Barack Obama, the president of the United States, has taken a public oath of office to begin his second term in office, a day after officially affirming the duties of president in a private White House ceremony. Hundreds of thousands gathered at the National Mall in Washington DC on Monday to witness the president take an oath to "protect and defend" the US constitution. In his second inaugural address, Obama declared that a decade of US wars was ending and that the country's economy was on the road to recovery. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington DC. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 1:52
Photos for video US President Obama sworn in for second term Glenn Beck lays out this vision for how President Obama will foment civil war in America by issuing an executive order outlawing and seizing guns. Author: RWWBlog Duration: 2:02
Photos for video Glenn Beck Sees Civil War Brewing In America
"Well, not everything President Obama and the 112th Congress managed to achieve is so terrible. With scarcely any notice, much less controversy, they did at least preserve one of the country's most important post-9/11 antiterror tools. That would be wiretapping, which you may recall liberals portrayed during the George W. Bush era as an illegal and unconstitutional license for co-President Dick Cheney and his spymasters to bug the bedrooms of all US citizens. But now Washington has renewed the 2008 amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that were due to expire at the end of 2012, with no substantive changes and none of the pseudo-apoplexy that prevailed during the Bush Presidency."* Liberals were furious over warrant-less wiretapping introduced by George W. Bush. Then why is it okay if President Obama supports and implements it? Whose "team" are we all on? Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more from Wall Street Journal: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:31
Photos for video Wiretapping Hypocrisy - It's Okay if Obama Does it?
Депутат Госдумы Евгений Фёдоров рассуждает о том, что для политики США в целом не важно, кто является ее действующим президентом. Обама или Ромни - особой разницы тут нет, так как все они - лишь театральные фигуры в большом мировом представлении. Плейлист "ПравдаБлоги" - Duma deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov says that US policy in general, no matter who is the current president. Obama or Romney - there is not much difference, because all of them - a big figure in the theatrical world view. Playlist "PravdaBlogi" - См. также публикации "Правды.Ру": - Шендерович обвинил госдеп США в идиотизме - - Украина передаст Москве участника заговора против Путина - - Госдеп уполномочен обелить - Наши каналы на YouTube: Русскоязычный - Англоязычный: Женский клуб: Большой Кавказ: Заходите узнать больше: Наша видеотека: Author: pravda Duration: 10:04
Photos for video Евгений Фёдоров: "Президенты США - театральные фигуры"
Modern American Militia Movement: Mission- Militia USA. A video created from other peoples video and audio. I do not own any of this. Its a video to invite more people into the militia and patriot movement. While politics and economics are a large portion of why the patriot movement is so big right now, we should encourage leftist who support the constitution to be prepared for the inevitable civil war comming to this country. Long Live The Republic! Author: MBeaverProductions Duration: 108:02
Photos for video Modern American Militia Movement: Mission- Militia USA.
This is crazy. Watch it maybe? If you like this video, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks :) Like on Facebook for updates! Or if you're a tweeter: SWAG SHIRT | Only 200 available! MORE SHIRTS: Facebook Twitter: MTVACT/MTVPowerof12! ( | Credits: Original Video: Video content from public domain. Audio content is an instrumental beat made by Steve Shane (@steveshane) and Matty Trump (@mattytrump). -- Barack Obama (US President) barack obama Call Me Maybe dub parody singing autotune Carly Rae Jepsen carly rae jepsen baracksdubs Author: baracksdubs Duration: 1:47
Photos for video Barack Obama Singing Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
Following a hugely successful Ron Paul is the Choice of the Troops March on the White House, veterans, active duty, and supporters from all over the country will be marching on the Republican National Convention to coincide with the second ballot. I am a three tour disabled combat veteran of both Iraq and mission now is to serve my country by doing all I can to garner votes for Dr. Paul and spread the message of Liberty. There is no doubt in my mind as to why Dr. Paul receives more campaign donations than all other candidates including Obama COMBINED. Welcome to the Revolution. Author: RWforRP2012 Duration: 6:41
Photos for video 3 Tour Sniper/Paratrooper, Disabled Veteran Endorses Ron Paul, Troops March on RNC
Will Obama pass a bill that allows for the indefinite detention of Americans? Will this bill give any more powers to the government than it already has? Usually, Presidents pass this kind of bill either upon taking up office or when they are on their way out of office, not when they are about to run for re-election and this makes it all the more confusing to me. Possibly, this bill will do little to give the government more power, but will have a major effect on the upcomig elections, whether Obama passes it or vetoes it. Maybe tis is what this is really about? The Bill: Author: thetruthergirls Duration: 8:25
Photos for video NDAA 2012: Obama Insists on Indefinite Detention for Americans. What Is Going On???
A new SRPRI report shows a dramatic increase in defense spending by the United States of America. Cenk Uygur puts that in context of budget cuts. Subscribe: TYT Mobile: On Facebook: On Twitter: FREE Movies(!): Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk's Blog: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:10
Photos for video Report - Crazy US Defense Spending
At the United Nations, Venezuela President Hugo Chavez - along with his translator - tell a Fox News producer how "stupid" his network is. "The stupid people from Fox News -- not you, of course," he says. Author: PoliticsNewsPolitics Duration: 2:50
Photos for video Hugo Chavez: "The Stupid People From Fox News"
John Pilger answers questions during a talk in Melbourne in April 2009. Subjects include: Aboriginal Australia, the Northern Territory Intervention, Barack Obama, Israel/Palestine, Journalism and the Media, the Internet, the Financial Crisis and more... Many thanks to SocialistAlternative who organised the event and provided a platform for Pilger as well as Barbara Shaw to speak. We will be uploading excerpts from Barbara Shaw's talk asap - stay tuned! Venue: University of Melbourne, 09 April, 2009 Filmed & edited by: Sheryl, Felipe & Daniel - PlugInTV ( Author: thejuicemedia Duration: 10:59
Photos for video John Pilger on Obama, Australia, Palestine, the media - Melbourne 2009 (Part 1 of 6)