Follow Luke @ Glenn Greenwald took time out of his busy day to do a walk and talk interview with Luke Rudkowski. The two discussed the next 4 years with Obama, the lack of criticism of the Obama and journalism tips. To see some of Glenn Greenwald work click here or follow him on twitter here Support us by subscribing here Check out our Merchandise at Become a member of The Sponsor Lounge and get exclusive behind the scenes content while helping us grow! Join us today! http:/// Author: wearechange Duration: 5:04
Photos for video Glenn Greenwald on The Next 4 Years with Obama & Journalism Tips
[Oct 24, 2012] : *Exclusive, found nowhere else; Sobering facts 12 days in advance of November 6 Election of Next USA President ~ ______ *Other VIDEOS at PatmosIsle : - 6- 6- 6- .."guessing-game" ..ENDS HERE ---- [ ID'd ] - End Time America : ---2013, 2014 FOREWARNINGS - "Abomination of Desolation" -- Rehearsals in Jewish Temples [News] - DIVINE Forewarning to Israel - World War 3 and ISRAEL --- how, why, when? :: *Bible Foretells - ISRAEL "Dissolving" Muslim DOME of Rock --- [News] - False Prophet & Mark of Beast --- In Plain View [News] - Sir Isaac Newton ID'd ANTICHRIST - 100% PROOF of Christ's Nearness______ *All PatmosIsle Videos w/ narration, by founder Rob Conrad - ______ "See to it that NO ONE misleads you." / [ Jesus - Matthew 24:4 ] "Have your senses trained to discern good & evil." / [ Hebrews 5:14 ] "....Judge with righteous judgment." / [ Jesus - Gospel John 7:24 ] ______ *FOX News today [Oct 24, 2012] reports : *Overall Romney-Obama Presidential POLLS nearly EVEN, w/ possible slight Romney lead ~ ::::.. Author: PatmosIsle Duration: 11:21
Photos for video 100% PROOF Obama Re-Election Matches spirit of ANTICHRIST
The events on the morning of September 11, 2001, marked the beginning of what would become a decade of war. So many lives lost, millions of dollars squandered and wasted opportunities. Does the US regret its "stupid war"? Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 47:14
Photos for video Empire - 9/12 and the 'war on terror'
Yea, this is my droid army for my 200 sub milestone. Please rate, comment, and PLEASE SUB. And PLEASE sub to these plp. It'll make me, you, and them happy! And this guy cuz he has no subs and I feel bad 4 him. D: Author: tehrulez Duration: 3:20
April 1, 2011 - Min. Farrakhan responded to questions on Libya, Pres. Barack Obama, Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Gadhafi and the controversial book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Interview on WPFW/Pacifica Radio, Washington, DC Author: FCNN Duration: 28:10
Photos for video Farrakhan Questioned on Libya & More: WPFW/Pacifica Radio Interview
After a year, Dave and I decided to make another 10 things you shouldn't say or do to another man video. special thanks to marshella griffin for her help with this one. please go get your cockblocking shirts at Cockblocking shirts David Spates Marshella Griffin Author: johnollie Duration: 3:42
Photos for video John & Dave Presents: 10 Things You Shouldn't Say Or Do #2
Wyclef Jean gettin' Norway Wyclectic! Skip to 1:10 for the hilarious interview with the man himself and his extraordinary performance! His acapella at 6:32 is something else and really makes you think! You better watch Part 2 too: Halfway in it he exceeds all expectations! Author: HiPreb Duration: 8:42
Photos for video Wyclef "Wyclectic" Jean - Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2009 Part 1
Alex also welcomes back to the show Hilmar von Campe, the German WW2 veteran who escaped a POW camp in Yugoslavia. Von Campe lived through the years of Nazi power and brain-washing in Germany as a child and then as a soldier. Von Campe is the author of Defeating the Totalitarian Lie: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:54
Photos for video Hilmer Von Campe Back on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:Nazi Deja Vu in America