nazis after they took power in 1933. And the relative lack of reaction so far calls to mind the oddly calm indifference with which most Germans watched the erosion of the rights that had been guaranteed by their own Constitution. As one German writer observed, "With sheepish submissiveness we watched it unfold, as if from a box at the theater." The writer was Sebastian Haffner (real name Raimond Pretzel), a young German lawyer worried at what he saw in 1933 in Berlin, but helpless to stop it since, as he put it, the German people "collectively and limply collapsed, yielded and capitulated." "The result of this millionfold nervous breakdown," wrote Haffner at the time, "is the unified nation, ready for anything, that is today the nightmare of the rest of the world." Not a happy analogy. The Senate bill, in effect, revokes an 1878 law known as the Posse Comitatus Act, which banned the Army from domestic law enforcement <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:46
Photos for video Will Lord Obama Send Americans to Gitmo? Ray McGovern Reports 2/2
Ron Paul discusses how he feels about a few different subjects involving the internet and governement regulations. Google Ron Paul Tell people to Goole Ron PaulI Together we can make sure everyone hears what he has to say. Its obvious that he speaks the truth, He's not just telling us what we want to hear or what is best for him to say. UNITED WE STAND Author: Jason Botzong Duration: 8:03
Photos for video Kevin Pereira on G4 Interviews Congressman Dr. Ron Paul
"We must speak truth to power or die! We must not be afraid to tell the truth even if it means we lose our lives." -Min. Farrakhan at Aug. 13, 2011 rally to against US-NATO military assault on Libya. Read more news coverage @ Author: FCNN Duration: 106:14
Photos for video Farrakhan Full Speech: War on Libya, Africa (Harlem, NY)
Alan Watt continues to divulge his fascinating in-depth insights into how culture is created from the top down and used by the elite to manipulate and pervert natural human instincts towards their own ends. Every change in culture, right down to fashion and music, points out Watt citing Plato, had to be authorized and promoted from the top. This science of mass mind control is still taught today by the insiders and mediums such as television are used as weapons of social control to prevent humanity from ever realizing its full potential. Watt talks about how the elite technocrats plan for the long term, in 50, 100 and even 150 year cycles in which to implement the different aspects of their agenda, and how each cultural shift was deliberately timed to be implemented at a certain time. The current cultural bombardment surrounds the emergence of neo-eugenics, with big foundations and organizations like the Optimum Population Trust pushing the idea that humans are superfluous, virus-like, and therefore worthless. Watt discusses how sperm counts across Europe and America have dropped at an alarming rate of up to 80 per cent over the past 50 years, and how the media's complete ignorance of this crisis proves that it was authorized as a deliberate program of de-population. Watt traces the program back to its origins in the 1950's, where synthetic female hormones like estrogen were put in baby foods by companies like Proctor and Gamble, as well as baby milk bottles washed with <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:00
Photos for video Alan Watt: The Neo-Eugenics War On Humanity 4/4
Excerpts from highlights of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's world tours. To order the entire DVD, visit or call (866) 602-1230. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 11:00
Photos for video Minister Louis Farrakhan - A World Leader (1 of 2)