www.rightwingwatch.org Glenn Beck lays out this vision for how President Obama will foment civil war in America by issuing an executive order outlawing and seizing guns. Author: RWWBlog Duration: 2:02
Photos for video Glenn Beck Sees Civil War Brewing In America
Pressure,Pressure,Pressure.....are you happy???? www.davidicke.com http I Seek Asylum From This World - written and sung by Kelvin Rush Music4YourVids.co.uk Free Music from Music4YourVids.co.uk Author: jay4louise12 Duration: 14:56
Photos for video DAVID ICKE - THIS WORLD IS UTTERLY INSANE!!! (Viewer Discretion Advised)
How long were the lines to vote where you live? We traveled to Cleveland with Andy Cobb, interview the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and found lines that wrapped around the block. But most of all, we learned that suppressed voters are the most fun! Host/Director: Andy Cobb www.twitter.com Written by: (former Ohioan) Andy Cobb and Mike Damanskis Producer and Camera: Mike Damanskis Dancing Guy With Dollar Sign Chains: Vision Von (as D'Coodie Bop) www.visionvonent.com (c)2012 TheSecond City Inc. Andy Cobb The Second City Network is quickly becoming one of the hottest channels on YouTube. Our work has been featured on Tosh.0 on Comedy Central, G4's Attack of the Show, Inside Edition, NPR, MSNBC, CNN and more! Many of today's biggest names got their start at The Second City main stages -including Tina Fey of 30 Rock, Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report, and Steve Carell of The Office. Do you want to be a better comedy writer, actor, and improviser? Then sign up to take a class at one of our training centers! Chicago: www.secondcity.com Hollywood: www.secondcity.com Toronto: www.secondcity.com Study comedy for college credit at Second City: www.comedystudies.com Watch videos created by our current students: www.youtube.com Category: Comedy License: Standard YouTube License Author: TheSecondCityNetwork Duration: 4:54
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama hang in the green room after the third and final debate. Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: full.sc Watch Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 1235/11:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: Twitter.com Like Jimmy: Facebook.com Get more Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: LateNightWithJimmyFallon.com Follow Late Night: Twitter.com Like Late Night: Facebook.com Late Night Tumblr: LateNightJimmy.tumblr.com Full Episodes: full.sc Get more NBC: Full Episodes: NBC.com NBC YouTube: full.sc Follow NBC: Twitter.com Like NBC: Facebook.com NBC Pinterest: Pinterest.com NBC Tumblr: NBCtv.tumblr.com Romney & Obama's Post-Debate Hang Session (10/23/12) www.youtube.com Author: latenight Duration: 4:18
Photos for video Romney & Obama's Post-Debate Hang Session (Jimmy Fallon)
This girl can really rock! Captivating gamers and YouTube fanatics alike, Lindsey Stirling takes us through her journey from struggling artist to youtube sensation! Lindsey combines classical violin with dance and dub step. Watch her incredible story to see how she became the hit she is today with millions of video views and a huge base of loyal fans. TO WIN CONCERT TICKETS AND A MEET & GREET WITH LINDSEY STIRLING follow the rules below! SUBSCRIBE to our channel, COMMENT on the video with the city you live in and your favorite Lindsey Stirling song! The concert will be in Los Angeles, CA (The Roxy Theatre, 9009 West Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood) Showtime is at 7:00 PM on November 26th 2012! Transportation will NOT be included. All ages venue. Winner will be announced Monday 10/29! Subscribe to The Stylish: Website: thestylish.com Facebook facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Google+: bit.ly Pinterest: pinterest.com Tumblr: the-stylish.tumblr.com Lindsey Stirling http (Official YouTube Channel) lindseystirlingviolin.com (Official Website) http (Official Stirlingite) Apart we're fashionable. Together we're The Stylish. Join the best dressed social network. The Stylish is a premiere YouTube channel owned by Magical Elves, the producers behind Project Runway and Top Chef. It is the leading online source for fashion, beauty and personal style videos and is affiliated with InStyle Magazine. Author: thestylishvids Duration: 5:23
Abby Martin breaks the set about the UN General Assembly, Israel war mongering and Obama's war on whistleblowers. LIKE Breaking The Set @ fb.me FOLLOW Abby Martin @ twitter.com ABOUT BREAKING THE SET: A brand new show on the RT Network hosted by Abby Martin. There are way too many rules set in society that prop up the establishment -- an establishment that works to divide and conquer the people. 'Breaking the Set' seeks to smash through the Left/Right Paradigm set in the media and political establishment to find the middle ground: the truth. It is a show that cuts through that pre-established narrative which tells the people what to think and what to care about. Tune in from 6-6:30 EST MF on your local cable station OR watch live at www.RT.com OR SUBSCRIBE to the official YouTube channel @ www.youtube.com EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks about the UNGA with RT Correspondent, Anastasia Churkina, Highlights Jeff Halper as today's hero for standing up Palestinians against home demolitions by Israeli settlers, and calls our Israeli lobbyist Patrick Clawson for war mongering against Iran. Abby talks to Wikileaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson about the case of Julian Assange. Abby wraps up the show by breaking down Obama's war on whistleblowers. Author: breakingtheset Duration: 27:51
Photos for video [19] Israel Lobby: Attack Iran, Obama War on Whistleblowers | Breaking The Set
Russia Reportedly Preparing 2 Divisions, Spetsnaz Brigade for Deployment to Syria; Mini-Goebbels Ben Rhodes of Obama White House Runs Colossal Black Propaganda Op to Assist NATO Coup; Massacre of Alawites and Christians Looms; Cass Sunstein Destabilizes Vatican to Muzzle Protest . Read more at tarpley.net Author: LudwigNosen Duration: 5:09
Photos for video Power Confrontation Looms: State Dept Predicts Syrian "New Massacres;" NATO Plans Bombing Campaign
*Via Raw Story. "President Barack Obama on Thursday blasted GOP hopeful Mitt Romney for offering a "cowpie of distortion" with his claim that a "prairie fire of debt" was consuming the nation." Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Michael Shure discuss. Source: www.rawstory.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: twitter.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:01
Photos for video Obama Says Romney's Full Of "Cowpies"
DaLaughingBarrel.com - More Funny Videos, And Comedy Daily. Jay Pharoah impression of first take espn stephen / steven a smith for Saturday Night Live. Author: MrsParkerWasHere Duration: 4:03
Photos for video SNL: @JayPharoah Impersonates ESPN's @StephenASmith. - DaLaughingBarrel.Com
The Obama administration has the worst track record when it comes to prosecuting whistleblowers. Obama once claimed he'd work hard to have a transparent government, but many have faced retaliation for revealing controversial government information. Sibel Edmonds, who is a whistleblower, waited 340 days for FBI clearance of her memoir but finally released it on her own. Edmonds, founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, joins us for more. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 10:26
Photos for video Sibel Edmonds: US government needs to keep the fear factor alive
In a rare public appearance, The Obama Administration's Information Czar Cass Sunstein gave a lecture at the NYU Law School in NYC yesterday, prompting Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange to attend. Watch as Luke confronts Sunstein multiple times on an academic paper he co-authored back in 2008 entitled "Conspiracy Theories" in which he called for cognitive infiltration of conspiracy groups by the government. You can download the paper for free here: ssrn.com SALON article that appears in video: www.salon.com *UPDATE* Infowars Article on Confrontation: www.infowars.com twitter.com http;//wearechange.org Author: wearechange Duration: 4:01
Photos for video Obama Information Czar Cass Sunstein Confronted on Cognitive Infiltration of Conspiracy Groups
Бензин 4 копейки за литр! Создали установку в России, в Томске. Различный мусор, типа окурков, бумаги окисляют, получая бензин. Изобретатели сами ездят на этом бензине, говорят, больше не заправляются на бензоколонках... Author: skoroRAsvet Duration: 18:29
Photos for video Жесть! 1 литр бензина за 4 копейки!
An animated political illustration decrying the sordid actions of our president, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, and his wife Michelle Hussein Obama. Audio is the US national anthem as performed by James Brown. If you are an accredited news agency such as FOX News, CNN, Daily Mail, Colbert Report, or the Onion and would like to employ my hard-hitting and award-winning talents, please contact me through this youtube account. Author: Everdraed Duration: 0:36
Photos for video Hard-Hitting Political Satire: Obama's America